Chapter 19

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I eventually dosed off along with Sara. We were woken up by a noisy nurse coming in to clean the room. We sat and talked for a while longer and I couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Sara, What is your dad's name?" I asked hoping I wasn't going to upset her.

"I don't remember his name. I think my mom only said it once or twice", She answered nonchalantly.

The time flew by waiting with Sara in the hospital. It was a week after the crash and she was substantially better. The doctor had daily visits and said she could be released today or tomorrow. The doctor came in and said, "Sara is doing very well. She should be able to go today after lunch". Kyle and I talked about how we were going to get to the right city in Florida to see Max and Sara's mom. We finally decided on driving to Tampa. I had so many questions for Sara's mom I could hardly count them.

We went around for a while looking for a cheap rental car to get for the drive and decided on a cute yellow bug. Kyle's head just brushed the top of the car and my head wasn't too far from the top either, but I still loved this car. The two hour drive was short as we sang and laughed and joked around. We arrived at the hospital and found the front desk to ask where Katherine (Sara's mom) was.

The lady at the desk told us some directions. I hoped Kyle and Sara were listening as I was spacing off from how excited I was to get my questions answered from the dreams that I had. I had been thinking about a lot over the last week trying to imagine what could have been the reason for those dreams. I just need to figure them out.

"Sam, Sam, Sam!", Kyle yelled at me shaking me literally out of my excitement induced trance. "It's time to go to the room".

"Oh yea!" I remembered where we were when I started spacing off. We walked to the elevators and went to the third floor in the large building. Kyle led us through the white hallways to a door and motioned for Sara and I to go in first. We saw Katherine laying in her bed looking very sick. She opened her eyed and smiled at Sara and looked carefully to me. Sara ran to her mom and gave her a quick hug.

"Mom, this is Sam", Sara said quietly to her mother. I smiled and looked carefully at me.

"Do I know you?", She asked.

I pulled in my courage and excitement and said as steadily as possible, "You don't know me but I think you might know my father".

"Ok. Who was he?", She asked suspiciously.

Suddenly losing my confidence and all the courage I had worked up for this moment I took a small step forward to get closer so I could whisper, "Mason"

"Oh my! Oh my! Sam. You are the Sam of Mason. Mason is your father. My Mason."

"You knew my father?"

"Yea. He was a great guy", She said adoringly.

"How do you know my father?" I asked worried I would hear the answer that I didn't want to hear.

"We were really good friends, basically best friends", She said.

"Is he Sara's dad?", I asked finding my confidence again.

"Yes he is Sara's dad", She said fear clouding her eyes.

I turned around and looked at Kyle and I don't remember anything but my name being called an warm arms around me.

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