Chapter 3~Becca Randall

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Awful. That is the only word I can use to describe my trip from Malibu to Pennsylvania. My grandparents were really sad to see me go, but they forced me to.

Arriving at my mom's was not what I expected. I had no idea that my stepfather had a daughter! It would have been beneficial for my mom to maybe tell me that I had a stepsister!

"Becca!" Kate squealed the second she saw me. She pulled me into a big hug as my mom looked on, smiling. "I have missed you sooooo much!"

I hugged her back. I was surprised that she was acting so normal about us seeing each other for the first time in a year. "You too." I said. "By the way, was anyone gonna tell me I had a stepsister?"

Mom frowned. "Well, we didn't think she was that important." Then a tall man walked into the hallway.

"Hi, Becca. I'm Tom, your stepfather." Tom introduced himself. I plastered on a smile faker than my mom's boobs.

        "It's nice to meet you." I looked around the hallway. "So is there a place where I can put my stuff?" I gestured towards the two suitcases on the ground.

        "Becca," My mom cooed. "I love how efficient your packing was! Only two suitcases!" She beamed. I winced.

        "Well, actually there is more stuff being shipped soon. A lot more, actually." I explained.

        "That's good." Kate said. "Cause now I won't have to share all of my clothes with you!" I grimaced. Kate was not the best sister a girl could have, but she was better than nothing.

       "Well, I hate to break it to you Katie, but that's just what twins do!" I hugged her again. A look of relief crossed Kate's face. I guessed that Hanna girl wasn't very nice to Kate.

        "I would absolutely love for you to share my room, Bec." Kate started. "But as luck has it, the extra bed is in Hanna's room." Kate rolled her eyes when she said Hanna's name.

        "So I have to stay with a girl I don't even know instead of my twin sister?" I asked. A look crossed Tom's face. "No offence, Tom. I just don't know Hanna yet." I added.

        "No, it's fine. I'm sure you and Hanna will get along." Tom grabbed my suitcases and lead me up the stairs.

        "Oh no!" Kate exclaimed. "I'm late for school!" She gave me a quick wave, grabbed her bag, and ran out the door.

        Tom dropped my suitcases at the top of the stairs. "Thanks." I said.

        "Your room is right there." He pointed to the door on the far left. I smiled and pulled my first suitcase into the room, and to my surprise, I saw a dark figure dash into the bathroom.

        "Um, hello?" I followed the person, who was weirdly dressed in all black, into the bathroom. I ran in just in time to see a head of dark hair fly out the bathroom window.

        "Oh my god!" I shouted. "Stop!" I looked out the window and saw a black hoodie limping away as fast as they could. What the hell? I thought.

        I returned to the bedroom to see a tube of bright red lipstick lying in the middle of the floor. It must be Hanna's, I thought.

        Then suddenly, my phone beeped. I pulled it out of my pocket. The text was from Caitlin.

"Hey bby, have you gotten to your mom's house yet? Alex and I miss you so much!"

Reading the message brought me back to my last day of school two days ago. Caitlin and Alex had stuck to me like glue for the whole day, until lunch.

We were walking into the cafeteria when McKenna and her group of copycat wannabes passed by. They stopped right in front of us.

"So, Becca, I heard you're moving?" McKenna cocked her head to the side and stuck out her hip. I rolled my eyes and nodded. "That, like sucks. Especially for Cam."

Caitlin nodded her head. "She's like super sad. You know, the long distance thing just doesn't work." She fluffed her hair and Alex re-applied her lip gloss.

Cam was my boyfriend who McKenna had her eye on since elementary school. She endlessly flirted with him, and it was obviously painful that she was pissed that he liked me better.

"Yeah, I'm really going to miss him. We're going to try staying together though, what we have isn't something you can replace." I smirked. McKenna scowled.

"How do you know he won't start dating someone prettier once you leave?" She counter attacked. I gave her a look. What kind of person would say something like that?

I felt an arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, he won't." Cam chuckled. McKenna's face turned bright red. "Come on, let's go get lunch." He grabbed my hand I turned around to wave to Caitlin and Alex, but they had already joined McKenna.

        "Becca?" My mom knocked on Hanna's door and I was broken out of my trance. "You can't stay here all day. I'm taking you to Rosewood Day to get you registered."

        "Okay." I stuck my phone in my pocket and followed Mom downstairs. We got into her car and drove to the school. I examined the scene that was before me.

I made so many snap judgements in the instant we pulled up to school. This was a prissy private school. And sooner or later, I was going to have to become one of those prissy private school girls.

As we walked into the near to empty hallway, I saw a few students in perfectly tailored uniforms rush to their classes.

"Come along, Becca." My mom called. I stopped to look at an awards display. Almost all of the awards for my age were won by two guys named Andrew Campbell and Spencer Hastings. Where were the smart girls at?

My phone beeped again. I jumped. I looked down at my phone and weirdly, the text was from an unknown number.

"If you tell anyone about what you saw today, you will live to regret it. I wonder if you'd like everyone to find out what you did that night. Someone's dead because of you. Welcome to Rosewood! -A"

I gasped. Who could know about that night? I thought. I had tried so many times to forget about that night, but the memory of Kate's accident that night rocked me to the core.

But this was real. Someone knew. And they were out there. Maybe Rosewood wouldn't be as much of a fresh start as I thought.

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