Chapter Two

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It had been a few days since I had last seen her. I was busy with my school work to see where she had disappeared too. School was my top priority as it was my last year. Dad was on me to get good grades so I could get into a good university.

I was passing by and looked outside into the quad. There she was. She was sat on top of the wooden picnic tables and appeared to be meditating! She was the only person outside as it was nearing winter time.

As the weather got colder everyone chose to stay inside to keep warm. The cold didn't seem to bother her as she seemed perfectly fine meditating outside.

She appeared to be wearing a strange hat which initially looked like a blob. However, as I walked closer to her I realised the blob had ears. The hat looked to be made out of different coloured patches of various material.  

"Hey." I tapped her on her shoulder and she jumped up.

"Who are you?"

"You don't remember me?" I was slightly flustered as she clearly had forgotten ever meeting me. "We met a few days ago – my name's Ash."

"Oh! I remember you – you're Pokemon boy!" She exclaimed in excitement as she suddenly remembered who I was. 

"Pokemon boy?" I looked at her in puzzlement as she began nodding at me.

"Yeah, Pokemon boy. You know, Ash from Pokemon – Gotta catch 'em all!" She screamed as she thrust her fist in the air energetically. She screamed quite loudly as a teacher inside school looked outside to see where the noise had come from. She didn't seem to care or notice.

"So, why are you trying to meditate in the middle of the quad?" I questioned as I sat down at the table. I looked up at her expectantly as she was still sat on top of the table. I realised the ends of her hair were now grey instead of the purple I had seen a few days ago.

"It's supposed to be good for you," she explained as she uncrossed her legs and came down to sit next to me.

I looked at what she was wearing and chuckled once I realised she looked like a big explosion of colour. Her orange tights clashed with her striped green and pink dress. Despite her strange outfit choice she still looked cute.

"But your mind has to be blank for that. Which is a lot harder than it seems..."

She continued talking but I wasn't listening to her properly. I couldn't help staring at her whilst she was rambling on about her failed attempt at meditating. The tip of her nose had gotten red due to the cold and her cheeks had gotten red too. 

"Here take this," I said as I took off my scarf to wrap around her. She looked adorable as she snuggled up into my scarf. "I haven't seen you around for the past few days."

"Oh, I've been... around," she said absentmindedly as she stroked the table. She didn't say anymore on that subject so I tried to change the subject.

"Your hat's really strange. What's it supposed to be?" I asked as I reached up to stroke her strange looking hat with the floppy ears.

"My hat's not strange!" She grumbled as she crossed her arms in irritation. "It's a cat, I knitted it myself!" Her plump, red lips pouted as she shot daggers at me.

Damn it! I had upset her. Although, in my defence it was a pretty ugly looking hat. It looked no way near a cat.

"I knew it was a cat, I was just joking," I said as I tried to stop her sulking. I reached for her hand and gave it a light squeeze.

"Really?" She looked at me expectantly, her hazel eyes gleamed with hope.

"Really," I smiled at her as she grinned back at me in obvious happiness.

"I'm really good at knitting," she said proudly, "I can knit you a hat too if you want."

"Y-yeah, we'll see," I nodded with uncertainty. She looked so happy and proud of herself I didn't want to upset her again.

She then started to rummage around in her bag. After a few moments she pulled out two lollipops.

"Here you go," she said as she thrust a cola flavoured lollipop at me. I thanked her for it as I watched her quickly rip of the wrapper and put it in her mouth.


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