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The one's with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches...born to those who have thrice defied him,born as the seventh month dies...and the Dark lord will mark them as his equal,but they will have power the Dark Lord knows not...and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives...the one's with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...

3rd Person POV

Minerva held a bundle of joy in her arms with the father looking at them both with a proud smile.

For Minerva just had a baby with Albus Dumbledore.

They named the child Evangeline Mcgonnical.

She had dumbledores sparkly blue eyes.and the cutest smile.

That night also was the birth of Harry potter.

The parents James and Lilly were exited for him to meet Evangeline.

One night Minerva left Evangeline with the potters.

James and Lilly were watching Harry and Evangeline playing with each other.

They were best friends at first site.inseperable.

There was a loud bang from was voldemort.

James yelled for Lilly to take the children upstairs to which she obeyed.

James faught off voldemort as long as he could but he died in the process.

Voldemort proceded upstairs to were Lilly was talking to the kids.

"Ahh its okay Harry,Evangeline you'll be alright just remember you are so loved" and with that voldemort burst into the room.

"Step aside!" He yelled.Lilly shook her head crying.

"No!please not Harry not Evangeline!!" But it was to late voldemort cast the killing curse on Lilly Potter.

Voldemort walked up to the children and casted the curse.but it didn't work it went back at him and he dissapear with Evangeline.

Later that night Albus and Minerva burst into the room with no sighn of Evangeline and a crying Harry.

They both sobbed over the loss of there child.that night they took Harry Potter to the dursleys then went home to mourn the loss of there Evangeline.

Two names went around the wizarding world.

The boy who lived and the girl who went missing known as....

Harry potter and Evangeline Mcgonnical.

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