Baby girl...

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*Hayes POV*
"Morgan please just open the door."
"I don't want u to starve."
"R u asleep."
I ran down stairs out side and over to her side of the house.
I climbed the huge tree.
To her window.
I opened it with ease.
I climbed in her room was super clean.
No wonder she didn't answer me she left threw the window.
I closed the window and sat on her bed.
I turned on the tv.
It was some news about a new uprising pop star.
I kept watching,
They showed the concert I couldn't believe my eyes.
Morgan is a new pop star?!
(TV)She was singing her very first song(birthday).
Omg why didn't she tell me.
Oh that's right she ran out of the room before I could even talk to her.
Oh okay I see how he plays the game.
I turned off the tv.
I walked over to her dresser.
Where I had my clothes that were now clean thanks to my baby girl.
I went and took a shower and put on my clothes.
I was laying on her bed on my stomach playing on my phone.
I had head phones on.
I felt arms wrap around me.
I tuned over to see Morgan.
She went to the store and got food.
Good I thought she was gonna try and go without food.
I picked her up and she wrapped her long legs around me.
I spun us around she giggled into my neck.
I put her down and helped her put away the food.
For a small mini fridge that thing can hold a lot of food.
"You have a big tree house outside, why don't u decorate it?"
"Idk I never really knew how to decorate it"she said back.
" well I'd put a bunch of those glow in the dark stickers in it and blankets and you could sleep out there it's like sleeping under the stars under the stars!"
" that would be a good date Hayes."
"Well do u wanna go on a date just the two of us tonight baby girl?"
"Yeah but I don't have any stars."
"Honey ur are the stars to me."
" AWW!"
"I love u to Morgan."
She walked over to me and acted like she was gonna kiss me.
"Your a tease!"
"I know" she said all sweetly.
We took the blankets off her bed and I fixed up the tree house it looked so awesome.
Our first date.
She is taking a shower.
I snuck into Shawn's room and took all my stuff and snuck back without them knowing.
I came back into the room and put my stuff down and I locked the door back.
The window was closed and the blinds were too for when she came out to get dressed.
Ten minutes later
She came out in lace bra and pantie set.
I was just staring at her ass.
I walked over to her and kissed her passionately.
She pulled back.
" down boy make out session during the date."
I pouted.
She unlatched her bra in the front.
I just looked at her.
She had a big smirk on her face.
Damn baby girl they way u make me feel.
She put them back up.
She put on some shorts and a crop top.
The outfit looked so good on her.
She took some pajamas out there.
I followed her and closed her window.
I locked the door of the tree house.
I can stand in here that's how big this thing is.
Like I said it's a big tree.
She closed the window because the night air is super cold tonight.
She shut the door and put a bag of sand in front of it.
I sat down in the bean bag
She came over to me and sat on my lap.
*Morgan's POV*
I got back from the store and I saw Hayes laying on his stomach he had just taken a shower and was now dressed and was listening music.
I walked over to him and hugged him.
He got up and started to help me put the stuff away.
He kept kissing me passionately.
"You have a treehouse outside,why don't u decorate it."
"Because I don't know how to decorate it."
"I would put flown in the dark stickers and blankets in there it would be like sleeping under under the stars."
"That would be a great date Hayes."
"Then would u like to go on a date with me?"
"Yes but I have no glow in the dark stars."
"Honey u are the stars to me."
"I love u to."
I walked over to him and acted like I was gonna kiss him.
"Your a tease."
"I know" I said all sweetly.
We took the blankets off my bed and set up the tree house.
I felt nasty so I went and took a shower.
Ten minutes later I came out in a bra and underwear set the bra was strapless and they were both lacy.
Hayes was starting at my ass the whole time.
He kissed me passionately.
"Down boy save the make out session for the date."
He pouted.
The bra was falling I had to fix it any way to I unlatched it and flashed him my chest he was happy.
But when I put them up he looked sad.
Haha oh well he can wait lol.
I put on a crop top and some shorts.
I then walked over to the other dresser and grabbed som pj's.
The night air was cold✨✨✨.
We got into the treehouse and I put a heavy sand bag and a door stop in the door.
He got comfy in the bean bag chair and I went over and sat on his lap.
We sat there cuddling till my phone my phone started to go off.
M&M-yes bubba?
Bubba-where r u,and Hayes?!
M&M-yeah like I'm gonna tell u where r u at Bubba?
Bubba-that doesn't matter where r u and Hayes?!
M&M-that doesn't matter,
now bye have a goodnight.
Bubba- just be safe and if he lays a and on u...
M&M-ugh goodnight Mendes!
Bubba-goodnight Adeline!
M&M-God don't call me that!
Bubba- God didn't,I did.
M&M-just shut up and good night.
Bubba-goodnight Hayes.
[End of texts]
"He is in ur room."
"Oh I know I thought I locked the door."
"You did and I checked."
"Your so weird Hayes."
"But u love this weirdo."
"Yes,yes I do"I said pecking his lips.
"So what do u wanna do"is what I said before I thought about it.
"Well you know that answer but it's to early for that..."
I slapped his chest.
"Is what ur going to be yelling later."
"You nasty!"
"But u love me,so I can't be that nasty."
"I don't know..."
He smirked and then started to tickle me.
*2Hours later.*
We were making out.
It got really cold.
I literally and my PJS on over my clothes.
I started playing with the string on his hoodie.
My eye lids got heavy and even heavier by the minute.
Hayes kissed my four head and I fell asleep in a ball on his lap under the blankets.
While I was sleeping I had a fudged up dream.
It was like what happened tonight,But then here came the fudged up part.
Hayes was not Hayes it was his body but my brothers face and when we stopped kissing I saw his face and got freaked out.
I woke up breathing hard and shaking.
Hayes woke rocking me in his arms kissing down my neck to try and calm me down.
Little does he know that it just makes me note bouncy.
"I love u Hayes but.."

I'm so sorry I haven't updated recently I just got moved in and I've been busy with my other new book not just neighbors!:)
Omg I love u all so much!
Nice cliffhanger right?
No don't worry it will be okay I promise lol!:;))

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