(Edited) Chapter 1 I Nice Split, Aerobot.

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>>Theresa's POV

I wake up to a perfect sunrise, the carpet warm as the sun peeks through the curtains. *ring*, the alarm goes off..This always happens, it's like I'm the one waking the phone up or something. 

I rub my eyes and get out of my galaxy-printed bed sheet and put on my bunny slippers. I put my hand out, still half-asleep , in search of the alarm.

Uggh, morning. 

I grab my Midnight Red shirt and blue jeans which goes perfectly with my hoodie and jump into the shower.

 I turn on the tap, to only let cold water sting my body. 'THE FU-', I quickly turn it off and get out immediately. 'UGHH', I groan, my one-hell-of  a twin brother always uses up the hot water.

This feeling couldn't get  any better. Note sarcasm.

'First Day of School, Triss!', I hear my brother,Adam knock or more like BANG on my door.

'Nothing better than a Monday morning with a cold shower followed by a goofy twin brother screaming', I put on my clothes and go out.

I go downstairs to eat my breakfast , and first thing on my mind? SIZZLING CHICKEN. Nothing's better than my dad's homemade Chicken with Roasted Potatoes.

'Good morning, milady.', my dad smiles,the fake British-accent makes me sick! 

' Morning', I smiled back.

I put a drumstick in my mouth and rushed back up to grab my phone and bag.

 ' Triss, we got to go!', he yells, one foot on the stairs. 

' Coming!', I rush back down, I got to be honest here, I actually think this year is going to be a good one! Not trying to jinx it up but I'm really looking forward to it!

*honk*, the bus door opens, I put one foot forward, Whooh, okay, .'Get in already!', Adam pushes me forward..TOO FORWARD. ' Nice split, Aerobot.', the brown-haired boy calls out. Seriously? And people even laugh at that? Why does he even have to bother ? Aaaah!.. 'I'm so sorry, Triss.. I didn't-', ' No, it's ok.', I get back up from that awkward position. How was that even a split I just skipped a stair that's all!

He's so mean! And to even come up with that stupid name! I sit by the window in the last row. 

I swear, if I'm called Aerobot for the next few years..well, at least it's better than Tushie.. 

'Sup' Aerobot!', A boy sits on the seat beside me. 

'Great choice, bud. You just killed yourself.', Adam puts an elbow on the seat to turn back. 

' Excuse me!', his look gets me on my nerve! ' Oh, there it is!', 

'Shut it, Adam!',

 'Retreat! Retreat!' , he makes a siren sound that is SO ANNOYING! ' How dare you nickname me!', 

' Oh, that's a verb now , okay.' , the nerve-getting ( I know that's not a word but you get me) boy replies. 

Aaaaah! ' Well, At least I'm not.....STUPID!', wow,now I'm really proud of myself Good Job Triss!.. How worse can it get!!!!!!!!!!!

Hewo guys! This is the Edited version of this chapter, I saw a lot of errors and well, I just edited.

That's it for now guys! Sorry if it was too short. Hope you guys liked this Chapter! 

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Comment down below if you were nick-named too..if so..then HIGH FIVE Bruhh! I can't wait to show you guys the next chapter! <3 And please don't give up on this story yet!

Toodles! ;)

Peace xxxx

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