Could've been me

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I changed my name to 'LADY_ALRIGHT', Okay?

And David on the media box.
Now to the story!

Instagram: lady_alright

Elsa's POV

"Yeah... Its that near? Cool... No, never mind since now I know its that near I can just walk... Love you too." I ended the call from dad as I got my stuff from my locker and immedietly went out of the school building heading to my new home.

It was dawn when I arrived at the address my dad texted me and my eyes widen at the sight of the amazing building. Its a house that screams 'RICH', it was a 2 story building made out of cement with greyish walls and an angel fountain on the middle of the front garden which had apple trees surrounding it.

I gulped as I opened the wooden door using the keys my dad gave me from my step mom. As I opened it, the clean and comfy living room greeted me with welcome.

"Hey! How did you get in?!" I heard a voice yell from above the indoor balcony which was connected to the stairs clearly leading up to the bedrooms.

I looked up and was face to face with a silvery white haired guy.


"Jack? What are you doing here?" I asked completely confused of his presence.

"Jack? How do you know my little brother?" He replied crossing his arms in front of me "Wait, did he invite you here? Since you're wearing the university clothes and all... Study buddy?" He asked making my tongue tied since he was so fast at talking.

I just shook my head in response as I was still looking at him trying to figure out why he resembled Jack a bit.

"Girlfriend? He must've given up on that girl he's been high on since kindergarten. What's your name?" He questioned again making me gather and process all his question at once since his waiting for my response.

I inhaled a deep sigh and said, "First of all, can you slow down a bit on those question of yours? And second, I am not Jack's girlfriend. And last but not the least, third..." I paused trying to catch my breath "I'm Eliza Marie O. Winters, Elsa for short. But I think my mother's side of my name will change since my dad will remarry."

"Elsa? Wait, you're the girl Jack has been hi-"

"David! Are chickening out on the game since you're taking so long?" Another guy steps in behind him who is very familiar.

"Jack?" I ask.

"Elsa!!! W-What are you
d-doing here? I mean..." He paused clearly trying to gather the right words "Uh, Hey, Elsa. Um.. Whats up?!"

I rolled my eyes since both of them clearly were related since they ask too many questions without giving me a chance to answer the first.

"For your first question, I'm here because I live here now. And for the second one, I'm cool." I replied giving them a thumbs up.

"Wait, you're our new sis?" The guy who clearly was named David asked.

"You're my new brothers?!" I asked alarmed at the fact of living with boys. Which I thought I was a only going to have to live with a boy not with boy-sss.

"Guess so... WAIT WHAT?!!" Jack exclaimed eyes wide.


My phone vibrated means someone's calling. I looked at the caller ID and it was my dad. I immedietly answered.

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