I've Found Myself a Cheerleader ~ JJ Watt for Laura {blackhawkgirl88}

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Oh I think that I've found myself a cheerleader

She is always right there when I need her

Oh I think that I've found myself a cheerleader

She is always right there when I need her

~OMI {Felix Jaehn Remix}


"OK girls! Be back here in 15 minutes!"

My shoulders slump forward in relief. I pick up my water bottle, taking a huge gulp before following the other cheerleaders to get in our uniforms. The Texans are playing the Steelers today, and this time I get to cheer right next to the player's benches.

I'm so excited to see JJ-I mean, the team-beat the crap out of the Steelers.


The game's going great so far; the Texans are up 28-14. I cheer as loud as I can, waving my pom poms around wildly when JJ sacks another player. I look up, and his gaze meets mine. He gives me a wink before jogging back into position. I blush, looking down at the field.

Apparently I wasn't the only one who noticed our little exchange.

"Laura, JJ was totally checking you out!" My friend Emily says. I wave it off.

"That was nothing."

She places her hands on her hips, and her chocolate brown eyes glare into mine. Her stare is so intense that I look away.

"I hardly think that one of the most attractive players in the NFL winking at you was 'nothing.'" She flips her hair.

The whistle blows, and Emily and I get back into our positions. We face the crowd, encouraging them to cheer louder than they already are. I'm so focused on the cheer that I barely look up when someone yells my name.

"Laura! Look out!"

It feels like a truck grinded me into a road.

And then kept running over me.

I look up, about to cuss out the player that just knocked the living daylights out of me.

But my face softens when I realize JJ Watt is on top of me. He gives me a sheepish smile before getting off of me and extending his hand out. I grab it, and he pulls me up a split second later. He takes his helmet off, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm r-really sorry a-about tackling you. I-I miscalculated I g-guess," he stutters out. I nod knowingly.

"It's okay, I promise." I place my hand on his shoulder, and he relaxes a little.

"What's your name?"

I stand there with my mouth open.

Why in the word would the JJ Watt want to know my name?

"L-Laura," I stutter out. He chuckles a little, before taking my hand in his, placing a soft kiss on the back of it.

Dear Lord Almighty.

His lips are soooooo soft.

"Well, Laura, keep doing what you're doing. You look super sexy," he whispers in my ear. I blush, a dark red creeping onto my cheeks.

"And keep those lips warm too. You never know when the Watt Master is gonna swoop in," he winks. I blush even harder.

"Watt! Get your ass out there!" The coach screams at him. "You can flirt with pretty girls later!"

JJ chuckles before placing his helmet back on his head. "I'll see you later, Laura," he says with a wink. He runs back out onto the field.

I oblivious to the fact that Emily is standing right next to me. "Yeah, JJ Watt doesn't like you," she says sarcastically. I slap her on the arm and return back to my spot, ready to resume cheering.

If my legs don't turn to jelly.

The Texans end up winning 35-20.

I'm packing my things up when a pair of hands cover my eyes. I smile, already knowing who it is.

"Guess who," his deep voice whispers huskily.

"Hmm, maybe it's the Watt Master," I say with a giggle. JJ removes his hands from my eyes, turning me around, placing his hands on my waist.

"You got that right, babe," he says, pecking my cheeks.

For the umpteenth time, a blush decides to make its way out into the limelight.

JJ sees this, and he laughs a little.

"So I was wondering," his face turns a little pink, "if you'd like to go out sometime. I mean, you don't have to if you don't want to. I'm sure you'd find someone cooler and stuff and-"

I cut him off with a kiss. His eyes widen when I pull away. I hoist my bag up onto my shoulder.

"Call me babe," I say with a wink.

With that, I walk out of the stadium, leaving an astonished JJ Watt behind me.


Hey Laura {blackhawkgirl88}! Fellow hockey fans unite! {I'm a Bruins fan}

I hope you liked the imagine! Sorry it's up late, but you can expect a lot more imagines when I go on break this week!

Thanks so much for reading, and ciao for now!

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