Chapter 36

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This chapter is dedicated to Deadpool2474 and UNICORN_KING, two great names btw. Thanks for commenting guys, anyway everyone on with the story! I have a feeling you guys are gonna lose it *insert evil laughter here*


The inspirational words Kaoru had spoken 2 days ago had lingered within my mind without sign of easing up. I don't believe he realized the impact his speech would have over me, but isn't that the same with every sentence to escape someone's lips. They don't realize the affect but to someone it could mean the world or the end of it. I don't even know if he remembers exactly what he said, but I however do, and it's becoming quite the pain. Sometimes the words would burrow into my head without cause and cause my mind to drift and for me to ignore everything else. Just last week I was contemplating giving myself over to Takashiro just to end the pain for everyone else. Just last week that seemed like the honorable way to go about this problem. But now it seemed only cowardly, maybe that's what it always was. Maybe the plan wasn't away to help everyone else, maybe it was my own selfish desires. My desires to finally escape my reality, to finally be free of Takashiro, and to finally be reunited with Alex. Maybe that's all that it was to me. I suppose I didn't take into account what would come of everyone else after I was gone. I didn't think of the pain it would cause the bizarre host club members. The pain it would cause my boyfriend, or the pain it would cause my brother. I was selfish.

"My lord! MR. ETSUKO!" I snapped my head towards the face to the high pitched, headache inducing, female voice. Her face was bright, cherry red, and if it was possible there would be steam emitting from her elephant ears right now. "Yes?" I drawled, I was probably exuding boredom, but that's to be expected. "What. Is. The. Answer?" She frustratingly enunciated each word, did she think she was talking to a five year old? "I wouldn't be able to tell you." I replied nonchalantly, breathing out a sigh, and laying my head on my fist. "Just say 24." Hikaru whispered in my ear, successfully sending a pleasant chill down my spine. I knew he saw it, and I could almost picture his smug smirk, but I didn't bother to turn. "24?" It came out as a question, but it obviously wouldn't be my intention.

"Thank you Hikaru for saving us the time of waiting for Asami to get his head out of his butt." She sneered at me as she spoke. Wait can she say something like that? Probably. The class began to laugh, and I waited until they were finished with their phrase of her very poorly administered insult, to start a slow clap. Suddenly all eyes were on me as I leaned back in my chair and propped my legs on the empty desk. "Wow! Man who comes up with this material?!" I grinned when her glare deepened, and made my hands into an A okay formation. "Cause its real amazing, you know, never got over the classics, then again their not classics to you, since you were about 40 when they came out." The class exploded with choke backed laughs. I almost burst into my own laughter at her blushing and taken aback expression. "Mr. Etsuko!" Oh here we go, I've seen that look before, she kicks me out, I pretend to go to the office, hang outside, and draw until the bell rings.

"I know, I know!" I held up my hands in surrender, gathering my bag and standing from my seat. "Get out, to straight to the headmaster!" I mimicked her squeaky voice and shoved my chair in. Her infuriation was palpable, and once again I found myself snickering with the rest of the students as I left the room. I breathed out of sigh as the door slammed shut behind me. My gut was squeezing, almost like there was a snake wrapping tighter and tighter around my torso with every second. The feeling was identical to the one I got moments before Takashiro killed my family. Something was going to happen.


"Sammy, how many times do I have to tell you not to talk back!" Haruhi reprimanded half heartedly, but I found it amusing how she tells me not to yet it's probably the most entertaining part of her day. I didn't want to anger the short brunette that was the size of a pixie, but had the anger of a MMA fighter, so I swallowed my pride and mumbled an apology. She beamed, and ran off towards Tamaki, leaving me with the snickering devil twins. "The hell you laughing at?" I grumbled like a petulant child. They shared identical glances, and laughed louder, hands on their stomachs. "Shut up." I mumbled, crossing my arms, but I was unable to contain the tiny chuckles to escape. What?! Their laughter is contagious, don't blame me. "Sorry Sam, I love you." Hikaru coughed out between fits of laughter, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I would've replied, but I couldn't, I was in mild shock, never has he been the one to say that first. I always had to say I loved him before he would say it.

Without hesitation, I spun, and planted my lips on his, my hands fastening around his neck. It took a few seconds but he quickly responded, kissing me back with ferocity, as his hands skimmed down, stopping at my lower back so he could pull me closer. I moaned when his tongue swiped my bottom lip, and his teeth nibbled on it, requesting access, which I gladly gave him, desperate for more. "Cough cough...Sammy...Hikaru...DANG IT STOP RAPING MY BROTHER SAM!" I pulled back with a laugh, my arms still wrapped around Hikaru, and his around me. We both turned to a very red Kaoru, who was glaring at the ground, arms crossed. Everyone else was too busy with their own thing to notice us. I wish Kaoru was too. I opened my mouth to inform him that it wasn't rape if he wanted it, and he very much wanted it, but the words fell short at what I saw. Outside of the large glassy window, I glimpsed a stream of light ricocheting off of a slim, silver barrel of a gun. I stared in shock, my eyes following a path to where it was aimed...directly on Kaoru. Before I knew what I was doing, I was sprinting towards Kaoru, shouting for everyone to get down. My hands connected with his shocked body, shoving him to the ground and pivoting so I could move. Before I could however, a loud bang was heard and I was on the ground, white hot searing pain burning in my chest.


I was staring at the ceiling, eyes unblinking as they traced the lines overlapping on the skylight. The sun bore against my numb body, and crimson liquid filled my mouth, pooling out of me like a red river.

"No no no, someone help, no Sam! Stay with me. SAMMY!" My eyes connected with Hikaru, leaning over me, his eyes filled to the brim with worry and fear. Why was he scared? I wanted to ask, but when I opened my mouth to question him, only more blood escaped, and the urge to cough overwhelmed me. I wanted to tell him I was okay, that he didn't need to be scared, but I couldn't. Why couldn't I talk? What happened? Hikaru don't cry. I wanted to scream when I saw glistening, shiny water droplets pool from his eyes and drip down his pale cheeks. Why was he crying? All of a sudden, more faces came into the picture, all of them panicky and all of them tear filled. I'm okay though. Guys I'm okay. I couldn't tell them, I wanted to tell them, I can't talk. Black dots invaded my vision, blurring the faces of my family, taking them away from me. No! I don't want to lose another family, no I have to stay awake. It was a futile battle though, and soon I couldn't see anything, too deep into the oblivion to come back. Was I dying? I knew something was going to happen, I just wish I could tell them I loved them. Tell Hikaru he was my miracle, tell them they were my saviors, tell them I'm sorry for dying. I'm dying. I'm dying. I'm...dying.


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