Chapter Seventeen

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I felt terrible for leaving Joan - I'd been such a bad friend to her lately.

But Danyl was in trouble. Danyl was in trouble and my kingdom needed me. I was coming to their rescue.

When I was out of sight from all other shoppers in the mall, I held my pendant close to my heart. "Elsetime!" I yelled anxiously.

As usual, my seemingly boring world fell away, and the beautiful, vibrant land of Elsetime materialised in front of me. Despite knowing some bad news, I instantly felt at ease when I breathed in the clean Elsetime air.

Frantically, I flipped my blonde hair out of my eyes and searched nervously for somebody I recognised. Elondra, Liana, the King. Anyone. It wasn't long before I saw that luscious red hair appear in a crowd of gorgeous people. Liana's thin face looked at me eagerly.

Liana was so strikingly beautiful it made me cringe. Her thin nose, her high cheekbones, her clear skin, her charming eyes. Everything about her made me feel so inferior. And yet Danyl had chosen me. Why?

"Adara, I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that you are here," she started. It was a surprise to hear Liana being so friendly. I started to feel better.

I tried to swallow the nervous lump in my throat. "What's happened to Danyl?" I asked, cutting to the chase.

She linked her arm through mine. "Dearest, I will explain on the way. We really do have to hurry."

Liana and I dashed, arms linked, through Elsetime. We caught the attention of many bystanders. Apparently, seeing the king-to-be's wife-to-be with the king-to-be's second choice was not normal. I shrugged it off and continued running.

It wasn't long before I was completely exhausted. I wasn't good at sports, absolutely not, but normally I was good at running. Joan, Clayton and I used to run everywhere. Run in the school halls, run from mall cops, security guards - all of it. But running when legitimately frightened? I sucked.

"Liana," I breathed heavily, "I - I can't breathe, I think I'm going to fa-"

She stopped immediately, pulling a water bottle from her lengthy golden dress. She was always dressed so wonderfully. "Here," she mumbled, "drink up, you will be okay."

I was surprised by her niceness, but thought nothing of it. Obliviously, I sculled the water and continued to run. I felt better, but I started to become weary. My eyelids were getting heavy. My breaths were short. My legs stopped moving. I stumbled. I fell. My eyes closed.



I had no idea how long I'd been unconscious, but when I woke up, everything was dark. My eyes flitted open and my surroundings seemed unfamiliar. I could see nothing, save for a stool in the corner of the dark room I was in.

"Is anybody here?" I called out.



There was a rustle to my right. I held my breath and my heart raced. Someone was here.

"Danyl, is that you?"

The rustle was louder this time. I squinted my eyes and searched the room anxiously. I could see the silhouette of a person to my right. They were a few metres away, but from the thin outline of the figure, I could not tell if it was a male or a female.

"Please," I whispered, "I don't know where I am."

I was scared. So scared. What had I gotten myself into? What had Danyl gotten me into? What had...What had Liana gotten me into?

"Liana?" I murmured.

"Hush," came a soft voice, "be quiet, dear. There is no use talking here."

The voice was female, definitely female, and although I recognised it, I couldn't quite put my finger on whose voice it was. But it definitely wasn't Liana's.

"Who's there?" I mumbled.

I heard footsteps coming at me ever so slowly. Slow, quiet footsteps. "What did I just say?" The voice continued.

"Look," I said, "I don't have time for this. I need to find someone."

"Who do you need to find?" Came the voice.

I rolled my eyes, knowing full-well they couldn't see me. "Danyl."

"I can assure you, my darling, that Danyl is fine," she laughed, "just relax. Everything is going to be okay."

I sat up and pulled my knees into my chest, hugging them tightly. I tried to slow my breathing. I was terrified. I was in a dark room, with naught but one mysterious other. I closed my eyes.

Where was Danyl?

"Don't be scared," said the voice, dangerously close to me, "you are going to be alright. Here, drink up."

I opened my eyes. I saw a face close to me. A face I recognised.

I looked at the cup in the out-stretched hand. It was filled with a slimy liquid.

"No thank you, Elondra."

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