he took my phone!

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*Morgans POV*
Do it's been two days since I was over at Austin's.
I am now heading over to my beautiful bestie's house.
*In Allies living room*
I was talking to Allie in I heard a bunch of foot steps coming down the stairs.
Oh yeah I forgot Allie's bro is home.
"Hey Allie!"
"Hi Lukey"
"Ugh hi..."
"Oh yeah hey Morgan!"
There was a tan boy behind Luke.
He was on his phone not watching where he was going and he ran right into Luke.
I started to giggle.
Getting a glare and then a smile from the tan boy.
"Really Calum?"
Then there was a taller boy with purple colored hair and a decent sized boy with curly hair that walked out talking to each other.
Calum went over to Allie and sat on her lap.
"Haha Calum there is a seat in between us u know that right?"
"Yep" he said with a wide grin.
I was playing with my lip ring when the guy with the purple hair plopped down in between me and Allie.
The other boy sat on the arm of the arm of the couch on my left.
He is like always smiling.
"Hi I'm Ashton."
"Hi I'm Morgan"
"I'm Michael"
"Hi" I said with a small smile.
He returned the smile.
I scooted closer to Michael and crossed my left leg over my right leg.
I then patted the seat next to me on the couch.
I know that arm of the couch isn't comfy on ur bum I've sat in it before.
He slid down beside me.
I leg slipped out of my grip and my leg fell onto Ashton's lap.
"Sorry" I said picking my leg back up and putting it on the other leg again.
"It's fine"he said with a smile.
aww u could see his dimples .
I ran my fingers through my blue hair.
"I like that color where did u get it at."
"I'm not sure but I have some more if u want it."
"You don't have to do that."
"It's fine I have the rest of this bottle" I explained.
"Oh ok.."
"I'll be right back" I said getting up and going into the kitchen.
I grabbed a monster and took a sip.
Allie came in and took my Monster.
"Hey that's mine."
I just want a sip."
"Fine" I said taking her slushy that I went and got her.
I took a sip of it.
"You know Ash took a drying of that right."
"And I liked that can and ur drinking from it."
"That's different were basically sisters!"
"Why r u still drinking from my slushy with ash's saliva on it"
"Why r u drinking from a can that I licked?"
"Lol were even."
My phone started to go off.
I was patting my butt pocket's for my phone I couldn't fine it.
I then heard Michael talking to someone.
I ran in there with the slushy.
Slushy Ashton said taking it from my hand and taking a gulp from it.
"I drank out of that..."
"I drank out of it first" he said laughing.
I heard Allie giggle from the kitchen.
"Shut up Allie cat."
"Make me M&M"
Yes we call each other most of the time by our nicknames.
"I would but Michael has my phone" I said reaching for my phone.
"Shh I'm talking to ur mom.."
"Michael! Give me my phone!"
"Be quiet she has a headache!"
"Ugh" I huffed and stomped back to the kitchen."
"Yeah good luck with getting you phone back from Mikey."
"Thanks" I snapped back.
Ashton walked in.
"What's up Ash?"
"Nothing Michael left and went outside."
"With my phone?"
"Yep,I'm bored what r u two up to"
"Not much"Allie blurted out.
"Oh yeah I forgot to tell ya your mom said u could spend the night with Allie"
"Wow how did that happen?"
"Well I told Michael to ask ur mom if u could."
"Thanks"i said going over to him a hugging him.
He hugs tight.
Allie walked over and separated us and then she hugged him.
I walked past them after grabbing MY Monster.
Then I plopped down on the couch taking a sip of my drink.
Dang what did Allie put in this?!
Michael walked in plopped down next to me.
He got in his pocket and handed me my phone.
I turned it on and looked at the screen savor for the lock screen.
It was me and Ashton hugging.
I unlocked my phone and looked at the other wall paper it was him @top pic.
I looked at him he smiled.
I went to my camera.
"Michael did u go to my house?!"
"Yep ur mom gave me a cookie."
"She gave u a cookie,she never shares her cookies!"
He reached over to the coffee table.
"I brought you one."
I took the cookie.
"Haha is it that good."
He took my monster and was about to take a sip.
"Allie put something in that"
"I know I can smell it."
He then proceeded to take a drink.
"That's why ur so hyped up."
"Im gonna go grab a coke and dump this out..."
"Will u get me one pleas."
"Nope..."he said extending a hand for me to grab.
We walked into the kitchen and he grabbed a coke and then sat next to Ashton on the bar stools.
I stood in the middle of the guys.
Allie was right a crossed from me.
"How about we play a game of Truth or Dare" Michael asked.
"NO I hate that game"me and Ashton said at the same time.
"Pinch poke u owe me a coke1,2..."
I went and grabbed him a coke out of the fridge.
"Pleas" Allie and Michael said in unison.
"Stubborn!"Allie yelled.
Ashton was just sitting on the stool smiling and drinking his pop.
Then Luke and Calum came in.
"Okay let's play."
There wasn't enough room for me and Allie to Have r own seat so we had to sit on one of the boy's lap.
I sat on Ashton's lap.
Allie sat on Calum's lap of course.
she thinks that I don't know that she has a thing for him but I do.
"Morgan I dare u to kiss Luke" Allie said.
It feels funny when u kiss someone els who has a lip ring too.
"Okay Allie I dare u to kiss Calum on the lips."

They both blushed and then kissed.
It was short but cute.
"Hey Ash I dare u to go jump in the pool"
I got off his lap he went and ran Outside and jumped into the pool.
Why he came out of the pool his clothes were clinging to him like he was a magnet.
He took off his shirt and shook his hair.
"That pool is freezing cold!"

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