Chapter 4

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Last Day of Vacation

Tom and B'Elanna drew lots on how to spend their last day of vacation. Tom won and they find themselves in the Museum of Bajoran Culture. He'd like to learn about Bajor and its History. B'Elanna is bored to death and couldn't care less about scrolls and artifacts. She prefers to dare herself with physically demanding experiences.

B'Elanna: So; this is how you wanted to spend our last day of vacation.

Tom Paris: Don't start! I made your day yesterday with the Stone Thrower. It's now my turn.

B'Elanna: Roller-coasters are exciting. This is dreary! Do you really enjoy staring at that amphora?

Tom Paris: B'Elanna; we flipped your Klingon medal yesterday. You lost. We already had fun your way and it is only fair...

B'Elanna doesn't let him finish.

B'Elanna: My way? Don't you like water-sports? And I assume you had a terrible time spelunking the Fire Caves.

Tom Paris: Not that; I was referring to shooting targets in Derna Moon an entire morning.

B'Elanna: Well, well, well! I happen to practice Biathlon since my Academy days. If you felt neglected, why didn't you speak your mind?

Tom Paris: Look; it's all right. I don't regret it; but Bajor is perhaps the oldest civilization in our quadrant and this museum is... Wow! Isn't that incredible? Look at that!

B'Elanna: What now? More amphoras? What's so far-fetched? I hate when you do this.

Tom walks away and leaves her behind. Something gets him fascinated.

Tom Paris: These ancient pictograms are similar to rock art found all over Earth,... my Earth I mean, portraying these guys in wetsuits holding strange tools.

B'Elanna: Whoever they were... never heard of prime directives and didn't care about contaminating primitive cultures.

B'Elanna points at a carved grey stone depicting a spacecraft,... which at the moment, they didn't realized it was kind of familiar.

Tom Paris: Well! We don't know what happened. Maybe they had to intervene.

B'Elanna: You just don't intervene; period! Those are nice tapestries by the way.

Tom was taken a little bit aback; but he appreciated she at least liked fabrics with a few designs made of coloured weft-threads.

Tom Paris: C'mon B'Elanna! Don't you like History?

B'Elanna: Sorry! But past can hurt you a lot sometimes.

They pass by a few obsidian blades in display.

Tom Paris: Okay! I have a deal. You indulge me with Archeology today and tomorrow, before leaving, we visit Harry in DS9 and enjoy its thematic facilities.

B'Elanna: All right! I like that. I heard its Holo-Deck is capable of role-playing your most thrilling memories.

Tom Paris: See? I'm always willing to please you. I don't mind recreating a day or two in our lives as renegades in the Demilitarized Zone.

B'Elanna: No! That's the kind of past that hurts. I'm way over Maquis and done with Cardassians. I was thinking of Hirogens. Those... tIn-wamwI'-ghe'tor!

Tom Paris: Hirogens... Yeah! We could settle some scores with those overgrown nomads from hell.

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