Chapter 9: Goodbye America, Hello Korea

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[ A Week Later ]

No One's POV

Jessica, Krystal, Tiffany and Sunny got off of the plane and entered their car which is driven by Yuri.

"Welcome back guys!" Yuri said.

"Hi, Yul! Nice to see you again!" Tiffany yelled.

"Where's Taeng?" Jessica asked.

"At the house." Yuri said and drove off.

"How's everything going between the maknaes?" Sunny asked which made Yuri gulped.

"Seohyun's not innocent as before and she's been getting into a fight with Yoona lately. I'm worried for their relationship. It might break. As for Taeng, well, sad to say, she's with other boy and it is Leeteuk-oppa." Yuri said.

"WHAT?!" Krystal yelled.

"It's true. I tried to stop Taeng but there was no way i can. How's your relationship JungSis?" Yuri asked.

"We're fine." Jessica answered.

"But they're still kinda awkward with each other." Sunny said.

"Taeyeon is dead." Tiffany said with her fists clenched. Yuri gulped again and focused on the road.

"Do you know why Seohyun's not innocent anymore, guys?" Yuri asked.

"Why?" Everyone asked.

"Dubu died and it's all Yoong's fault. Yoona accidentally crashed Dubu while driving to Seohyun's house. Seohyun was chasing Dubu then BANG Yoona's car crashed into the poor puppy. And after that, Seohyun isn't nice anymore." Yuri said.

"Oh my gosh..." Jessica mumbled.

"I never thought going to America can leave a crisis here at Korea." Krystal said.

"Taeyeon is dead." Tiffany mumbled again and cleanched her fists harder.

"T-Tiffany, your hand is bleeding, girl." Sunny said.

"I don't care about the physical pain, Jessica. I care about the pain in my heart and the hatred." Tiffany said.

"I'm sure T-Taeyeon didn't meant it-- I take it back. Look at that." Jessica pointed out of the window and saw Leeteuk with Taeyeon on a coffee shop, laughing.

"That's it." Tiffany said. Everyone stopped Tiffany from getting off the car and yell at Taeyeon in public. Jessica smirked and opened the window. Since Leeteuk and Taeyeon are outside the coffee shop, Jessica did this...

"FOREVER DOESN'T EXIST!! YOU BOTH WILL BREAK UP SOON!!!" Jessica yelled that really loud and immediately closed the window then Yuri immediately droved off.

"Bitter." Krystal said with a pout. Jessica just kissed her girlfriend's forehead and smiled.

"It's the truth. They'll break up when Taeyeon knows the truth." Jessica said.

'........' Tiffany's mind is completely blank.

'Okay she needs serious treatment by the Troll Queen Hyoyeon.' Yuri thought.

[ 45 Minutes Later ]

Yuri parked her car at the garage of their huge mansion and they got off.

"Where's Prince?" Tiffany asked like nothing ust hurted her feelings.

"I doubt that your little puppy will make you feel better, idiot." Jessica said. They all walked in the house and was welcomed by a confetti.

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