Chapter 22 - His smile

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"Joshua.. Are you okay with Jason being all protective?"
"Yeah, it's fine."
"Are you sure?"
He smiles to himself, "I'm sure."
I sigh, "I don't know if I still have feelings for him."
I notice the spark in Joshua's eye as I said that.
"Then tell him."
"I can't! He helped a murderer kill my family! What if he kills me?"
Joshua looks at me, "I wont let him, if you're not happy with him then break up with him."
I nod to myself, "I'll do it after class."
The bell rings and I walk to my class.
During class..

I sit next to Angie.
"Hey Sky."
"So how are you holding up with what your 'mum' told you?"
"I'm happy! When I get enough money I'm moving in with Austin."
"Oh cool, speaking of Austin.. Is he going to the same university as you?"
"Yeah but he's sick." Angie sighs.
I laugh, "Okay."
After classes..

I see Litzy in the hall and catch up to her, "Litz! Hey."
"Omg, SKY!" She hugs me.
I laugh, "Nice to see you again! How's it been?"
"I FINALLY have a boyfriend."
"Oh really?"
Litzy points to a boy opening his locker, "Troy."
"Wow, nice, speaking of boyfriends.. I'm thinking of breaking up with mine."
"Why?! You two were so perfect--"
"No! He treats me like shit, he helped a MURDERER kill my family."
Litzy sighs, "Well if that's what you want."
I glance over to Jason and his friend Nick, "Wish me luck."
"Oh I'll be watching." Litzy laughs.
I approach Jason, "Uh.. Jason can I talk to you?"
He grunts, "Okay."
Everyone begins watching.
"Jason.. I'm not.. Happy with our relationship.. You treat me like I'm nothing and you-- you helped someone kill my family! I can't date someone who did that.. I'm sorry but.. We're done."
He had sympathy in his eyes for a few seconds then he glared at the ground, "Finally, I was wondering when we'd break up."
I look at him closely.
He laughs to himself, "Get the hell out of here, you bitch." He laughs again and walks away.
Well.. What's done is done.
I notice Joshua watching, I hope he was happy because that's all I care about now.
The day went fast, I had at least 3 classes with Angie and Litzy.

Angie, Litzy and I go to my place.
Paula comes running in, "Sky! I heard what happened with Jason--"
"Yea and?"
She sighs, "Never mind, hi Angie."
Angie and I go up to my room and do our homework.

I get a text.
'I'm coming for you.' It reads.
"Who would send that?" Asks Angie.
"Gee I don't know.. Hm, Justin, Rowan, Jason.. I don't really know."
Angie rolls her eyes, "Those guys need to get a life."
She gets off the bed and grabs her phone, "Give me the number."
"Just give it."
I give her the number.
She dials it and rings it, we both stay silent and listen to the answer.
'Hello? This is Brayden Wells speaking.'
I look at Angie, she looks back.
He hangs up.
"Brayden is 'coming for me'."
Angie looks around the room, "Are you kidding me?!"
The next day..

I wake up and sit on the couch.
"Sky! I have some news."
"We have a dinner tonight."
"Oh, with who?"
"With one of my best friends from high school, her name is Janine and she has two boys."
"Oh cool, when is the dinner?"
"Tonight after your college session."
"Oh shoot, college!" I run upstairs and get ready.
Paula laughs.
As usual I went to college, caught up with Angie and Litzy, I saw my old bff's there, yes Brianna, Jay and Kenzie, it's like I hardly know them.
After college.

"Sky, I have two dresses I picked out for you."
"Yes dresses! Here."
She hands me the two dresses, one was black and white, the other was a peach colour.
I run upstairs and get changed into the black and white dress.
"Where's Miah?" I ask.
"She had a sleepover party at her friends house, she begged to go." Paula laughs to herself.
"So it's just you and I?"
"Yep.. I mean, Abigail has her own life now, speaking of Abi, I gotta see how she's going." Paula strides to her phone and rings Abigail.
"Hey mum!"
"Abi! How's it going?"
"Awesome! I'm going for a pregnancy test tomorrow--"
"WHAT?! THATS AWESOME! Congratulations!"
"Well I gotta go Abi, I'll see you soon!"
"Okay bye."
We drive to Janine's place and her two boys.. I laugh.

"Paula!! It's so nice to see you again!"
"You too Janine!"
"Oh, is this the gorgeous Skyler I've heard about?"
"Yep! Skyler this is Janine, my best friend from high school."
I smile at Janine.
"Come in! One of the boys are at a friends house."
I nod.
"Joshua!! Get down here! Our guests are here!"
My head shoots up for a second, Joshua? It can't be..
"Okay mum I-- Sky?"
"Hi Joshua." I laugh.
"You two know each other! That's great, come on Paula come help me with dinner."
Paula nods at follows Janine to the kitchen.
I sit on the couch as does Joshua.
"So.. Uh, how's college been for you?" I ask trying to start conversation.
"The same as always."
I laugh.
When I'm with him.. I seem to forget about Jason.
I never got over Joshua.
"So you.. Broke up with Jason"
"Yeah.. I didn't like him anymore." I sigh.
"Oh.. Is there any reason you didn't like him?"
'You.' I thought, but instead I say, "N-no.. Not really, don't worry about it."
I was always scared of telling my crush's I like them, but I look at Joshua, that smile.. I wanted to know if he felt the same.
"I got a text from Alisha." He says.
Then I remember, Alisha was the one who was jealous of Joshua and I going to the same high school.
"W-what did she say?"
"She wanted to meet up with me.. Tonight at the park." He sighs.
I look at the ground, "Are you going?"
"I guess.."
It was a lot of tension, I didn't like it.
"So, can we stop this tension it's driving me crazy." I cover my face.
Joshua laughs, "Me too."
"Okay! Dinner's ready, come to the table you love birds!"
"Shut up mum!" He groans and gets off the couch.
I laugh.
We ate dinner, hung out a bit then went home.
But I remember.. Alisha wanting to meet up with Joshua,
I follow him to the park, where I see Alisha, in a stunning white sparkly dress. I didn't like the dress but she did look beautiful.
"Hey Josh, I see you chose me."
"What do you mean?"
"Oh come on! You and Skyler liked each other for years! But now you like me and I like you too."
"Don't deny the feelings Joshua."
Before he could say anything else she kisses him on the lips, he pulls away quickly and runs away.
"Argh! I will get you Joshua!" She yells and sit on the bench.
I slowly creep away..
"I know you're there Skyler."
I turn around to see Alisha with a gun, just then I see memories, of Alyssa and I in the park, when she shot me.. And left me to die.
I wanted to get out of here!
"What?" I say.
"You're making it hard for me to have Joshua." She glares at me.
"How so?"
"You can't have him because I like him! And he likes me!" She says, completely dodging my question.
I ignore her and begin to walk off.
Just then I hear a gun shot behind me, I turn around to see if I had got shot.. I haven't..
I look up to see Alisha holding Angie with a gun to her head.
"Steal Joshua? I steal Angie."
My heart beats fast.. I wanted Joshua but I needed Angie.
I clench my fists.

Hey guys! So I've had writers block lately so sorry for no fast updating!
What do you think?
Is Brayden out to kill someone?
Will Joshua fall for Sky?
Or better yet..
What is Sky going to do with the choice of Angie and Joshua
Find out soon enough in the next chapter

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