Chapter 5 I Nah,I'm Proud of That

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 >>Theresa's POV

The rest of the day goes smoothly.




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I wake up to a beautiful morning and follow my usual routine. Play my music playlist and jump into shower.Come out late and run off with a bread in my mouth.

Adam called in sick today. I guess he just wanted to stay away from Kate for the day.

I hop into the bus, minding my steps. I take a seat at the front this time. This girl sat beside me, good thing she's not the talking-type.

I step out of the bus and a familiar voice stops me. 'What?', I turn around to reveal the messy-haired boy.

'Listen, I'm sorry 'bout *coughs* yesterday, I know I was kinda freaky.', Kinda? And why is he apologizing? 

'Right, it's okay.', I give him an awkward smile.

'But I think what you should really apologize for is  the nickname you gave me', I had to point out.

'Yeah, .. nah, I'm proud of that.', he walks off before I could speak. argh!


I didn't get to talk to Kate today. She must be ignoring me.. oh well at least Luke's here.

After a boring hour of History and Chemistry, me and Luke went over the canteen to grab some lunch.I just sat there with a bottle of water since I didn't feel like eating and I was gaining weight.

Luke went on about how he had eaten 2 apples in a minute and how he deserves a guiness record.

After lunch we had the class I had awaited for..English. Let's see what she has prepared for us today.

'Okay class. Do you have your assignments done?', she sounds like a normal teacher, weird.

' Yeah, miss.', for the first time the class didn't seem so drowsy.

She collected the papers and stopped when she came to mine. I didn't really write on why I should get  those grades, I wrote on how I have to struggle for my achievements. Yeah, I know. It's stupid of me but I can't just do that!

She smiled to me and walked off to get the next one. Weird.

After what seemed like hours, she finally speaks up.

'Congratulations, class. You just proved to me how care about your grades. How much you care about your future. One question I want all of you to answer in the next assignment, What do you plan for your future? How do you plan to Slack off?! ', this was going to be a big one.. eesh!

'Look what the world has got into you.. Grades are just..grades. But what really matters is what you are learning. And I know you guys have heard this almost in every class but let me tell you this, one day, you're gonna get out of high school and you're gonna wish you didn't.', the class went silent and guilt was written all over their faces, okay, maybe that was a bit too harsh..

' I mean, I should be example enough!I had to come back to high school 'coz the only thing I know is Tales Of Tom Sawyer.', the class cracks into a laugh. Okay, I'm gonna be honest here. I am starting to like her, really very much. Mostly 'coz she keeps me interested. Most teachers fail at that, big time.

The bell rings soon after. 'Okay, class. I want the assignment by this week okay? And yes, Michael, I'm serious.'

'What assignment again?', a deep voice calls out. Jake. I somehow forgot he's in the same class. 

'You have to write your plan for your future.', I give him a smile.

He smiles back at me and walks out of the room with a girl beside him.

Those eyes. Why can't he be mine? Why oh Why?

I get out and find Kate standing there. Was she waiting for me?

'Hi,Theresa.', that's new of her to say. 

Hey Guys! If you're wondering who the one in the picture is..that's Alex Daddario aka Theresa. A big thanks to whoever reading till this chapter.

Vote/Comment and just love the story!

P.S: It's really late here and I still didn't eat dinner. Not that you would care.


Peace xxxx

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