Chapter 1: Lazy Jessica

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No One's POV

The two Jung's who are Krystal and Jessica, are as usual, asleep. Their alarm clock made a loud noise but it ended up being throwned at the wall and got destroyed by the sleeping beauty #1, Jessica. Krystal who was in a deep sleep woked up because of the noise when the alarm clock was thrown. Krystal kicked Jessica at her legs and hid her face in the blanket.

"Soojung!" Jessica yelled and kicked back Krystal.

"You're so noisy, unnie." Krystal said.

"Ehmmmm, what time is it??" Jessica asked.

"How should i know when you threw the alarm clock at the wall?" Krystal said and sat up. Krystal grabbed her phone and saw that it's almost 11:30.

"Unnie, Seohyun-unnie is gonna scold you again for being late at your practice so get up." Krystal said.

"Don't you have a schedule with your members too?" Jessica asked and sat up, leaning her head on Krystal's shoulder. Krystal leaned her head on top of Jessica's head.

"No, *yawn* we're just gonna go out today since Manager-oppa gave us a day-off today." Krystal said. Jessica phone rang and Jessica answered it after 2 minutes.

"*Yawn* Hell--"

"SICA, WHERE ARE YOUU?!" Yuri yelled, cutting off Jessica.

"I'm still in home." Jessica said. Krystal stood up and fixed her hair before looking at the destroyed alarm clock.

'Now, i gotta buy another one. Geez.' Krystal thought.

"WHAT?! Come on." Jessica said.

"Come here, NOW." Yuri said and hunged up.

"Yur-- Nevermind." Jessica said and stood up.

"Hey, unnie, look at what you did! Now, i gotta buy another one." Krystal said.

"It was noisy. I would the same to you if you're noisy." Jessica said.

"Like that would happen." Krystal said. Jessica rolled her eyes and walked to the bathroom with her towel. Krystal went to the living room and called Sulli.

"Sulli-unnie? You there?" Krystal asked.

"Yeah." Sulli said at the phone.

"When and where are we gonna meet up?" Krystal asked.

"At the cafe nearby your house at 3:00 in the afternoon. Let me guess, you didn't listened to Vic-umma last night didn't you? You were sleeping right?" Sulli asked.

"Hahaha, yeah." Krystal said.

"Oh, geez. Well, see you later. Bye." Sulli said.

"Bye." Krystal said and hung up.

"Yah, Soojung, i'll be going now." Jessica said. She's all dressed up in casual clothes.

"Okay. Bye." Krystal said.

"*Yawn* Bye." Jessica said and walked out of the house.

'She's still sleepy?!' Krystal thought.

[ Meanwhile At OT8 members of Girls' Generation ]

"Oh my god, she's so late and so dead." Hyoyeon said.

"She'll pay again." Seohyun said.

"I'" Jessica sleepily said.

"You didn't run?! You do know that you're late." Yuri said.

"You know my motto, right? Never run no matter how late you are." Jessica said.

"Anyways, let's practice." Taeyeon said.

[ Back At Krystal (Time: 1:45) ]

"What to do? What to do?" Krystal asked herself. Krystal's phone rang and she asnwered it.

"Hello?" Krystal asked.

"Krystal! You need to go to the practice room RIGHT AWAY!!" Amber yelled.

"Huh, why?" Krystal asked.

"It's your sister!" Amber yelled and hung up. Krystal immediately ran to the practice room and saw Jessica sitting on a chair, catching her breath.

"What happened?" Krystal asked worriedly.

"We've been training for 3 hours and that happened." Yuri said.

"She almost fainted." Tiffany said. Jessica wobbly stood up and said, "Let's continue." which made everyone stare at her in confusion.

"Unnie, come on! You're wasted! Go home with Krystal." Seohyun said.

"I-I'm--" And Jessica fainted but Krystal immediately catched her before she falls on the cold hard ground.

"Aish, don't push yourself, unnie." Krystal said while giving air to Jessica with the fan she's holding.

"Your sister is really hardworking, i gotta say." Sunny said.

"Yeah... I admire her." Krystal said.

"You are hardworking too, you know." Sulli said.

"Thank you but i'm not hardworking as her, though." Krystal said.

"That may be true." Yuri said.

"Guys, let's buy food. Krystal, let Jessica rest on the couch over there." Sooyoung said. Krystal nodded and carried Jessica to the couch before placing Jessica down. Krystal took a glance at her sister and tucked a piece of hair behind Jessica's ear.

"You're really beautiful, unnie." Krystal said and walked to the other girls.

"So, uhm, what should we buy today?" Yoona asked.

"Ooooh! Donuts with coffee, maybe? It'll be good because it's morning." Hyoyeon said.

"Good idea, Hyoyeon." Victoria said.

"Okay, let's play a game. Whoever loses gets to buy the food and whoever wins got to stay here and wait." Luna said.

"How many of us are here?" Krystal asked.

"Well, there's me, Tiffany, Yuri, Seohyun, Yoona, Sooyoung, Sunny, You, Amber, Luna, Sulli, Victoria, Hyoyeon, and Jessica. So, there's a total of 14 of us." Taeyeon said.

"I never thought a dork like you can think sharply like that." Sooyoung said which made Taeyeon glare at her.

"Anyways, what game are we gonna play?" Amber asked.

"Hmmmmmmm.... Oooh! I know one. A really good one." Krystal said.

"Tell us." Everyone said.

"It's called Dodging Ball! 7 vs 7! 2 of the Team 1 will be on the left side catching and throwing the ball while the other 2 of Team one will be on the right side catching and throwing the ball too while the other 3 of Team 1 will be on stand-by. Means they will just watch the 7 enemies who gets hit by the inflatable ball. If there's only one person left on the Team 2, they need to catch the ball to bring back the other members who got hit by the ball. If the last person gets hit, it's the Team 1's turn to dodge. Game?" Krystal asked.

"OMG, THAT'S GONNA BE FUN! LET'S GO!" Everyone yelled.

"But Jessica-unnie's out cold." Krystal ruined the fun.

"Hmmmm, let's call Hayeon." Tiffany wriggled her eyebrows.

"OH NO! Not her!" Taeyeon said.

"You don't wanna see your sissy, Tae?" Tiffany asked.

"I-It's not like that." Taeyeon said.

'Well, the fun's gonna start. There's nothing bad that's gonna happen, right?' Krystal thought. Will there be bad things that's gonna happen?

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