Chapter 1

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"Louis! Feed me!" Niall yelled and giggled when Louis entered the room only wearing boxers. Niall pulled the sleepy boy into his lap and giggled once more. Louis pulled Niall down on the couch with him, tangling their legs. "Louis!" Niall giggled.

"Ni! It's like 2 in the morning!" Louis snuggled closer into Niall's bare skin.

"It's already midday and I'm starving!" Niall complained into the crook of Louis's neck.

"Order in." Louis solved and reached behind himself and felt around for Niall's phone on the glass coffee table and handed it to Niall all while keeping his face in Niall's chest.

After Niall ordered in he laid down again and snuggled into Louis's almost bare body. They just laid in each others warmth for a good 20 minutes before someone knocked on the door. Niall sat up quickly and pulled Louis with him, grabbing his wallet off of the table before dragging the half asleep Omega behind him and answered the door. The smell of an Alpha woke Louis up immediately and he wrapped his arms around Niall's waist and pulled him closer to him, possessive eyes glaring down the Alpha as Niall bought the pizza. The Alpha was shrinking under Louis's glare and quickly left after Niall paid. Only when Niall locked the door did he let go and walked Niall back to his room and pulled Niall down on the bed with him. Niall was happily munching on pizza when he saw Louis starting to drift off. Niall heard someone ring their doorbell and he shook Louis silently as the strong smell of Alpha drifted into the house.

Louis sniffed and sat up, his eyes alert. "Ni? Who is in the house?" Louis asked, standing up and pulling Niall with him, taking a protective stance in front of him.

"No one, someone rang the doorbell," Niall hesitated before tapping Louis' shoulder. "Should we answer it?" Louis nodded and pulled the Omega with him, keeping a protective arm around him, halfway standing in front of him. Louis unlocked the door and opened the door and a wave of confusion set in the air as the two Alphas stared at the two almost naked male Omegas that were holding each other.

"Yes?" Louis huffed in annoyance as the Alphas stared at their intertwined fingers.

"Um....." One started with hazel eyes and light brown hair started but trailed off, still staring at the pair holding hands.

"We just moved into the apartment next door and we wanted to meet the neighbors," said the one with curly brown locks and emerald eyes. Eyes trailing up and down Louis' body, noticing a small scar in the Omega's belly, causing the Omega to pull Niall closer to him when he realized the other was doing the same to Niall. Niall of course wasn't paying any mind to the Alphas.

Only when he felt the possessiveness of Louis' arms did he look up. He saw the way the Alphas were looking at them. He wrapped his arms around Louis' waist and lightly kissed the skin on the other Omega's neck. Niall smiled against the skin causing Louis to shiver and blush.

The Alphas were dumbfounded and just stood their in shock. Both could smell the sweet and mouth watering sent of both Omegas. Both were still confused as of how the Omegan couple could be together, they were told it was impossible.

"And?" Louis asked with an irritated sigh. The Alphas finally seemed to snap back into reality.

"Um.... we wanted to know if you want to have dinner with us tomorrow night?" The Alpha with emerald eyes asked.

"Maybe, but I would like to know the names of the men feeding my Ni dinner." Louis smirked and kissed Niall's temple. Again the Alphas sat stupefied. "Curly?" Louis asked while the curly headed Alpha was staring at Louis' bare chest.

"Um... this is Harry and I'm Liam," the Alpha that the Omegas guessed to be Liam said.

"I'm Niall and this is Louis." Niall said fondly. Louis smiled and they turned back to the Alphas who again were just staring at the pair of Omegas. "Yeah, so we need to get dressed." Niall started to close the door but the Alpha named Harry held the door open with his hands.

"Can I ask a personal question?" Harry asked eyeing the Omegas who were still holding onto each other.

"You are holding the door open, you are an Alpha and we are Omegas so based on knowledge of everyone. You can do anything you please and Niall ad I would have to obey, unless your friend here decided to kill you because he disagrees with what you ask but by the look on his face I'm guessing you both have the exact same question." Louis replied, he knew he shouldn't have talked to any Alpha like that but he couldn't give two shits about anyone in the world besides his Omegan friend; Niall.

"I don't use my Alpha voice, Liam either." Harry pointed out.

"But you still are holding our door open." Niall giggled hugging Louis from behind.

"How are you two together, I thought all Omegas couldn't stand each other unless they were in a pack, or family?" Liam asked for Harry, both Omegas just smirked and smiled at each other.

"Well you thought wrong." Niall smirked. "Now bye. Getting dressed remember." Niall closed the door. Sighing sadly when he saw the scars that littered Louis' back.

"I don't wanna get dressed!" Louis whined and walked back to his room and fell on the bed.

"Well..... It is Spring Break and we don't have anything planned...." Niall trailed, putting the half full box of pizza on the chair in the corner of the room.

"My heat is going to start in about an hour, maybe sooner. I can feel it." Louis complained, rubbing his little tummy.

"Great, mine as well." Niall sighed and laid down next to Louis who just growled into his pillow.

"Wonderful. Two unbonded, unmated Alphas move in next door the day before BOTH of us go into heat..... Now we have to cancel dinner..... and who is going to feed you? Or me? We always feed each other when the other is in heat." Louis sighed into his pillow.

"Between my waves I'll get food for you and vise versa. And they can deal." Niall turned Louis over and started rubbing his stomach, soothing Louis' cramps.

Niall always gets cramps after his heat while Louis gets his before.

Niall watched as his friend slowly drifted off to sleep, the words beautiful, perfect, and gorgeous. Flew through his head, he had always loved Louis, and if Louis had presented as an Alpha or even Beta Niall would have taken his chances with him but as an Omega he knew there was no chance. Niall watched all the worry, stress and age all being flooded away as he sank deeper and deeper into sleep. Niall thought he looked peaceful, blissful even.

Niall sighed and got out of bed and walked out of Louis' room and over to his own. He pulled out his black skinnies and a random white tee and threw them on. His ears perked up at the faint sound of a moan was heard.

Niall tip-toed into Louis's room to a sweaty Louis and little whimpers leaving his swollen lips, as if he had been biting them. Niall walked over to the bed and pressed his hand to Louis' still bare chest and felt the heat rising. Something was sending Louis into an early heat. Niall raced out of the room and double locked the front door, placing a wooden chair under the handle.

He locked the door leading from the main room to the hall that then separates into their rooms. He walked back to Louis' room and took Louis' key off of his dresser and tucked it into his pocket and locked himself in Louis' room with Louis. He sat back down on the bed and watched Louis wither in his dreams.

He must of had a sex dream, a good one too if it were to send him into an early heat. Louis let out a moan that went straight to Niall's dick and caused it to twitch in his boxers. Niall felt the familiar burning heat pool in his lower stomach. Great is what he thought when he realized he was going into heat as well.

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