Angel - Tom Brady for Casey {Dunnz23}

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You are my
Angel, Angel
Asleep inside your
Halo, halo
I'm right beside you
And you know
You know how much you're loved
I know you
Forever will be my
-Scarlett Cherry


"She's 7 centimeters dilated. Mrs. Brady, you've got to push."

The doctor shouts over my screams of pain. Tom is beside me, holding onto my hand. I squeeze his hand with all my might as I begin to push.

"Great job, Mrs. Brady. Keep going. I almost see a head."

I'm sweating and breathing heavily as Tom rubs circles on the back of my hand with the pad of his thumb. I continue to push, and soon enough, cries erupt in the room.

I lean back, taking slow, steady breaths. Tom leans down, and gives me a hug.

"Casey, babe, you did it. You gave us an angel."

I look up, and see my beautiful daughter in the arms of the doctor. She passes her over to me, and I hold her in my arms.

"She's so beautiful," I whisper. My eyes tear up a little, and I rock our daughter back and forth in my arms.

Tom sits down on the bed next to me. "She sure is," he says as he plays with her little fingers.

"Can I hold her?" He asks. I look at him in disbelief.

"Thomas Edward Patrick Brady, Jr. of course you can! What kind of question is that?"

He laughs a little as I place her gently in his arms. "She's just seems so fragile, and beautiful, like you."

When she's in Tom's arms, she opens her eyes, letting out a little yawn. I silently aww at the cuteness overload. Tom's face breaks into a huge grin, and tears shine in his blue eyes.

"I can't believe you made something that beautiful, Casey. She looks just like you."

I smile at his remark. "Tom, we both made this baby. You did as much as I did. She has your eyes."

"But I didn't push her out of my v-"

I place my hand over his mouth. A few nurses are still in the room, tidying up some things for the baby. I glance down at my daughter. She looks around, taking in the world around her. Looking up at Tom, she squints her blue eyes, trying to focus on her daddy. Then, she yawns again.

"Looks like someone's a little tired."

I nod, sleepily. "She's not the only one, you know."

Tom places her softly in the bed the nurses made for her. She looks up at her dad once more, before closing her eyes, falling into a peaceful slumber.

"Good night, angel."

I watch this scene with a grin on my face. He tucks her in, and turns to face me. Walking over to the hospital bed, I make room for him to lie down.

"Tom, you look tired yourself." He looks over at me, yawning quietly.

"No, Casey, you rest. I'll make sure she's okay."

I nod, and turn on my side to get comfortable. I hear soft snores beside me, and I look to see Tom asleep, his mouth open slightly.

Then, a thought occurs to me.

Sitting up, I try to shake him awake, but him being Tom, he wouldn't budge.

I lean back, deep in thought.

"What are we gonna name her?" I wonder aloud.


Xie xie (thank you in Chinese) to Casey {Dunnz23} for requesting this imagine! I tried my best...anywhosers, I hope you enjoyed it!

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