Chapter 21 - Continuesly fighting

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Jason and I walk down the street, I try my best to act happy, but it was hard when your best friend is in the hospital.
I say nothing, the whole way through.
"Sky.. Why aren't you saying anything?"
"Not bothered." I walk down looking straight ahead.
"You've been like this all day."
"At least show some happiness."
"Jason, my best friend hasn't woken up in the hospital, she could die and all you care about is me being happy!"
"Ok ok I'm sorry."
I say nothing and head the other direction.
Jason rolls his eyes, "If she dies, you'll be lost Sky!"
I keep on walking.
"And.. She's mad." Jason continues walking.

I run to my house and up to my bedroom.
Why me? Why do all my so called loved ones or close ones die?
Now that mum, dad and Mason are gone.. I have to get over it.. But I can't, now loosing Angie is going to kill me completely.
I hit my face against my pillow.
"God help me." I mumble to myself.

The nurse walks in to check on Angie.
"She still hasn't woken up." Mumbles the nurse as she sighs.
Angie's heartbeat gets slower.
The nurse sits on Angie's bed and streaks her hair, "Oh Angie.. If only you knew that I'm your real mother.. I'm sorry for leaving you like this, but I had no choice."
A tear escapes her eye.
"When you wake up.. I.. I will tell you."
The nurse holds Angie's hand, "Angie.. Wake up please."
Just as the nurse is about to leave the room, Angie takes a deep breath in and sits up.
"A-Angie!" The nurse runs over to her and hugs her.
"Angie.. I have to tell you something, I'm not sure whether you're going to be happy or angry.. But here goes."
Angie nods slowly.
"I am your mother.. When you were born, your dad threatened to kill you, I loved you so much, I couldn't do that.. So I pretended to leave you in a desert, when really? I left you at the adoption centre."
Angie sits there in shock.
"S-so my mum who abuses me.. Isn't my real mother?"
She shakes her head.
"My name is Monica Drivas."
"B-but that's the same last name as my other mum."
"Yes, when I took you to the adoption centre, I asked them for you to keep your last name, if ever we met again, so the new family agreed to change their last name."
"They did all that trouble to.. To make me a SLAVE in their fucking house!"
Monica could see tears threatening to escape Angie's eyes, she pulls her in for a hug.
"You have no idea how much I want to call you my daughter and take you home, I would never make you wash a dish or dust a bench."
Angie smiles, "I love you mum."
"I love you more."
"P-please don't leave me."
"You can visit the hospital when ever you'd like."
Angie smiles, "Can I be discharged today?"
"Let me run some tests."
Angie nods.

I sit on the couch with a tub of frozen yoghurt watching TV.
I hear a knock at the door.
"Miah!! Get the door!" I yell.
No reply..
I grunt and answer the door to see Jason there with his hands in his pockets.
"I'm sorry okay?"
I nod my head slowly expecting him to say more, but instead he looked at the ground.
"That's it?"
"Well what do you expect me to say?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe why you're apologising?"
Jason rolls his eyes, "I'm sorry for not caring."
"Do you forgive me?"
"I guess.."
"Okay, see you some other time."
He walks down the stairs of my front door and back into his car.
I slam the door and sit back on the couch.
The house phone rings, I grunt, "Miah!! Answer the phone!"
Again, no reply, so I get up and answer the phone as well.
"Hi, this is a nurse from Harmony hospital, do you know Angie Drivas?"
"Okay, come down to see us please."
It could either be good news.. Or bad, hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

"You can come and see her now."
The nurse leads me to Angie's room.
"Hey Mum! Hey Sky, it's nice to see you up again."
"M-mum?" I turn to the nurse.
"Oh yes! I'm Angie's biological mother."
I was happy for Angie don't get me wrong, but it would be nice if my mum was out there.. Somewhere, it can't be tho.. I saw her grave, I saw them burry her. I have Paula and Gavin, they're my family now.
"That's awesome! At least your mother isn't the beating type."
Angie would of expected me to burst into tears but no..
"Y-yea, I'm getting discharged today!"
"Awesome, I'll let you two catch up-- uh, best wishes! Good luck and.."
I get cut off by my legs making their way out of the room.
Angie sighs.

I walk down the halls and bump into a familiar face.
"Hey Sky, I was hoping to see you."
"Oh, hi Brayden.."
"I heard you're friends with Ashley."
"Ashley.. Yeah and her so called bff Alisha."
"Ah, yeah, you know.. Maybe we could remain as friends? I think I have feelings for Ashley."
"Ashley? You hardly know her."
"I ran into her once."
"Thanks, see you around."
He walks out happy, I laugh to myself.
"Who was that?"
I turn around to see Jason.
"A friend."
"What do you mean 'sure'?"
"You and boys just don't mix."
"Your point is?"
"I can't trust you around boys."
"You can't trust me?"
"Well, you're around a boy everyday."
"Oh for goodness sake Jason, they're friends!"
"It's like me being friends with a million girls!"
"Well lucky for you, I trust you! But obviously the feeling isn't neutral."
"Oh so now you're pissed at me aren't you?" He rolls his eyes.
"Well we can't have a relationship if you don't trust me!"
"FINE, consider 'us' gone."
"So you're breaking up with me?" I look him in the eye.
He sighs, "No.."
He walks away.
I run back home and to my door step to see flowers and a card on it.
I pick up the card and read it.
'I'm sorry for going off at you, please forgive me, I love you. - Jason'
I look around and pick up the flowers, I walk in the door.
Little did I know I was being watched by... Alisha.
"That bitch, I will be Jason's soon, I will get him to love me."
She runs home.

I spend the rest of the day, re-reading Jason's note over and over, yes he treats me like shit sometimes, but I do like him overall.. I wish I could find someone else though.
The next day..
Angie got discharged out of the hospital, before we knew it, it was our first day of University.

I walk down the hall and bump into a boy, the face was familiar.. It was my crush, back in year 7.
"I'm sorry I-- Sky?"
"Joshua? You're coming to this University too?"
I liked him ever since he moved to my school in 8th grade, luckily we were the only ones going to the same high school, my best friend liked him as well, I never really told anyone my crush.. He moved schools in 9th grade.. Now he's back?
"Hey, I'm back from that job that my dad got in New York."
"Oh, that's cool I guess."
"So what's been happening with you?"
"I uh.. Well I.. Um. Have a b-boyfriend..?"
I notice the drop in his eyes.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"No no it's okay, I just wanted to tell you something.. But I guess that doesn't matter anymore."
He realises the pain in my eyes, I wanted him for a few years but then he left.. Now I'm falling for the smile I fell for in 7th grade.
He gives me a hug, "It's okay, it's not like I'm leaving again."
I laugh, "Good."
Jason approaches us, "Who's this?"
I roll my eyes, "A really close friend."
I give Joshua the look that I haven't friend zoned him.
"Mhm, so what's your name?" Jason turns to Joshua.
"I'm Joshua.."
Jason gives a sarcastic smile, "Let me talk to Joshua for a little while, okay?"
I slowly nod as Jason leads Joshua against the lockers.
"Dude look, I'm Sky's boyfriend, if you make a move on her, flirt with her? You're dead, and I mean literally."
Joshua glares at the wall, "I wasn't even planning to."
He walks away.
Jason didn't know that I heard the whole conversation..
I glare at him and run to my class.

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