Chapter Two

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"You're lucky he doesn't want to press charges, young lady," Mum scolded me as we arrived home later that day.

"I'm sorry, okay? It's not my fault the roads were wet!"

"Not everyone in this world is as friendly as that fellow, Adara," she added, with a serious tone to her voice. "You need to be more careful. A lot more careful!"

I squeezed the rain water out of my cardigan before heading through the front door of the house. He was a friendly fellow, I agreed in self-thought.

"Yeah, yeah," I groaned, "I know."

"Don't you 'yeah, yeah' your mother!" My father yelled as I entered the living room. His eyebrows were forced together angrily, his expression stern. "Do you know what you've done?"

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Dad, and I said I was sorry. I honestly did not mean to do it. I don't know why you both aren't just happy everybody is okay," I grunted.

Dad threw his hands up in the air, defeated. He knew trying to lecture me wasn't going to get him anywhere. It never did.

It wasn't that I was a rebellious child or anything like that, in fact I got great grades and I was fairly obedient, I was just sick of being lectured for things that I couldn't control. Sometimes parents just didn't understand. And, okay, I'll admit I could be a little bit bratty - but nobody was perfect.

I shot my mother an apologetic look before heading down the hall to my bedroom. Hopefully later she'd realise I was legitimately sorry.

My room was small and dark. I had my single bed, a chest of drawers, a body-length mirror and a computer desk which, quite obviously, homed my computer.

My bedroom walls were covered with random photos of me doing strange things with my friends, pictures I'd drawn over the years and print outs of sayings I liked to live my life by.

I was happy with my confined room. It was my sanctuary. I spent a lot of my time in there, talking to people over the internet, listening to music on my computer and drawing more pictures for my wall.

I set myself down on my bed. I felt guilty about crashing the car. I mean, it wasn't the only form of transport my family had, but we could have gone without the crashed version of it.

I was so wrapped up in self-thought, I hardly heard the slight knocking on my bedroom door.

"Yeah?" I called out.

"Adara," Mum whispered. "The man from the crash is here to speak with us. Come on out, and make sure you apologise again."

I leaped from my bed and immediately exited my room. "Strange," I said, facing Mum, secretly excited that he was here.

I quickly paced through the house and to the front door. Opening it, I couldn't help a smile as I saw handsome Danyl standing in front of me once again.

"Danyl," I announced. "I didn't expect to see you so soon. I mean, I just got home. Is the car here?" I asked.

"It is," he answered stepping away, revealing a completely new-looking version of our silver Toyota corolla. "It's right over there."

My jaw dropped. "What on Earth?"

"Are you not happy that your car is repaired?" He questioned, looking confused.

I blinked a couple of times, unsure if what I was seeing was really there. "Oh no, I am, honestly, but you shouldn't have done that!"

Danyl chuckled. It was adorable and it made my stomach turn. "I thought it was a nice gesture," he said.

"And it is," I agreed, "but you do realise I should be doing these things for you? I was the fool who drove my car into yours."

He shook his head. "Adara, please, just accept it. I would feel much better."

What on Earth was this drop-dead gorgeous guy doing on my door-step offering me a perfectly-polished, blemish-free car after I completely ruined his this morning? I felt guilty accepting his offer, but I nodded my head in assent.

"Great," he added. "Can I come in?"

I looked behind me and I could see my mother watching me coldly from the kitchen. I knew she was displeased with me. Maybe if I told her about the car she'd be happier.

"Sure," I replied, leading him into the kitchen. "Mum," I addressed, facing towards her and gesturing towards the gorgeous guy standing to my right, "this is Danyl."

"It's nice to meet you, again, Danyl," she said kindly, "I'm awfully sorry about your car, I hope you'll forgive my ridiculous daughter."

"It is fine," he said. "If you'll look outside, you'll see that your car has been repaired." 

My mother took a peek through the window and her jaw dropped just as mine did. Her eyes widened and she raised an eyebrow. "What's the catch?"

"There is no catch," Danyl said. "I just felt bad for the poor girl. She was just learning, it wasn't her fault."

Mum looked to Danyl and then back to me. "Right," she finally said, "well, thank you, that was very kind of you. I'll go tell my husband."

Mum strutted from the kitchen and Danyl faced me. He was just so perfect. Never in my life had a guy this attractive ever been so friendly towards me. I mean, I had plenty of guy friends - they were easy to get along with - but none of them were nearly as attractive as Danyl was.

"Adara," he whispered, "what if I told you that you were beautiful enough to be a Queen?"

I swallowed hard and looked him straight in the eye. Was he serious? Was this guy playing at something? And what on Earth was it?

"I'd be shocked," I said, "but I'd thank you."

His lips curved up into that irresistible smile of his. He opened his mouth once again.

"Because that's exactly what you are." 

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