Chapter 40

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THE LAST CHAPTER!!! Read the AN at the end please
Sam's POV

"How are you feeling?" Hikaru inquired, his hand squeezing mine sweetly. I didn't know how to answer his question, physically I was perfectly fine. The doctor told me I would live a full and complete life, and that I was a damn lucky fool. When I woke up I saw the most glorious face, and I was pleased to have Hikaru holding me. Ever since that day a week ago he hasn't left me alone, claiming it to be due to worry, but I believed it was more for him then it was for me. Tom slept in my bedroom every single night, and where ever Tommy slept so did Pancake, so as you can imagine this week as been loads of fun. Today, I dared to do something I hadn't done in nearly half a year. I was visiting my family. That's where his question became difficult to answer, emotionally I was distraught. The concrete plaques rose up from the damp earth with innocent intent, but carrying out a vicious deed. The sky was cloudy and gloomy, signaling oncoming rain, and I felt bad for dragging Hikaru to a cemetery with me. The air was damp and smelt of wet grass, and I smiled warmly at that, knowing it was Alex's favorite scent.

"I'm okay." I mumbled, leaning into his touch for comfort when the familiar oak tree came into my line of vision. No matter how long I stayed away from this place, that tree would always be the most prominent thing in my mind, along with the 3 head stones beneath its drooping branches. I remember the day we buried them here, there were only a handful of people attending, and they were all a sobbing mess. I remember picking out the location of the burial, and when I saw that tree, I saw it as a beacon of hope. I always figured that as long as that tree was alive, they were here too. When we were close enough to touch the hard surface of the headstones, I released Hikaru's hand, and fell to my knees. I eyed the name on the middle stone, and the words beneath it.

'Alexander Ai Etsuko'
' A Loving heart stopped beating when Alexander Etsuko stopped breathing. In his place was left many broken hearts, for through his life he was an angel. God holds many angels in his palm, and Earth only has a few, so we are left to question why he had to take Alex.'

I swiped the stray tears leaking from my eyes, I vividly recall writing those words on a napkin the day before the funeral and commanding they carve it into his headstone. I saw out of the corner of my eye Hikaru lean down beside me, and felt him place a hand on my back. "Alex." He breathed, as he ran a hand over the fancy lettering. I gave a smile, watching him dance his fingers across the tombstone in awe. He then made a move to look at the earth, then back to the stone, then to me, shiny tears in his gorgeous eyes. "I'm sorry Sammy." He leaned in, letting his forehead touch mine, and his lips to peck mine. I closed my eyes, placing a palm on his chest and felt instantly calm when his heartbeat pushed against my hand. "I love you Hikaru Hitachiin." I mumbled, feeling content being in his sweet embrace, that stole away the coldness in my chest. "Never as much as I love you Asami." I smirked at the cheesy line, and pulled away, eyes blurring with tears as I looked at the place Alex lies. "Alex, mom, dad, this is my boyfriend Hikaru. Even though it might be a shock seeing as I never told you I was gay." I smiled, I always meant to tell him, but never found it in me. I wasn't scared of rejection, because I knew he would accept me even if I told him I was an insane zealot bent on sacrificing him to my gods. It was more so because I didn't want to distort his image of me. "Hi Alex. Hi Mrs and Mr Etsuko." Hikaru said from beside me, and being the goofy guy he is, he brought his other hand up to wave softly. I laughed quietly, but my clear amusement didn't deter him as he continued to talk.

"This isn't my desired way of meeting the family of the man I love, but it's fine. Anyway, I love Asami, more then anything and I don't know how to live without him. I just wanted you to know, because he was yours first. Alex, I wanted to thank you, because you took care of Sammy, and you helped to shape him into the man I love. Thank you all so so much." I sniffled, and wrapped my arms around him, placing a sloppy kiss to his lips, then to his cheek, his forehead, and nose, before pulling away with a small laugh. "You're amazing."
"I know."
We shared a laugh, before taking several moments to sit in silence, left only to the sounds of out thoughts. Staring at the graves, I didn't think I would ever be able to release them, but for the first time in my life, I knew I would be okay. As long as I had Hikaru and the hosts, I would be okay. "Okay, everyone is probably planning our deaths for being late to the meeting, so we'd better get going." Hikaru mumbled, smiling at me, before untangling out bodies and standing up. He brushed the dirt from his butt, his very very nice butt, and held a hand out to me. "Yeah." I took his hand and allowed him to pull me to my feet. I said goodbye to my family and left them with a promise to come back soon, and to bring Tommy.

The ending of a journey, much like its beginning, is doused in a bliss, thrown to the flames of anxiousness. Filled with an excitement for the good, and a horrid fear of the bad. But it's all clouded with an adventurous joy. The ending, much like the beginning, is never truly over. It continues in a never ending cycle of perfection. At first glance at the beginning of my journey, you would see a man, filled to the brim with sorrow. A man without reason or aim, one who could only ever see the bad in life and in people. So blinded by anguish, that he couldn't see the path laid out for him, that he couldn't see the beauty hidden within the seams of life. A man with a heart so bent it was mistaken for shattered, but with a journey undoubtedly frustrating his vision was cleared and his heart straightened. The only difference between the ending and the beginning is the person. Though the same, so different. The ending of my journey started with a picture, rough around the edges, and charred to a burnt black. But it didn't distort the joyful faces of a family, my family, though the blood running through out vein differs and the personalities lingering in our spirit bear no resemblance, we are a family. A happy bunch with pasts made of stone and hearts made of a rawness unmatchable. Our presents somehow collided, and I refuse to let our futures depart from one another's. By the end, stood a man prideful and passionate, strong and full of life. One who saw the beauty that the world could offer, saw and accepted the pain that he would have to go through to reach the top. One who could breath without questioning whether it would be his last. That man was me. I had survived agony, survived life, and came out on top, with the help of people I once hated. The thing about journeys, is the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning.

"Sammy!" I spun around, just in time to catch Tommy who flew into my arms with ease. "Hey little buddy." I grinned, before glancing up to my friends, who trotted over full of grins. My boyfriend, gave me one of his rare genuine smiles, his arm interlocked with his brother's. Tamaki started one of his rants about random things towards Kyoya who took it in stride and honey happily munched on a colorful cake with Mori standing close like a beacon of protection.  "Hey." I mumbled, nudging Hikaru's side with my elbow, interrupting his conversation with Kaoru. "Hi Sam." He grinned, and Kaoru lamely winked at me before shambling behind Haruhi, successfully scaring her. I chuckled, and secured the arm that wasn't carrying Tommy, around Hikaru. He began discussing random topics with me and I occasionally gave my two sense. I never thought I would see these people after I was shot, my final thoughts were something along the lines of goodbye. But the doctor said I was healing up nicely, and that I have no worries towards full recovery. For that I was happy, completely content in remaining in life. So I said my final goodbye to Alex, releasing him from the confines of my mind, freeing myself from the chains of the past, and looking forward to the bliss of the future, but for now I'll just soak in the glory of my present. Who knows what my next journey will consist of. But whatever it is, I'll be with these idiot hosts, and honestly I wouldn't want it any other way.

THE END!!!!!
I loved this story, I really did, and I'm sad to say goodbye to it, but eventually things have to come to an end. Thank you all so much for reading this book, it truly makes me happy. I loved all of your comments and votes and just seeing how many people read the chapter would instantly bring a smile to my lips. I cannot believe it's over, really, but I hope that you'll read some of my other books. If any of you are a fan of Fred and George from Harry Potter I have a book coming out soon about them. Please go and read it. Anywhore thank you my glorious people and goodbye...for now.

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