Chapter 10 - Save Me

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"So.. You're leaving to New York?" Mumbles Brianna.
Zoe puts a box down, "Yep.."
"I never thought you'd end up.. Leaving" I sit down on a box.
She packs stuff into another box, "Me neither.."
"We'll still keep in contact, right?" Says Jay.
"Yeah, facetime every night" Zoe laughs.
Zoe turns over to Kenzie who she had only known for a short time, but which felt like forever, "Kenzie.. I don't even know where to begin"
Kenzie forces a laugh, "We've only known each other for a few days.. But I really connected"
"Me too" Zoe smiles and hugs her.
Jay tries to stop herself from crying, a friend that we've known.. Forever, is leaving us.
"Zoe! Come down here! We're leaving for the airport" Yells her dad from downstairs.
Zoe grabs her luggage and runs down stairs, the rest of us trailing behind her.
"So this is it? You just.. Go?" Brianna mumbles.
"I guess.."
We hug Zoe, she then walks out the door and gets in her van, they drive down the street.
"Wow.. It was all so sudden" I say.
We decided to go home, it was already seven o'clock.
The next day..

I meet Jason at the park.
"Well, I heard Zoe left last night"
"Yeah.. Such a shame, she was a good friend"
I get the feeling that we're being followed, I decide to sit on a rock, the feeling remains.
Jason gets a text, as he reads it he groans, "Your 'family' is coming over to my house tonight for dinner"
"And Sydney's going to be there"
I decide to go and spend the day with Kenzie at the beach.

"Oh my god! It's so good to have you back" I throw a rock in the ocean.
"It feels good to be back" Kenzie laughs, "I just.. Wish Justin would..."
"Like you?" I ask.
"Yea well.. Boys come and go"
"But Justin isn't gone, he's just with a skank"
I notice Kylie walk down the path in a mini skirt which I try my best not to notice and a crop top that stops at her belly button, I don't know how girls can wear that stuff.
"Uh, yeah I think 'skank' describes her" I say.
Kenzie laughs, but her laughs fades as she sees Justin behind a tree stalking us?
She stands up and grabs her bag.
"What's wrong Kenzie?"
"Justin's watching us.."
I turn around, Justin immediately turns around and walks the other direction, Kenzie and I nod at each other and decide to follow him.

"Remind me why we're following him again" I say.
"So we can finally see what he's up to"
"Ugh, I don't want to"
"Fine! Text me later, I'll tell you what I saw"
"Kay, Kenzie" I walk in the opposite direction.
Kenzie follows Justin to a house which happened to be Kylie's, she waits for him to walk in.
She peeks through the window and watches.

"Hey baby" Kylie hugs Justin.
"Did you find anything out about Skyler?"
"Skyler.. Skyler Hartley?"
"You don't know her?!" Justin stands up.
"N-no.. I'm sorry babe, I'll find out everything today"
"You better"
There was silence for a few moments.
"Justin.. What if she doesn't trust me? Or like me?"
"She better.."
"Okay, I'll see you later" She kisses him and walks out.
Kenzie's heart beats fast, she runs away and texts me at the same time.
'Don't trust Kylie! They're out to find stuff about you, from what I saw it doesn't look good'
Kenzie runs to the cafe and sits with me, she explains everything.
"They're out to kill you!" She yells.
"Hm? I can't picture Justin and Kylie in a gang attempting to kill me.."
"Well they're out to kill someone"
"Yea yea"
We walk to Jay's house.

"Please, don't kill me" Jason puts his hands up.
"I want to hurt Skyler!" The man takes off his mask.. Who is it? Only Jason knows.
"I WONT LET YOU" Jason yells.
"But you wont be able to save her"
"WHY do you want to hurt her--"
"HER PARENTS KILLED MY BROTHER.. So I killed her brother, Mason Hartley a few weeks ago, and her parents.. Clarice and Daniel Hartley 6 years ago"
"YOU KILLED HER FAMILY!" Jason glares at him.
"Mhm, I used to like Skyler.. But she REJECTED me, so the only way I can get her back.. Is to torture you"
"You pig"

"JAY! Get down here! DO THE DISHES" Yells Jay's dad.
Brianna, Kenzie and I sink in our seats.
"I don't CARE! Get down here or I'll break your arm like I did last time"
Kenzie shrugs.
We can hear Jay's dad's big feet make their way up the stairs, Jay locks the door and runs to her window.
"What are you doing.." Mumbles Brianna.
"I'm escaping this house"
"And I'M COMING WITH YOU!" I jump out the window and land on the ground.
"Skyler..!" Says Brianna barley opening her mouth as she walks towards the window.
I laugh, "NEXT!"
Jay jumps down.
Brianna looks down the window, her heart beats fast.. She forces herself to jump and she finds herself on the ground.
Kenzie jumps after her.
"See? That wasn't so bad" I walk down the street.
"Hm sure" Brianna rolls her eyes.
Kenzie laughs.
"Hey Sky? Where's Jason"
I stop walking, "I don't know.."
"Call him!"
I grab my phone and dial Jason's number.
"No answer" I say.
".. I didn't see him at all today" I add.
"Can anyone hack phones?" Asks Jay.
Brianna smirks.

"Okay are you SURE you can hack his phone Brianna?"
"Yeah, what's his number?"
I give Brianna Jason's number and she tracks his phone.
"He's at Kylie's house.."
I freeze, he wouldn't cheat on me.. Would he?
"Oh my god.." Jay covers her mouth in shock.
Kenzie's eyes light up, "Wait.. Track Justin's phone!"
Kenzie gives Brianna Justin's phone number.
"He's ALSO at Kylie's house.."
"EW EW Threesome!" Yells Jay.
"JENNIFER!" I yell.
"Never mind" I roll my eyes.
Jay giggles.
"Well surely Kylie is there, let's go check it out" Brianna closes her laptop.
"N-no.. We need weapons" Says Kenzie.
"Why would we need weapons?"
"I saw Justin wanting to find more stuff about you Sky.. And it's obvious Justin has something to do with it"
I eventually take Kenzie's word.
"I don't think we need weapons tho.." Says Jay.
"Alright whatever! Let's go save Jason" I say.
We make our way slowly to Kylie's house.. Smirking.
"You messed with the wrong girls"

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