Our 2nd life!

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* Morgan's POV*
We are in the front row.
The last song was going to be preformed by O2L!
Omg I love this group.
The song was 'O2L' @ top video.
I loved this song.
I made Cat listen to it so much that she knew the song by heart.
She liked JC.
I like JC and Sam and oh who am I kidding I love em all lol.
The song started. We were singing along with them.
Cat is good at singing but I'm ok but not as good as her.
This psych girl got on stage.
And was about to tackle Sam.
But Nash and Cameron ran out and blocked her.
At this point every one was quite well except for the girl that was being pulled off the stage.
After that ever thing went back to normal.
The guys sung and sung.
I swear that Sam was looking at me but that was not what he was doing I bet.
The song ended to quickly for my Likening only because I was having fun.
Cat was walking over to my brother they kissed.
I saw Sam he was looking right at me.
I looked be hind me.
No one was there.
I turned around to look at him again.
He smiled.
Then he started to walk over to where I was.
He was right in front of me!
I looked behind me again confused is he talking to me?
I heard him laugh.
'Yes I'm talking to you cutie'
I looked at him and blushed.
' and she has dimples too I see.' He said.
' what's ur name Beautiful?'
' I'm Morgan..'
'Well hi Morgan nice to meet u.'
'It's nice to meet u to Sam.'
"Did u see that girl almost attack me?"
"Yeah it scared me I thought she was gonna tackle u."
" same here lol but then Cameron and Nash stopped her."
" yeah the r the best bodyguards lol."
" oh so u know them?"
" yeah I came here with them and my brother."
He looked at me with a puzzled look one his face.
"I'm Shawn Mendes's sister."
" oh okay that makes more sense."
" yeah sorry I didn't tell u my last name lol"
" oh it's fine Morgan."
I just smiled.
I felt a presence behind me.
I turned around it was JC.
Omg if I die today at least I will die happy I thought to myself.
"Hi" he said to me.
"Hi" I said back.
Sam walked over and stood next to him.
They were just looking at me...
JC nudged Sam.
"This is our girl."
"Huh?" I asked.
Next thing I knew is I was being carried by JC.
"Don't hurt me"I whispered in his ear.
"We're not gonna hurt you I promise."
"Yeah trust me u'll have a lot of fun with us" Sam said.
We were at the door of their tour buss.
He put me down.
I just stood their looking at his face.
He then blushed.
Which made me giggle.
Sam walked in without a word.
JC held out a hand for me.
We went into the buss he closed the door.
You could tell there was just boys in this buss.
Not Only because it was all boy ish it's because messy compared to ours but that was because I was in there.
I started to pick up the stuff.
Sam just looked at me and laughed.
"What your not gonna help me?"
He stopped laughing.
Then they walked over to me and helped me sort who's was who's.
"You do know it's just gonna be dirty as soon as the other guys walk in right?"
"Not with me in here it's not I've handled 9 boys for 2 weeks,to this day the r still cleaning lol."
They both laughed.
Sam's phone went off playing one of his songs 'when she calls'.
I love that song.
Wait I love a lot of songs lol.
I didn't realize that I was staring at Sam.
I turned back around.
And mentally face palmed my face.
This buss looked a lot better.
My phone the went off.
It was a text from and unknown number.
where r u?
Who is this I got to go bye.
Also how did u get my number?
(End of texts)
I put my iPhone in my back in my back pocket.
I went and sat on the counter.
"You do know there is a perfectly good couch right?"
"Yeah I'm not blind I just like to be taller than a lot of people."
JC walked over and got on the counter.
"Your a butt face!"
"I know"he said with a grin.
Then the door flew open and a bunch of boys came flying in.
The drooped their stuff by the door.
Ugh bad boys!
I whistled loudly.
They all turned to face me.
"Pick it up!"
They didn't budge.
Now they moved.
They put the stuff away.
"Damn can we keep u?" Sam asked.
I just laughed.
They all came back in the kitchen.
Looking at me confused.
"Hi" I said cutely.
"Yo JC who is the girl?"
" I'm Morgan."
My phone started ringing singing 'do u need me do u think I'm pretty'
Before I could answer it.
It was my mom.
I walked in the other room closing the door.
*JC's POV*
Morgan got them boys to listen wow.
Not even their moms can do that.
We are holding her captive till the end of the tour.
Then we have to give her back.
Her brother knows us so he probably knows we have her but we already left so we have her.
"She is going to be our u girl" I explained.
"Oh that explains why there was a pretty girl sitting on our counter." Connor said.
"That was funny she can make u guys straighten up haha"I laughed.
Morgan came out with earbuds in.
She climbed on the counter and sat behind me.
I was standing in front of her.
She took off my hat.
I looked up at her.
She had it on backwards.
She looked adorable.
She smiled at me and ruffled my hair.
Her nails felt good.
The only one left in here was Connor and he was playing on his phone.
Her nails rubbed my head again.
I heard her giggle.
I looked up at her again.
She leaned her head down and kissed my forehead.
I can't fall for her she is dating Hayes.
That's good I'm glad she is at least dating one of her brother's friends and not someone else.
Kian walked over to us.
He moved me out of the way and picked Morgan up like she was a little kid.
Him and Ricky are the tallest.
He carried her into the
'living room' and sat on the couch.
She climbed onto the top of the couch to save some room on the couch for people.
Everyone else came running in and piled on the couch I sat in the other beanbag that wasn't taken.
Ricky put in a movie.
It was his pick tonight.
*Morgans POV *
I was sitting on the top of the couch and Ricky had just put in an movie.
After the previews it showed what movie it was.
The movie was 'IT' man if the guys only knew how afraid I was of clowns.
It's cold in here and I'm never cold so this just proves my point!
I climbed down back onto Kian's lap.
I crawled out of the room to the bathroom.
I sat in there on the sink.
I flushed the toilet to make them think that I wasn't hiding but I was.
I walked out.
"BOO!" The guys yelled.
"AHHHH" I screamed so loud people sleeping in China could hear me.
All of them were laughing.
I ran back into the bathroom and locked the door sitting on the floor crying.
I heard a small knock on the door.
"Morgan are u okay?"
"I'm sorry."
I heard whoever shuffle away.
After a little bit Kian came to the door again.
"Morgan dinner is done."
"I'm not hungry go away."
"It's in the kitchen if u want it."
Like ten minutes later someone else came to the door.
"Morgan I have to pee u need to unlock the door."
"Pee out the window."
It was 1:00 in the morning.
Someone walked into the door and huffed.
I laughed.
"She lives!"
"What is my pain funny to u Morgan?"
I recognized the voice it was Sam.
"Just a little"I said standing up and brushing myself off.
"Morgan will u please just open the door so I know ur okay and not hurt or anything?"
"I don't know."
"Pleas Morgan?"
I could hear the worry in his voice.
I unlocked the door.
I slowly opened it.
I saw Sam smile.
He had a red mark on his forehead from where he hit the door.
He looked at my face.
He walked closer I stepped back.
He closed the door.
He reached into the closet behind where the door was blocking.
He grabbed a wash cloth.
He put water on it.
"Come here."
I walked up to him,he washed my face off from where I had make up.
Come on let's go get u some clothes to ware to bed.
He went to his bed and got a pair of black sweatpants and a blue shirt.
I left to go change.
The sweatpants were a little big but it's okay because I usually don't sleep with them on.
I usually ether no pants at all or booty shorts the shirt was long enough to cover my butt so I'm fine.
I walked out into the living room.
Sam made the couch and was now in bed as far as I know.
I look off the pants and put my clothes under the coffee table. I sat on the couch with my legs crossed and the shirt over em.
I had my phone on my lap on the shirt.
Sam came out and sat next to me.
"We're the pants to big or uncomfortable?"
"Big, but I usually don't sleep with pants on sometimes I ware booty shorts"I said.
"Oh okay u should  have said something"he said with a smile.
He stood up and took the sweatpants with him.
Hour later he came back in the sweatpants.
He took a shower.
He smelled good.
I could smell his cologne from a cross the room.
He had a fluffy blanket in his arm.
He sat on the other side of the couch.
I was wanting to cuddle up with someone.
My bare legs were freezing.
I got up and shuffled my feet.
I literally was like running.
I went over to Sam snatched the blanket off of him and slid into the kitchen.
And hid the corner and put the blanket over me warming up from where his body was putting off heat into the blanket.
I got picked up and walked to the couch.
Sam sat down putting my in between his legs my back was against his chest.
He pulled the blanket off me.
"Hey I was using that!"
I whisper screamed.
"Well I was using it first."
I got up and walked to JC's bed only reason I knew is because his beanie was hanging on by a limb on his bead.
I took his blanket.
I ran into the living room and back to the position I was in before I got up to take his blanket.
Sam laughed at me.
"You look like a little kid who just took a cookie they weren't supposed to."
Sam said while I got all tucked in to the blanket and his chest.
Next thing we head was a thud and huffing.
In came a sleepy JC.
Sam chuckled to him self.
JC was just waking up.
He rubbed his eyes yawned and stretched.
Then he looked at me.
"That's my blanket."
"And this is me using ur blanket I took"I said with a amused grin.
He came over and lifted the blanket and laid on top of me then covered up.
I was just laughing.
So was Sam.
Then out came Kian.
"Uh oh" JC said.
"What" I whispered in his ear.
"You woke up one of the bossy boys."
Kian just came over and climbed up on the top of the couch and fell back asleep.
"Wow he didn't yell" JC said then Kian slapped him on the back of the head.
"I heard that JC."
I was giggling.
Then one by one every one else came out.
Ricky ended up falling asleep on the coffee table a coaster on his forehead that will be a funny mark in the morning to see and Conner fell asleep on the right arm rest.
Trevor fell asleep on the beanbags and Ricardo fell asleep on both of the leg rests.
I was now warm and tired so goodnight!

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