Hagrid and Harry

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Eva's POV

It was night time we were in a ugly old house in the middle of the forest.

John and marie were upstairs.Sarah was on the couch.and I was on the floor.

I drew a birthday cake with 11 candles on the dirty floor.

I looked at Sarah's watch and it stroke 12:00.

I bkew out the fake candles and wished myself happy birthday.


Before I closed my eyes I straightened my shirt I was wearing (up top)for tonight.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

****1 hour later****

I opened my eyes and realised there was a loud bang on the door.

Me and Sarah spring up and hid as the door broke off its hinges.

In came a large man and a boy that looked my age.

The man put the door back on and looked around.

He stopped at Sarah.

"Ahh its Evangeline I thaught you would be prettier" Sarah scoffed.

"I'm not that freak" I stepped out of the shadows.

"I am" the giant and boy looked at me and gasped.

"Wow u look like them a lot yep your her" I was confused.

Johnathan and marie came running down the stairs.

"What are you doing get out you are breaking an entering" the boy rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up who ever ye are" the man snapped.

"Um excuse me but who are you?" I asked confused.

"Oh I'm Hagrid keeper of keys at Hogwarts and this Harry Potter" I nodded and smiled.

"I'm Evangeline King pleasure to meet you but may I ask what is Hogwarts" he looked enraged.

"You don't know about Hogwarts?we sent u hundreds of letters" I shook my head and pointed at Sarah.

"She ripped them up and wouldn't let me see them" Hagrid glared at Sarah.

"Well of course I ain't letting you go I'm supposed to be magical not you." I rolled my eyes.

"Well Evangeline you are a witch and Harry here is a wizard" I nodded suprised.

"A-are you sure?" He nodded.

"Now we have a long night ahead of us now get changed and lets get u two to diagon ally to get ur supplies" I nodded and went to go get changed.

It was gonna be a long night.

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