Chapter 6 I A Little Adventure

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>> Theresa's POV

'Hi..', wow I must sound really awkward. 

' Theresa, I'm going to be straight here, 'You were gay?  I let out a slight chuckle to that thought.

'I don't want to be friends anymore.', ..what?

I could expect anything and everything but that. She wanted to split up. I was left speechless.. I couldn't say anything knowing it will make it worse.

She rolls her eyes and walks off with a cold bye. 

'Kate, is it because of yesterday ? If it is then I'm really sorry I do not know how to react in these situations you know that!.. right?',

She stops in her tracks but doesn't even bother to look back.

' It's not the only reason, Theresa. And besides, my boyfriend doesn't like me hanging around with you guys.'

It felt like she was stomping on my heart rapidly on purpose. We've been friends ever since I can remember .. and she won't just let that fall apart for this one reason, she can't.

' Kate, I-' 

' Move, nerd.', the guy behind me calls out. I realized I was standing at the doorway , I quickly move and head for the library since it was free period.

'Theresa?', the familiar voice calls out.

'Not now , Maven.', I keep walking.

' You okay?', he grabs my arm to face him.

' I'm fine.', I say coldly, immediately regretting it as his  light blue eyes go pale.

I bang the library door on his face and sit down at a table.

I could feel a presence behind me.

' Can you not bother?', I turn to see his worried look. Those eyes. 

' I heard what Kate said.', I felt a lump down my throat hearing her name.

' I don't need your pity, asshole.' , I turn back to pull my book out.

I peek through my book to see him stare right at me. 

' What do you want?' I frown putting the book down.

'Come with me.', he gestures his hand out. 

Well, I had two choices.

I could stay here and read my book with much less than silence,

Or I could go with him and distract my mind from what happened.

I give a slight grin and accept his hand.

Call me crazy but I considered this a little adventure . 


We reached this park a few minutes later. And I have to say it was amazing. The leaves there were a slight orange and the grass there weren't trimmed for a long time. There was a broken swing and a slide. It was beautiful. 

' So..?', he put out his arms dramatically.

' It's beautiful', I say, still in awe.

The sun was at breach of setting, and the slight breeze made it feel so ... 

' Is it just me or does this place kinda feel like the one in Life Is Strange?', 

'It actually does, come to think of it. I mean the leaves feel graphic don't they?',

'Whoa, whoa.. you played Life Is Strange?', Oh my god, I'm not the only one eh? 

'Heck, yeah! Just 'coz the story's on this girl doesn't mean it's a girl's game!',

'No,no.. It's just.. I didn't think of you to be a nerd.', I have to say I'm quite impressed.

'I feel obliged to be in your thoughts Ms. Jaqhuefine.', he put his right hand on his chest.

'Your heart's on the left side Mr.Smarty Pants.', I let out a loud laugh. He followed.

I lie down on the soft carpet of grass, making the sky look much more beautiful. I feel a figure lie down beside me. Guess I made a new friend, huh? .. It sounds weird. Nah, I'll just go with Stupid boy. So,I have a stupid boy?.. okay now it sounds weirder. I laugh at my own thoughts.

'Your silence scares me.', he gives me the 'what's wrong with you' look.

I roll my eyes and look back up, realizing how cliche this moment is. Lying down beside a boy? I'd only do that with my fictional bae-s. 

' Sometimes, I like to form clouds into shapes according to my imagination and make up a story', his voice, a little husky.

'Wanna try?', I ask.

I look back up and see a cloud as big as a whale.. probably bigger up close. It had a long end, let's consider it a tail. there was gap in the middle, a nose. The bendy shape down there, limbs.

' That one looks like a mix of a pig and an elephant.', I point at the cloud on my right, my elbow touched his arm sending butterflies in my stomach.

He laughed a little,' I'd say its more of a turtle.', 

'Actually, yeah. Coming to think of it.', I say ignoring the the flying creatures inside.

He asks me a question but I didn't listen, I felt really sleepy.

I could doze off for a while. 


I wake up to a smell of cookies, it felt warm. I hugged the figure more. The figure was moving steadily, I rub my tired eyes open to reveal the boy beside me, his eyes shut. 

I sit up immediately. Oh god, we were sleeping here all this time , what time is it? Oh god, what time is it?

'Maven?.. Maven!', I shake his arm. ' Maven, wake up! We just missed a period!',

He opens his eyes and leans up on his elbow.

'Don't worry, the free period was the last.', he rubs his eyes adorably and stands up, dusting off the dirt on his jeans.

I nod and stand up as well. 

' I should go', why do I have to be so awkward.

' Me too.', we awkwardly smile and walk off, in the same direction mind you. 

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I tried making this chapter a bit long.. so I hope you appreciate the hard work :)

Toodles ;)

Peace xxxx

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