Chapter 12~Becca Randall

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I woke up with a splitting headache. I blinked a few times. I looked around me, everything was a blur. I was facing a wall. I put my hand on my forehead. Everything hurt.

Where am I? I thought. Last I remembered, I had been at Emily's house. What had we been talking about? I had a fuzzy memory of someone named Alison. But I couldn't remember who she was, or why she was important.

I reached into my pocket for my phone. It was gone. What happened last night? Do I remember anything? I thought. How about the alphabet? A... I thought. "Holy crap!" I exclaimed.

Some memories about A came rushing back. The text, the lipstick, who Alison was. Last I remembered, I was about to follow Emily to the restaurant to make sure she didn't get hurt.

Had I gone? What happened there? I looked down at my hands, there were a few scratches and they seemed dirty. Where have I been? What have I done?

There was a long rip on the side of my shirt, and my shoes were covered in dirt. I looked up at the wall in front of me. The smart thing to do would be to find out where I was.

I looked around. I was in an alleyway, and I seemed to be alone. I dizzily stood up. I saw a street a little while away, so I staggered in that direction. I walked into the middle of a town. I didn't recognize any of the places around me, and people passed by, minding their own business.

I kept walking. I soon came to a fancy looking gate. Scrawled in black calligraphy on the the front of the gate was "Radley Sanatarium". What is this place? I wondered. It didn't look like a welcoming place where I could borrow someone's phone.

I continued on, and saw a police station. The sign read "Darkette County Police Department". I guess I'm in Darkette County, I thought. I didn't know if that was near Rosewood or not, but the police would hopefully be able to help.

I opened the door and walked up to the front counter. "Hi there, what can I help you with?" The lady behind the desk asked.

"Um, this is gonna seem strange but, I don't know how I got here. My phone and wallet are gone." I said. The lady moved into action, sliding her chair to the other side of her desk and turning on her computer.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Becca Randall." I replied.

"From Rosewood?" She asked, I paused. I was about to say that I was from Malibu, but then I realized I wasn't anymore.


"You were filed as missing last night. I'm sure your family will be happy to know you're safe, I'll give them a call." She told me. I was relieved that I only couldn't remember one night. I was scared it had been longer.

        I really wanted to know what had happened last night. Why couldn't I remember? I sat there for a little while until I heard the doors to the station open. In rushed Mom, Kate, Tom, and Hanna, who was surprisingly leading them and looked incredibly happy to see me.

        "Becca!" Hanna exclaimed. She ran over to me and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're okay!" I hugged her back. I was just relieved that someone was happy to see me alive, because the others didn't seem to care. Kate was texting, Tom was staring off into space and Mom looked impatient.

"Let's go now." She said, and we all followed her to the car. There was an awkward silence and Kate turned to me.

"Good you're back." She said flatly, and looked back at her phone. I looked at Hanna, who shrugged.

"Um, isn't anyone going to ask me what happened?" I asked. Hanna looked at me and put her finger to her lips, mouthing shhhhh. Mom turned around from the backseat.

"We understand that you're a teenager, and want to be free to do whatever you want, but next time you have to be home by curfew. That was very irresponsible of you. As long as you're not pregnant, it's okay." Mom said. My jaw dropped open. I was about to tell her what happened when Hanna put her hand over my mouth.

"I'm sure she gets the message." Hanna said and gave me a look. I was confused. If someone kidnapped me and somehow erased my memory, it would be logical to tell someone. Hanna was looking at me as if she was waiting for me to understand something. It was silent for the rest of the ride home, and once we got out of car, Hanna grabbed my arm. "We're going to have a bit of girl talk." She said, and started to pull me towards the house.

"Okay!" Tom replied, who seemed to just be happy that me and Hanna were talking to each other at all. Once we got to our room, Hanna slammed the door shut and spun around to face me.

"Becca,I'm so glad you're okay. You don't know how worried I was. There's more to last night than you think. So, I don't know to say this, but me and my friends have a stalker. This person knows-" I held my hand up for her to stop.

"Save it. Emily told me everything yesterday. About A, about Mona, and about Alison being alive." I said. A look of rage crossed Hanna's face.

"Emily must really trust you. I don't know why, but since you're involved in this, I guess I have to too." Hanna replied. "So Becca, I need to know everything you remember about what happened last night, and everything you know about A. There's a chance that you know something we don't."

I closed my eyes, and thought back to my first memory of A. Right here, in this room. Then I thought of the text I got afterwards. "If you tell anyone about what you saw today, you'll live to regret it..." Well A had already kidnapped me, I wasn't gonna listen to this bitch. "Oh! One second!" I said, and ran into the bathroom. I came back into the room holding the lipstick.

Hanna looked confused. "Your lipstick?" I shook my head.

"When I first got here, someone in a black hoodie was in your room. I'm guessing it was A. They were about to write a message on your mirror in lipstick. They saw me, ran, and jumped out the window. This was the lipstick. Whoever it was, they had dark hair." I said. Hanna had a blank look on her face. "Hanna, what is it?"

"It just hadn't sunken in yet. That there was a new A." She replied. "What else happened that day?"

"I got a text, telling me not to tell anyone about what I saw. The text also brought up some stuff from my past in Malibu."

"What happened when you went to Emily's?"

"She told me about A and everything, and then I followed her to that restaurant. She didn't want me to go, but I was scared she was going to get hurt. Once I got there, I saw you. I hid from you as I saw Emily and Alison talk. Then someone grabbed me from behind." I closed my eyes, and thought hard. "I think I saw a face, but I can't remember who it was." Hanna looked grim.

"Becca, you didn't see Emily get attacked?" She asked. I shook my head, as I started to realize something terrible. "She's in the hospital, in a coma. I really hope she's gonna be okay." Hanna added.

"Hanna, don't you know what this means?" I asked. She cocked her head to the side. "There is more than one A. Someone kidnapped me, and a few minutes later, someone attacked Emily."

"Oh my god." Hanna said. "We have to tell the others." I nodded. This was a whole lot worse than we thought. It was almost like there was a team, an A team. And that meant that the whole team knew about what I had done at that party. Oh my god was right.

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