Chapter Fifteen

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Okay, let me start with apologising for taking aaaages to update! I've been really busy, and I just haven't had the time to write. I've had a sever case of writer's block to top it all off!

Also, after reading through previous chapters, I've realised this story needs major editing and reviewing. I'll definitely go through, edit and change things around but for now it will have to do. Anyway, here is chapter fifteen and I hope you like it. Thank you so much for sticking around.



I wasn't exactly known for being the type of person who chickened out at the last minute. But seeing Joan's pale body and hopeful face beaming at me as she entered my house at 6pm, I completely wussed out.

"Hey Adara!" She practically shouted, throwing her hands around me. "I really haven't heard from you all that much lately."

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah, sorry about that. I've been pretty busy with a bunch of stuff."

"A bunch of stuff wouldn't mean a certain boy, would it?" She mocked, leaning the conversation to my whereabouts the night before.

I rolled my eyes and returned her embrace. "Come upstairs." I instructed.

She squealed and rushed past me. "You know how excited I am to hear about this, right?"

I gave a fake smile and nodded. I couldn't do it. I couldn't tell Joan. It was Danyl's world and if he wanted me to tell someone about it he would have told me to. But he didn't and so I wouldn't tell her.

"Look," I said, closing my bedroom door behind me, "There's so much going on that I really don't know where to start."

"Start with you and Danyl," Joan helpfully piped in, "what's the deal with you two? You haven't been dating that long, yet you're so wrapped up in him you haven't had time for me."

With an uneasy nod of agreement, I continued. "The thing is, Danyl and I are kind of really serious about this."

"Well, duh and or hello," Joan whined, "tell me something I don't know."

"It's crazy though, right?" I laughed, "I haven't known him for long at all."

Joan laughed with me, brushing her dark hair aside and giving me her full attention. "Maybe it was one of those love at first sight things. Like maybe you were supposed to crash into his car. Which, by the way, is the weirdest way somebody has ever gotten a boyfriend."

I punched her softly in the arm. "That's not how I got a boyfriend, you idiot," I said defensively, "that's just how I met him. Don't twist the story."

"Okay, okay," she giggled, "continue your story."

I had to think of something to say. It didn't make sense that I didn't remember much of the night before. I thought of how Joan had to cover for me when my mother texted asking how I was doing and that was when I realised that Danyl had lied to me.

He had said that he told my mother I was staying with him and that she was convinced.

But my mum had texted Joan asking how I was doing..

Did Danyl lie to me? I asked myself. Maybe he got his words mixed up and was supposed to say Joan's house and not his own. Or maybe he hadn't spoken to my mother at all.

I was beginning to wonder why I even cared since she was quite obviously convinced with where ever I was staying. But still...Danyl may have lied to me.

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