Little mistakes

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Was it just a thought? Was little Alice just a figment of my imagination due to pure loneliness? How could I imagine someone as beautiful as her? With her warm, pale cheeks and green eyes that shined like two lonely stars in an empty night sky. If she was, I swore I would never forget her.

I pushed myself off my bed and walked to Emmett and Rosalie's bedroom, which was oddly quiet. Opening the door, I saw Alice sleeping in Rosalie's cold arms. Once again, anger pulsed through my silent body, as I felt my golden eyes grow darker till they were pitch black. Rosalie smiled mockingly at me. I gave her a poisonous smirk before raising a curled fist and feeling it connect with her jaw. The sound was sharp, Rosalie's head snapped to the side from my strength. Emmett hissed from the other room and dashed up the stairs and stood in front of me in a flash.

"You did not just slap my wife," he snarled. "You are just as bad as Edward was when Bella was human, except he didn't punch Rosalie when she was only trying to help!"

"Emmett, Jasper," Esme warned from the living room. "Let's not fight, Jasper, tell Rose you're sorry, Rosalie...give Jasper what is rightfully his." I could hear quiet steps sounding on the old stairs.

"I owe you my apologies," I bowed my head. "I'm sorry my dearest Rosalie, forgive me Emmett. May I have the child back?" I took off with Alice tucked soundly in my arms. The noise of my fist crashing into Rosalie's jaw must have have woken her because she sat there glaring at my nose.

"Japer," she accused, tugging on my shirt. "Wu huwt Wose."

"Huh?" I must of sounded stupid to her because clearly I didn't understand what she said, and had no idea she could talk already.

"Wose," she said again, twisting her neck to look at me. "huwt."

Oh. "No," I responded. "Rose is fine."

She frowned at her clothes next, then pursed her pink lips. After saying another apology to Rosalie, I asked her if she could get something new for Alice.

"Of course Jasper," she said smugly, taking Alice from my arms again. As the door closed, I heard a soft whisper from the other side. "I know just what to buy. "

An hour later Rosalie came down the stairs, little Alice clinging to her hand. Esme gasped and Jacob spit coffee everywhere all over Emmett, who turned around and quietly swore at him.

"She's.....walking," I was thrown off. "A lot. M-make sure she doesn't fall Rosalie."

"Alice knows what she's doing, don't you Ally?" Rosalie purred.

"Ya," Alice relied. "Wook Japer!" She showed off her cute, little, yellow sundress, trying to spin. "Pwetty."

"It's wonderful," I told Alice, scooping her in my arms again. My nose touched hers. "It's wonderful that you can walk now too!"

"Can we go twu da maw?" She asked, scratching her head. I groaned. Guys hate shopping.

A/N this is really short but it was getting late while I wrote this

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