Cake and Wolves

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I sat on my bed like I did three days ago, and again the door opened.

"Jazzy! Jazzy!" Alice screamed at me. "It's my birthday! What did you get me!?"

"Calm down," I said, sitting her on my lap. "I got you enough presents to fill the house." She giggled.

We walked down stairs together, her hand lightly tugging on mine. Carlisle and Esme stood at the bottom steps waiting for us.

"Good morning Jasper, happy birthday Alice," they greeted pulling her into a hug.

"I made you a special breakfast sweetheart," Esme smiled, leaving the room. She came back with a plate with two fresh pancakes on it. My nose wrinkled.

"Yay," Alice cried and it was like she was three again.

After breakfast Alice ran to Emmett and pursed her lips.

"Em," she said tugging on his blue jeans.

"What's up squirt?" He asked picking her up.

"What did you get me?" she looked at him through her eyelashes, any sucker like Emmett would fall for her green puppy dog eyes, I must have been a major sucker then.

Edward smiled at me and nodded. "You really are a major sucker," he whispered. He went over to Alice and gave her a box.

She gasped at what was inside the box. Pulling out the silver bracelet she whispered, "it's amazing Eddie." After that was Emmett and Rosalie's gift. "I can draw now," she said to the sketch paper and shading pencils.

Esme and Carlisle got Alice more clothes, she was crazy about clothes and malls and shopping. Bella made her a painting for her room, man it was a good painting, Seth got her more clothes as well. Renesmee, well it was hard to tell Alice was her aunt, got her a necklace.

"My turn," Jacob smiled, as a wave of happiness shot toward me. I growled and Jacob rolled his eyes. "I would like to say a few words first," he looked at Edward who nodded again. "Alice, my family and your family were enemies because of a battle that happened a very long time ago between our....ancestors. But when Nessie was being born, three of my family members joined sides with your family. I am only friends with Bella, and Nessie out of the family kids. But I feel your a part of my favorites too, so here's your present," he finished holding up another painting of a big brown wolf in the snow and in the picture the sky was a light blue.

"Thank you Jake," Alice said giving him a hug. "Where's yours Jazzy, is it a cute little gold bracelet with my name on it?"

My jaw dropped as I gave it to her. "How did you know?"

"I saw a picture of it." She was getting used to her new gift.

After her and Nessie ate some cake and cookies I pulled Jake into my room and shoved him against the wall.

"What the-" Jacob started.

"shut up!" I yelled, twisting his arm. "You were so close to giving our secret away! And you're getting closer to her! Don't you dare, Nessie is yours, but Alice is MINE! DO YOU HERE ME!?"

He nodded and there was a snap as the bone in his arm broke. He cried and Carlisle came in.

"Jasper calm down, we don't have time to explain why your eyes are blacker than night," Carlisle placed a hand on my shoulder.

After I punched Jacob in the gut I left. I found my waterfall again and sighed. It had been a long day, with lots of presents like I had promised Alice. I took off my shirt and left it by a tree, then dived into the cool water.

The dark sky was littered in bright, yellow stars. Night was so different from day. The sun was replaced by the moon, the clouds by the stars, and summer bees disappeared as the fireflies came. Also everything was darker. Light, chocolate brown trees with bright leaves turned into a scary mud brown with camouflage leaves.

I sat underwater for a few minutes before rising. Alice was probably asleep by now since it was way past her bed time. I clicked my tongue, then rubbed my neck. 'What if there is a really bad accident, and I hurt Alice?' I thought, then something appeared in my head.

'Where was Alice? I followed her sent, but there was a different smell, a stronger one. I found my little Alice, broken, and bleeding.

"Jasper," she cried. "Help me!" The blood made my vision fuzzy, I wanted the scarlet liquid. "Please."

There was a fire with purple smoke instead of black. Vampires. I looked at my hand. No. I brought the bloody hand to my mouth, just a drop wouldn't hurt right? The warm blood cooled the burn in my throat, but only a little bit.'

I smacked my head. "What is wrong with me!?" I cried. Then there was a rustle in the bush. I hissed. "Who's there?"

"Me leech," Jacob replied. "I came to apologize."

I huffed. "Right."

"I'm sorry I made it look like I loved her Jasper."

"Why do you go for the little kids?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey," he said. "I'm waiting till she's older." I snorted. "Man, sometimes you're just like Emmett." We both laughed and till Jacob fell asleep we only talked.

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