Chapter 9

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Lol hey I'm alive... sorta. So i've joined a writing club after school on Mondays, so hopefully this helps me update more frequently... But Im 20 reads away from hitting 11K! Holy shit. Never thought I'd be this popular...O.o Should probably get to the story now.


Sorry guys just an edit.


Yukihime Pov.

I got back to my tower and went to my closet to look for the dress Subaru told me to wear. It was purple spaghetti strap dress with a corset style string in the front with a layered skirt that hung loosely off my hips (the rest being fairly form fitting). I put in a pair of pearl studs and matching pearl necklace. Next I slipped on a thick gold band bracelet with purple gem decoration attached by thin gold chains to a matching ring. Applying purple eyeshadow and a pink lipgloss for make-up, I slipped on black lace flats and left my room. Aoi was still in her adult human form. We walked through the forest in a peaceful companionable silence until we passed a small clearing with small dainty white flowers in bloom. I stopped and bent down and started picking some of the flowers.

"Yu-chan? What are you doing?" Aoi questioned. I looked up to her and smiled brightly.

"Just adding a final detail to my outfit." I replied and began weaving the flowers into a crown. She realized what I was doing a smirked. 'She's smirking...Uh-oh.' I eyed her wearily.

"So you just wanna look good for Subaru?" She inquired in an all too innocent way. I blushed scarlet and looked away.

"M-Maybe. W-What's it to you?" I tried not to stutter but ultimately failed. Her distinct giggle sounded from behind me and I pouted. "Whatever. Let's go." I placed the crown on my head and carried on to the mansion. I was sucked into my thoughts about the others I'd met the other day. The Yui girl had caught my attention. She was very pretty and if I remember correctly, she was the most recent bride. I snapped out of my daze realizing that I was at the mansion now. I looked at the front door and went to open it when I felt a gaze burning into my back. I stiffened, catching Aoi's attention, and whirled around to look for the source. However, I was met with nothing out of the ordinary.

"Yu-chan? What is it?" Aoi spoke slowly, glaring at the woods. I looked again, but finding nothing, wrote the feeling off as a figment of my imagination.

"Nothing. Let's go inside." I said, trying to sound normal. I opened the door and walked into the house, missing the skeptical look Aoi gave me before looking back to the forest one last time and finally entering the door.

Subaru Pov.

I was in the living room, waiting for Yukihime to arrive. It was taking a little longer than usual and I started to get fidgety remembering the look on Fathers face when I told him about the men from the library. Just then I heard the front door open. I made my way over to the entrance hall and I swear my heart stopped. Stunning, gorgeous, easily the most beautiful thing in this universe. I swear that everything but Yukihime and I disappeared off the face off the earth. And the only thing I could think to say was,

"Wow..." Smooth, Subaru, real smooth. She giggled and a pink hue decorated her cheeks. I in turn blushed about 15 shades of red. "U-umm... you look really good, Yukihime."

"T-thanks. Should we uhh, go to the others?" She asked snapping me back to reality. I nodded, mentally frowning about the others seeing her like this. The thought made me pull her close to me, holding her waist.

"Alright lovebirds, let's go." Aoi stated, rolling her eyes. I hadn't even noticed her there. We started walking to the dining room.

Third Person Pov.

All eyes turned as the three entered the room, but all were focused on Yukihime. Yui was the first to act. She walked up to her and smiled.

"You look really pretty, Yukihime-san." Yukihime blushed a little and thanked her, saying she was also very pretty. The two went to the table to sit, snapping everyone back to reality. The boys started to their seats, Yukihime seated between Karl and Subaru with Aoi to his right and Yui next to her. Dinner past smoothly, until Laito decided to be Laito and say something pervy. -.-

"So Hime-chan, where have you been hiding all this time? I'm sure I would have noticed something so, delicious before." Three death glares were immediately flung in his direction, the KI almost making the air unbreathable. The originated from Subaru, Aoi and, surprisingly to the brothers and Yui, Karl. Yukihime shifted uncomfortably at the question and decided on a witty and slightly sarcastic remark.

"Oh, you know. Here, there, over the rainbow." She replied with a straight face, never once looking at him. Yui and Aoi giggled at her response while the other boys and Karl tried to hide there smirks and chuckles. Laito pouted, but just ended looking kind of creepy.

"Ehhhh? Mean!"


Normal sized chappie! Yay! LOL I'm such a dweeb XP

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