Chapter 13

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Guess who's back back back, back again gain gain. The authors back back back, tell a friend!

Hi guys, long time, no see! I missed you all. anyway here's the newest update, now on with the story!


"But Sammy!" Tommy whined, grabbing my sweater and yanking. "No Tom. Give it up." I stated sternly, attempting to escape him so I can finally enjoy my day. He was determined to spend yet another day with the host club, and I was determined not to.

"Sam their fun, I want to have some fun Sammy." I almost laughed, he practically loved them more then he loved me. Can you believe that? He gave a final tug on my sweater, attempting to pull me to a stop. This time he succeeded. I sighed, glancing down at the boy, he was giving me his biggest puppy dog look, much to my dismay. "Ugh fine." I mumbled, watching his face contort in excitement and triumph. Silly boy. Hopefully none of them answered the phone.

I decided to dial Tamaki's number, making up my mind that if he didn't answer, I wouldn't call the others. After exactly 3 rings, Tamaki's voice came over on the other end. "Hello?" I groaned in displeasure, why can't things just go my way?

"Hey Tamaki, it's Sam."
"Oh hi Sammy."
"You uh want to hang out today?" I winced at how lame I sounded. Glancing at Tommy, to see he was nodding approvingly. Man I pray he's too busy or something. "Oh sorry Sam, I'm not gay." My mouth dropped, eyes widening to the size of saucers. He thought I was a-asking him out? Ugh this is why I don't call people or have friends. "NO! I wasn't asking you out, god no, I meant do you want to hang out as friends." I heard distant chuckles. Was he laughing at me? What a jerk. I was immediately tempted to just hang up, and save me more embarrassment. "Oh sure Sam, i'll call the others too." I sighed, hanging up and glaring at Tommy. He smiled innocently, skipping off into his room. Presumably to get ready.

One day. Just one day, I wanted to spend without my new 'friends.' But at the same time I was thankful for the sudden distraction. The less time I had alone with my thoughts, the less time I spent worried and stressed about him. But that doesn't mean that I want to spend every waking moment with them. No sane person would.

I groaned distastefully, yanking out my newest pack of gum, and stuffing a piece into my mouth. Almost seconds later, my doorbell rang, following with an stoked Tommy running at me jumping up and down. "Their here, Sammy their here!" I laughed, ruffling his hair and letting him drag me to the door. I sighed heavily, opening the door and rolling my eyes at the 7 familiar faces. "You know you didn't have to invite us, if you're going to be annoyed." Kyoya stated unemotionally. I answered with yet another eye roll. "Believe me, you're only here because Tommy wants you to be." "Ohhhh sure!" Kaoru laughed, resulting in yet another eye roll. "Oh your just angry, because we interrupted your date with Tamaki." The twins teased, earning a menacing glare from me. "I did not ask him out!" I shouted grabbing Tommy's hand and my jacket, pushing past the hosts. "Yeah I misunderstood." Tamaki aided, the hosts following behind us.

"So what do you want to do Sam?" Haruhi asked catching up to me. "Ohhhh can we go to the park... PLEASE SAM!" I smiled, shrugging nonchalantly.
"Yeah sounds good to me."
"Can we get cake, I'm almost out!"
"We're in."

I chuckled, nodding again.


Time skip ;)

I laughed, pushing Tommy higher on the swings. The twins were yet again bothering Haruhi, Tamaki chatting with Kyoya, and Mori and Honey eating the new cake he bought before we got to the park. "Higher Sammy higher!" Tommy shrieked with joy as I pushed harder and he went flying up into the air. The swings were always Alex's and mine favorite thing as kids. We could spend hours just swinging, and jumping off to see who could go the furthest.

"Sam can we please play hide and seek?" I rose an eyebrow, shrugging. "What's hide and seek?" I jumped lightly, turning to glare at the culprit. Tamaki had wide eyes in curiosity. I helped Tommy off of the swing, before turning towards the hosts. "It's a game." Haruhi face palmed at their lack of understanding. "Its where everyone hides, and one person counts to a number then had to go find them." Haruhi grumbled, clearly annoyed.

"Oh so it's a commoners game?" Honey questioned innocently, clutching his little bunny to his chest. "Im beginning to doubt that any of you had a childhood." I mumbled, shaking my head lightly. "Hey we did!" the twins grinned deviously, wrapping arms around my shoulders. "Okay we'll play, but we can make it even better." I squinted my eyes in suspicion. Knowing them, that probably had some sort of a- "A BET!" Yup I knew it.

"What kinda bet?"

"We'll have teams, the winners get to be carried all the way back to your house by the losers."

"You guys have limos, yet you want us to carry you." I quizzed, surprised that that would be what they ask for. The twins shared a look, before nodding. "Yup."

"Ugh fine."

We quickly picked out teams. On my team was Mori, Tamaki, and Honey. Haruhi's team consisted of Hikaru, Kaoru, and Tommy. Kyoya decided not to play, which I had no problem with due to the fact that not the teams were equal.

Time skip:

"Ugh what have you been eating?!" I panted, carrying Hikaru on my back. Of course we just had to lose, much to my surprise. I honestly thought we had it in the bag. I just felt bad for Mori, who had to carry both Kaoru and Tommy, due to the fact that he wouldn't let Honey carry anyone. Tamaki had to carry Haruhi, and I seemed to be the only person having any difficulty carrying someone.

"It's not me, your just weak." Hikaru stated matter of factly, a smirk evident in his voice. "Yeah you shouldn't have made the bet if you can't carry someone." Kaoru stated, nodding towards his brother. "I.thought.... that.. I" I wheezed. Hikaru was seriously heavy. "Well you didn't!" The twins chorused happily.

"It's all...Tamaki's fault." I blamed, glaring over to Tamaki. "It was not."
"You hid behind the thinnest tree in the world." "It's not my fault." "The tree was smallest thing I have ever seen." Everyone was laughing at the argument Tamaki and I was having. "Fine, it's not your fault!" I groaned, defeated. He nodded in agreement.

I smiled slightly to myself. This was a good day overall, and no one got hurt. I groaned, before feeling my feet give out underneath me and we both toppled to the ground. "Oomph!" I collapsed onto the concrete, rolling my eyes as everyone broke out in laughter. "Get off me!" I shouted, pushing Hikaru off of me. "Thanks for breaking my fall Sammy." He laughed, standing up and holding a hand out for me to take. I took it, rubbing to dirt off my pants. I leaned down, motioning for Hikaru to get back on. "Are you sure Sam?" "Yup, a deals and deal." He laughed again, jumping back onto my back. Well guess someone did get hurt.



So that was just another filler, but I enjoyed writing it, it was fun so I hope you guys liked reading it. So I actually have a question for all of you and it'd be great if ya answered it. Im just curious if I'm leaving enough hints or if I'm leaving to many, so please tell me.

Who do you think I intend for Sam to end up with?






Now please let me know, remember its who you think he's going to end up with not who you want him too. Thanks. I'll update next week.

-author out

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