Story tiiimeeee

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So story time this episode:

Horror Nights

The story begins NOW!

Okay so I went to the Halloween Horror Nights with some of my friends and my mom since all three of my friends were terrified. When we got to the house there was a really cute guy he had braces but he looked so cute!

Okay when we entered there was a part where white lights were flashing on and off, it got my head to zone out so I don't remember ANYTHING, when I tell you ANYTHING I mean anything. When we got out my friend Yssabella told me that I was clinging on to guy which I figured out his name was Adrain.

Time passes and we go to another house which was part two, Adrain was still in front of us and was still holding on to my hand. THE SECOND PART WAS FULL OF CLOWNS!!! I'm not even joking clowns every where!!

There was this clown holding a foot and he came up to me, and my friends were already ahead of us so they left me with Adrian. The clown came up to me and I was closing my eyes really tight, he put his hand on the wall (the clown) and looked at my eyes.

And said.

"You your the girl of my dreams. Why did you leave? We could have been together forever!! I could do so much things for you my dear."


Adrain got in front and pulled me along with him. Yeaaahhh that's it. But wait,

Me and Adrain kinda got separated so when me and my friends got to the last ride I see him, he was alone since I guess he was third wheeling, we were going on next as his cart came close to the entrance he effing smiled but got pulled back, his cart came up and winked at me and pulled again.

Soon enough his ride ended and he came up to me and gave me his number. I took it me being the nice person as he grabbed my hands again and looked at me before he kissed my cheek and he ran off.




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