Chapter Three

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I loved boxing. When I was in the ring nothing else mattered except defeating my opponent. Mum didn't really approve of my passion for boxing only because she was worried I'd hurt myself. She had nothing to worry about because I was an undefeated champion.

By the time I was finished with my training it was past five in the evening. I lit a cigarette and started walking home. On my way home I noticed a girl ahead of me. She had a pair of cat ears on her head and was wearing a cat tail! She looked to be talking to something on the floor. As I got closer I realised she was walking a cat! The ginger and white cat was wearing a leash and the girl seemed to be struggling to keep control of the cat.

It wasn't until I got closer that I realised the girl was none other than her. Her cat seemed to want to chase a butterfly and was dragging her forward.

"Need some help?" She looked over to see who had spoken and once she saw it was me she grinned.

"I'm good, thanks," she said as she took out her lollipop from her mouth. Her lollipop came out with a pop. I watched as she licked her bottom lip causing me to feel a certain type of way.

"Why do you always have a lollipop in your mouth whenever I see you?" I asked as I blew out some smoke away from her.

"Because I love them," she grinned as she popped her lollipop back in her mouth. "Today's flavour is watermelon."

"You know they're bad for your teeth," I replied. Even though she seemed to be addicted to lollipops her teeth were clearly in good condition and straight.

"Smoking's bad for your health," she taunted as she gestured to my cigarette.

"Touché." I finished my cigarette and stepped on the butt.

She seemed to have stopped listening as she was distracted by her cat. "Carrot, stop that. Leave the butterfly alone." She gently tugged on her cat's leash.

"You named your cat Carrot?" I looked at her in disbelief.

"Yeah," she said casually as if it was completely normal. "Well, actually his full name is Sir Raspberry Carrot Cola," she grinned at me proudly. 

"What!" I looked at her as if she were crazy. "Why would you name your cat that!?"

"Why not? It's unique. And I like raspberries and I love cola flavoured thing. Plus, he's orange like a carrot." She shrugged nonchalantly as her cat finally gave up trying to catch the butterfly and chose to sit at her feet.

I shook my head in amusement as I stared at her in wonder. I loved how she was unlike any other girl I had ever met. 

My thought were interrupted at the sound of her cat meowing at her. The weird thing was that she was talking back and he responded. She started walking away when he began tugging her forward.

"Where are you going?" I called out as she walked away.

"It's time for Carrot to watch Tom and Jerry," she called out and she turned to face me. "He gets angry if he misses it. Bye." She grinned and waved at me. I could hear her talking to her cat as they walked away.

I watched her in a daze. She had a cat called Sir Raspberry Carrot Cola who liked watching Tom and Jerry. Even as I thought about it in my head it seemed strange.


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Confession time - I actually have a
cat called Carrot!

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