Part 2: Random HCs

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Pacifica tells Piper about how badly her parents treated her and Piper sympathizes with her, even though her problem was very different.

Dipper tries to act all tough a lot and everyone just thinks it's the cutest damn thing ever.

Mabel really likes to hang out with Pacifica and get makeovers at the Aphrodite cabin.

Dipper talks to Annabeth, Nico, and Leo a lot. All of them for only similar or different reasons.

Pacifica has charmspeak and one time she uses it to get Dipper to take a damn shower because oh my gods he needs a bath.

Bill managed to somehow possess a child of Hypnos, he likes to annoy and creep out Dipper a lot. Actually he creeps out everyone because he's a lot more energetic than a normal child of Hypnos.

Dipper swears to the gods he saw Bill's eyes flash yellow one time.

Mabel, the Stoll brothers, and Bill love to plan pranks with each other.


The seven demigods (including Reyna)  like to carry the twelve year olds on their shoulders sometimes.

Dipper hates being carried because it makes him feel like he's being babied.

One day one of the seven demigods find Dipper in the bathroom, crying because Bill figured out about his birthmark and outright bullied him about it. The other demigod sits with Dipper for a long time, hugging him and waiting until he stopped crying. (<--- Proof I am truly evil.)

One day Bill is confronted by some kind of god and his entire identity was revealed in front of the camp. Bill is mortified and Dipper just; "I knew we couldn't trust him!"

(Will add more soon.)

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