First sight

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For those who love, time is an eternity.

~ Henry Van Dyke that certain place in the woods, the grass was...different. The green was a more vibrant green and soft to the touch. It was a great place for relaxing with the sun shining directly above it. It was one of the few times when Forks, Washington actually had a sunny day. The smell of animals, mostly deer, lingered in the moist air.

Edward and Bella trailed along behind me, hand in hand, as I continued my search. I remember back when Edward was in my place...alone. Without the love of a woman. Empty. Now, it was only me.

My younger brother always felt as I did and everywhere we went he never found his mate, nor had I. I still had no mate but didn't worry too much about it. After Maria, I learned I didn't need someone else to live, not yet. Still Edward was hurt that Carlisle and Emmett had wives, and I had to deal with his upsetting emotions. When we moved to Forkes two years ago...well came back, he found Bella and left me as the only one without love. Edward and Bella even had a little girl named Nessie with a heart of gold. She is an imprint to Jacob, a werewolf. And well...I became the new Edward.

I came to a sudden stop at the clearing with the fine grass and examined my surroundings. There, in front of me, stood a beautiful waterfall. The water fell into a clean pond, untouched by man. Flowers of every color danced around the water. It sparkled in the sun just like my skin. I stayed there for a few hours to collect myself when a deer pranced by. I sighed and stood up to begin the familiarities of the hunt. I leapt and easily dug my teeth into its neck. Done in mere seconds. Warm, wet blood entered my mouth and trickled down my chin. I finished and anger bubbled up inside me. Perhaps it wasn't anger, though, but instead, envy. Envy of the other Cullen boys. The deer was thrown against the tree. An echoing thud and a sickening crunch, and the limp body fell to the stained ground. I ran back to the house where everyone was waiting. I tore off my blood stained shirt, revealing the bite marks on my arms and chest to my family. I mopped up my face. Esme placed a hand on my shoulder and I quickly shook it off. I didn't mean to upset her with this act, but I did. I always did.

"Jasper," she whispered sadness in her eyes.

I ignored her and walked past them, feeling Emmett's protective twitch. He simply wanted to keep his family safe, to protect them from a freak like me.

"You are no freak, Jasper, " Edward told me. "I should know." He gave me a simple pat on the back and let me be.

Once I was in my room I sat on the small bed, used for absolutely nothing except sitting. Night approached and once again I found myself alone. I was used to the feeling of lust that washed over me as my family did what they always did. When there was a soft whimper no one heard, only me. I opened the window and dipped my head under the stormy night sky and saw a giant wolf staring up at me from the ground. His brown fur was getting long and shaggy. "Jacob are you ever going to cut your hair?" The animal gave me what seemed to be a glare. "Why are you here?" He searched for something to point to as a reply. His eyes lit up and his ear twitched. Jacob shook his massive head. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?" The werewolf only repeated the gesture. "Is it little Timmy?" I joked. "Is he stuck in the well?" I decided to drop my act as to see Jacob didn't think it was very funny. "Do you want me to listen?" He nodded and rolled his equally brown eyes.

I let out a slight groaned and paused halfway through when I heard it. From the woods, came the unforgettable sound of a tiny cry. It wasn't audible to the human ear, especially covered by the sound of thunder. I didn't allow myself to show any emotion, though, in my mind, fires spread. What is that? Why is it crying? Questions anyone would ask. "What is that?" I commanded, rain slithering into my vision. Jacob tried to shrug and pointed his paw towards the entrance of the woods. It was his way of saying "Let's go find out."

We split up to find the source of the cry, and the first place I went to was the waterfall. Close to it, I smelled something I had never smelled before. It was human blood, yes, but it was better than any I had ever smelled, better than even Bella's blood. I followed the smell and felt the human's emotions...scared, very scared and very confused and very hungry.

In the dirt, near my feet, laid the most beautiful creature I had ever had the pleasure of seeing. Her head was the size of my palm, it was littered with a little tuff of black hair. She had eyes so big it seemed as if she held all the world's secrets in her green irises. Her wrinkly flesh was white, and she was very skinny. I could tell the baby was only about a year old. A note sat next to her, torn in multiple places. The handwriting was messy, the author had been in a rush to write it.

To whomever this may concern,

This is my daughter Mary Alice Brandon, Alice for short. She is in need of a new home. Her younger sister, my husband, and I are being attacked by a pack of mountain lions, and by the time someone like you reads this, we will most likely be dead or have ran away, leaving Alice behind. Alice is very special and very kind, please take care of her. I need you to know something about Alice. She-

It ended there with the rest of the note being just scribbles and blood. I couldn't believe it just stopped there, right in the middle of something important. My finger brushed against Alice's small skull, I could feel the warmth radiating from within her. She looked cold out here in the rain with no one to take care of her. I took off my shirt again, this time it was a sweater, and wrapped her in it. She snuggled in the cool shirt, and I couldn't hear anything else besides her hummingbird heartbeat and gentle breathing. "Little Alice," I cooed, my forehead resting against hers. "I wonder if they will let me keep you."

"Keep what?" Jacob asked while he stared at my arms. "Whatcha holdin'?" I shifted slightly to reveal what I had found. "You can't keep it," he growled, his gazing pinning me down. If looks could kill, as they all say.

"I think I will keep HER," I denied. "It isn't your decision. Alice is coming with us."

"You gave it a name!?" Jacob burst, throwing up his hands. After I showed him the note, he looked at Alice again and shook his head. "You won't be able to control yourself around her forever."

"I'll try."

Jacob pressed on. "You can't keep her in the dark forever either."

"She will learn when the time comes."

A/N: is it TOO short? I'm sorry if it is but oh well 

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