Chapter Nineteen

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Author's Note:


Hey everyone! Let me begin with apologising for taking SO long to update this story! I have a few on the go and it's difficult to keep up. I keep fiddling with parts of the story to see if it'll all work out in the end, so updates are slow. Again, I'm very sorry.

Here's a quick recap:

Adara is in Elsetime. She has recently returned after being sent to her own world by Danyl, who insisted on keeping Adara safe from the Togre, which Adara assumed was let free on her wedding day by Liana. However, the last chapter reveals that it was not Liana's doing, it was actually Elondra's. Liana and Elondra are sisters, and Elondra has been behind all of Liana's seemingly evilness. Adara has just discovered this, after being held captive by Elondra and somewhat tortured. Adara was rescued by Liana, and is now off to the Cauldron of Enchantment where Elondra's son Jiem is holding Danyl captive, with the help of the Togre.


My hands were sweating, my knees were shaking and there were tears welling up around my eyes. My blonde hair was a frayed mess, my clothes were tight and ripped - thanks to Elondra's malicious doings - and I could barely walk, let alone walk quickly, to the Cauldron of Enchantment to save my beloved Danyl.

I was not in the mood to fight a togre.

I didn't even know what a togre looked like.

The pebbled path that led the way through Elsetime was unusually empty, save for a few frantic ladies, running for their lives in the opposite direction, flailing their arms and shrieking as if the most terrifying sight to ever be sighted was right where I was headed.

Just great.

One woman stopped and looked at me with terror in her eyes, nodding in the other direction, ushering me to follower her. I shook my head and continued on my trek, leaving her in a dishevelled mess on the stoned pathway.

I could hear quiet screams in the distance, but they lessened with each step I took towards the cauldron. I didn't know exactly where I was going, but I'd been there before and could find my way if I set my mind to it.

Danyl was all I could think about. His perfectly groomed hair, his dreamy, inviting eyes, his tan, unblemished skin...I pined for him every day, even when I was with him. And knowing that there was a chance he was in danger just angered me.

I pulled on my tight clothing, it would be good for hiding, but it was uncomfortable and made getting to the cauldron a real challenge.

My nerves were increasing, and by the time I heard Jiem's evil cackle, I was damn near shaking myself to the ground. Composing myself, I let my thoughts linger to how my life used to be.

Over protective mum, constantly ensuring I ate nothing but overly nutritious meals. My dad, laughing and just agreeing with mum's way of running things. Joan, my best friend, who I'd been pushing away ever since Danyl entered my life. Clayton, the boy I could spend time with and not feel like an ugly mess. I even missed the normalcy Timmy Jones made me feel.

I missed his eager hellos, awkward goodbyes, his funny handshakes and the way he always told Joan that he'd get me one day, one way or another.

But things aren't like that anymore, Adara, I thought to myself, Danyl's your life now, and you've got to save him.

I shook my head, releasing myself from the fond memories.

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