Episode 2: Love you

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Dear diary

I never knew how much it feels to see someone that you think they left you, but it was a different reason. My mom, she didn't ditch me, or Malachi. She didn't even leave her village at all. It was because of this man named Zane, Garroths brother. The joy of seeing my mom fills me up with happiness. So does the other villagers, my moms smile makes the world for them. Im babbling off so lets start!

I ran down the ladder and pulled the lever open for the gate. There my mom ran to me and gave me a hug. This hug, it fills me up with warmth, with anxiety, and relief. My... mom... is home... we then seperate, and to my surprise my mom was so happy to see me. "Levin... I cant believe thats you." She cried in happiness. I then back away for a bit, I felt like I scared her or something. "Ahem I-I'm sorry... that was so sudden... I didn't mean to scare you or anything...." my voice trembling. "You didnt scare me at all its just..." she stopped for a moment. "U-um can I have a word with you....?" I asked, rubbing my neck. "Of course Levin! We can talk where ever you want, I-I ...." I then grab my moms arm, "follow me." As I let go of her and walked to my house. "Alright... um this place has changed..." she mumbled to herself. I then hear her getting surprised when I walked to my house. "Is this...this is where you live? Oh my gosh.. hehe... yea this is the old... lords house...okay.... uhh" she then sits down. "Levin, what did you want to talk about?" She asked nervously. "M-Mom.. I-I cant believe its you.." I said holding back my tears. "I-I cant believe its you either.. Levin you've grown so much." She said surprised. "Heh, well I u-uh..can say the same about you? I, I'm sorry im just overwhelmed right now. Its kind of sad, I get to have my mom back after 15 years and I j-just..." I then couldn't hold back my tears. My mom then gave me a hug so I would stop crying, which this reminds me when I was little mom gave me a hug everyday. My sadness went away and happiness filled me up, I missed this feeling for so long. I then sniffle, "where were you mom? I mean Zoey came back to the safe hold earlier and told us about you coming back but she left out where you've been exactly. Last I remember she was obsessed with trying to.... break the realm barrier to find you." She looks at me shaking. "I guess I have to tell you everything." She trembled. She then started talking about how she got stuck in Irenes dimension, and how one was left behind with a monster. "T-that... sounds horrible.
So what was fifteen minutes for you, was fifteen years for me? I cant Imagine what pain you are having right now." She then looked at me, "I can't imagine what your feeling right now!" "Me? Agh um... I'm relieved. Relieved because one, your home and alive.. Two because. I thought you left because you didn't love me or Malachi anymore..." I cried a bit more. "LEVIN! NEVER! I LOVE BOTH OF YOU!" A smile came across my mouth. "I know you do Zoey told Malachi and I about how much loved us and how you took us both into your heart when we don't have anyone else. She would tell us bedtime stories about all of your adventures every night.. she always left us hanging on the best part too. Heh.
..so everyone from back then that left with you that day is here. Except for Garroth.." she sighed. "Levin do you remember Garroth?" She asked. I scratched my head. "I know of him.. I barely remember how he was. Everyone here says I look like Garroth, heh. I just hope that they don't expect me to live up to his reputation. Or Laurence's. Speaking of which.. Laurence is back now isn't he? Malachi talks the world of him.. I'm kind of excited to meet him. If he and Garroth are anything like Dante. My head guard then I know there good people." My mom looked at me confused. "Wait.. Dante is you "head guard"...?" ".Oh! That's right, I um.. I'm sorry I haven't told you a thing about myself. I just really wanted to get to know my mom more. I really missed you." "I missed you as well Levin, I want to know all about you!" She said with her big smile. "R-Really? Okay.. well.. i guess its been 15 years. From what I was told when I was younger we came back from the ship that sailed off. Malachi and I were devastated that you wee gone. Zoey had a hard time dealing with us the months after. It got to the part where she needed help with mine and Malachis feelings so she took us to the Yggdroid forest, To her home village. Admittedly I don't remember it very much, but it was indeed beautiful and calming. When we came back some years later Zoey found out that people were slowly leaving the village. No one wanted to step up as Lord after you left so.. things get a little hectic. Eventually everyone who isn't in the village now left but when I came of age about year ago I took on the position of Lord of Phoenix Drop." As I took a deep breath after the last sentence. "You did!?" She said happy. "Heh, um..yeah. I always wanted to be Lord after hearing from everyone how amazing you were.. you inspired me, even if you weren't there and I thought you didn't..yea. Zoey didn't allow me to became Lord until she was sure I couldn't handle the responsibility of it. Now I'm Lord of Phoenix Drop and I appointed Dante as. My heas guard." My mom even smiles more. "That's wonderful Levin! I'm so proud of you!" "Thanks! Um, but its not just me you'll be proud of Malachi too! He has been so busy helping, he even helps me run the village! Malachi is currently out on a trade meeting with Naitakra Village with along with two of our guards Alexis and Kyle they should be back by morning though if not tonight." Her reaction changed as she heard Alexis and Kyle's name. "...Alexis and Kyle...are here!?" "They remained in the village along with... AH! MOM! Its getting late and everyone wanted to see you! They were kind enough to allow me the honor of getting some quality time with you but as the Lord I wanted to make sure they get to see you before they go to bed. So please..will you go and see everyone? I know they all miss you dearly." She looked at me with a worried. "But what about you Levin?" I grabbed my moms hand. "Don't worry about me! Ill be fine! I love you mom and what matters is that were together now. Now, go see everyone. I have to tend to a few things that need my attention but when you're done you're more then welcome to spend the night with me here! I have Dante working out accommodation for everyone else that was with you.. don't worry about them- just relax and enjoy home for what it is. Now go and meet everyone!" As I stood up and walked to the door. I turned back to my mom and smiled. I then left my house and to the giant tree. I guess I have to leave it there then! Until next time diarie!

Hope you guys enjoy this book! Bye!

*blows audience into the clouds*

Zoey: bye!
Aphmau: take care
Laurence: hope you enjoyed
Nekaette~tan: bye!
Dante: come on lets get soup Nekaette!
Nekaette~tan: okay!
Kawii~chan: hurry up!

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