Chapter 25

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It's not easy to be told that your friend was hurt, but it's unbearable to know that it was your doing. I was utterly relieved to know that he was alright, and we all went to Kaoru and Hikaru's place to see them. Apparently after the attack they went straight home, unable to control their fear shock enough to stay. I honestly could not blame them. Their mansion was huge, and their room was the size of my entire apartment, shocking me to the point I was possessed with envy.

We were currently sitting in their bedroom, discussing the horror of what happened and what we were to do about it. Kaoru only had a simple bruise that looked as if it would clear up in no time, but Hikaru treated it as if he needed surgery. Constantly fretting over him, often shooting him concerned glances while we talked. It was pleasant to see him with such love towards his brother, though I already knew that they were close. "Why were you outside?" Haruhi questioned with a raised eyebrow, I was actually curious for the answer as well as I stated at the two with peaked interest. "I lost my phone, so we were looking for it." Hikaru answered, shooting another look to his brother who was sitting up against multiple pillows on their bed.

"Oh did you find it?" Honey sweetly asked, taking a large bite out of the slice of cake the twins gave him. They shook their heads in sync, both only shrugging nonchalantly. "We'll buy a new one." I was about to laugh until I realized they were being completely serious. Haruhi and I shared a look and I knew we were both thinking the same thing 'rich kids.' Being surrounded by them came with having to bite your tongue when they said crap like this.

'Ba ding!'

My phone beeped wildly, signaling a test message. Everyone glanced at me, but I was confused, because the only people who had the number were the hosts. Nonetheless I pulled it free from my pocket and at the image my heart dropped to my feet, my eyes widening to the size of saucers. It was a simple image of my bedroom at my apartment, but beside my bed was a tall man clad in a black cloak. A sliver of his face was seen peaking out, but the only thing you could make out of it was his evil smirk. Under the image were the words 'Remember you belong to me - Takashiro' I could've puked, especially when I looked at the sender name which said 'Hikaru Hittachiian.'

"Hey Sam, you look like you've seen a ghost." Tamaki informed me, placing a hand on my shoulder. I would've answered if I had the ability, but the words I could say were caught in my throat as I stared at his face that glistened like a statue. It was clearly taken at night, so it was an old one, but my fear spiked when I saw who was sleeping in the bed he was standing over. He broke into my house while I slept, he stared at me as I was stuck within unconsciousness. He could've hurt Tommy and I didn't even know he was there.
"Come on sam?"

I snapped out of my stupor, not realizing how long I was stuck in delirium as I had a mini panic attack. Sweat I didn't realize was there trickled down my forehead, tears pooling my vision. The worst part? It's the realization that no matter what what I do I'm going to lose to a man stuck within insanity. Thats the most painful thing. I forced my eyes away from the image and to the eyes of worry. "I-I'm so sorry." I found the words slipping from my lips directed towards Kaoru who was suddenly confused along with everyone else. I knew exactly why I was sorry, but I couldn't force myself to tell them. I was the reason he got hurt, the reason that he was attacked without justification. My darkest fear is....what about next time? Will the next victim of my past get off with only a bruise or will they not get off at all? That was the thought plaguing my mind as I allowed my tears to flow in rivers, proving to me that I was not strong enough to handle this. Proving to me that I was getting so close to giving up, too tired and too afraid to try.

"Sam what is it?" Hikaru scooted closer to me, and Tommy vaulted into my lap to make room for him. "This-" I mumbled, thrusting the phone into his hand, to which he gave me a final look before glancing down. I carefully gauged his expression, watching with everyone else. His face turned paper white as he studied it, before he cleared his throat and shook his head like a dog would to rid themselves of water. Except Hikaru was trying to rid himself of an image and a thought possessing his mind in icy hands. I knew how that felt, to try to fight off something that has been stained into your mind. "This is serious?" He mumbled, his eyes wide and full of fear. "Yeah it's serious." I answered his rhetorical question, staring intently into my lap as he told everyone.

I tuned out the words he spoke, uninterested in hearing a story I already know. But I started paying attention when Hikaru's arms were around me and Tamaki was patting my back. "Well don't you have that secret police thingy?" Kaoru said with a sense of urgency dripping from his lips. I rubbed my eyes, my shoulders sagging with hopelessness. The police were unable to help in this situation, they still hadn't been able to find the man and its been a year. It would be a futile affair, I knew that the only way to deal with this was through the one who started this. Me. I had to fix this before someone else I cared for was hurt. Before the flame I lit raged out of control. I was the only one, and now that it was getting out of hand I had to move quickly. I glanced around at everyone as they continued to argue over what would happen from here. My last glance was to Tommy, who was twiddling his hands and humming a song my mother used to sing to us when we couldn't sleep. When she would sing me the song as a child I would always tell her "but mommy I'm not afraid of the dark, theres no such thing as monsters!" If I could go back in time I would tell 6 year old me that there are such thing as monsters, they came in the form of people. With violent eyes that were so deep you could see into hell, with a face so grim that you were frozen. They weren't people, they were monsters, they didn't hide in your closets, they don't need to, they'll get you. Without hiding, without sneaking around, they'll get you, and there will be nothing that you can do. I would tell him that soon he'd have to face his monster, and warn him to protect the people he cares about. Monsters exist.



This chapter meant a lot to me, and I was super proud of the outcome so yup hope you liked it as much as I did.
All that good stuff :)

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