Heart Attack {2} ~ Carson Palmer for Cami {Camm_Wow}

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It hit me like a heart attack

When you finally left me, girl

I thought I'd never want you back

But I don't wanna live in a world without you

~ Enrique Iglesias


A shadow approaches me as I run down the long hallway. Looking around, I try to open doors, struggling to get them unlocked. I hear a sinister laugh behind me, and I give up, taking off again.

I finally find an open door and sprint inside of it. Slamming the door behind me, I make sure that it's locked before sinking to the floor, sighing in relief. 

That relief only lasts for about ten seconds.

I scream as the shadow behind me slams something against the door, breaking it off of its hinges. 

He reiterates his actions relentlessly, and I crawl to a corner of the dark room, hugging my knees to my chest. I rock back and forth as the door is successfully ripped from its hinges. 

I cower in fear as the dark figure makes its way toward me. 

"Poor thing, you don't know you're about to die. What a shame," the egregious figure snarls at me. I whimper in fear, and he cackles at my actions, pulling out a large dagger from his waistband. Its scintillating metal shines in the moonlight, and I gulp as I look at all the jagged teeth. 

He gets on his haunches, looking me straight in the face. He laughs again as he places the blade to my neck, imprinting it into my skin slowly. I shut my eyes tightly as I feel ribbons of blood race down my neck, splattering onto the floor.

"This is the way the world ends," he sings. I open my eyes, daring to look him in the eyes again.

My eyes widen as I realize who the figure is. 


  My eyes snap open as I sit up, sweating madly. Looking over to my right side, I silently thank the Lord that I didn't wake Christopher p. I run a hand along his jaw as he stirs in his sleep. He searching fr warmth, and when he can't find it, his eyes open slowly. He studies my pale face before pulling me into his arms, rocking me back and forth.  

"Another nightmare about Carson?" Chris asks sleepily. I nod, nuzzling my head into his chest.

"Cameron, baby, go back to sleep. I promise nothing is going to happen to you, alright?" He yawns, pulling me back down with him. Two minutes later, I hear his snores.

Chris is right, I tell myself. 

I will never see Carson again.


I plant a kiss on Chris' cheek as I head out the door. Revving the engine, I drive to the store to pick up a few things. 

I grab a shopping cart as soon as I walk in. Maneuvering the cart through the masses of people, I finally make it to the fruit aisle.

I'm deciding between apples or oranges when another cart whacks me in the butt. I whirl around, ready to give whoever hit me a piece of my mind.

My breath hitches in my throat as I take in the person.

Carson Palmer. 

He looks shocked as well; he brushes it off quickly. He makes his way around me as he picks up the bag of oranges before walking away. I stare at his figure as he continues to move farther away; his presence still lingers in the aisle.

I grab the bag of apples before storming away.


"I can't believe he had the nerve to hit me with his cart! What's his problem?" I vent as I stab my meatball. Chris looks at me from across the table, shaking his head. 

"Cami, Carson wasn't doing anything to you. Why do you care so much?" He retaliates. 

That shuts me up.

I don't exactly know why I care so much.

Chris senses my silence as another opportunity to speak up. "Look, yesterday I was invited to go to a formal party for my boss, but unfortunately, I have to go to my parents' house," he sighs. "I was wondering if you, my lovely girlfriend, would go in place of me? You don't have to do anything but show up." He gives me his signature puppy dog eyes, and I can't help but give in. 

"Fine, I'll go."

He gets up from his seat, pecking me on the lips. "Thanks baby!" I watch him as he bounds up the stairs.

I stab another meatball.


I look around in awe at the large mansion where Chris' boss lives. Walking inside, I'm immediately greeted by an elderly couple.

"Oh honey look! This must be Christopher's girlfriend! She's as beautiful as I thought!" The woman coos. The man chuckles and holds out a hand. 

"I'm Bill, and this is Dana. Nice to meet you.." He trails off.


He gives me a smile. Then, it fades almost immediately. 

"Cameron, or Cami for short?"

I nod, wondering how he knew my nickname. 

Then it came to me.

These are Carson's parents. 

How the hell could I forget?

"Umm, could you excuse me for a second?" I say quickly. Not waiting for a reply, I bolt out of the room, bursting out onto the balcony. I lean against the railing, taking a deep breath. 

"Mind if I join you?" A voice says behind me. 

I turn around and come face to face with Carson. 

My mood instantly changes from serenity to vexation, and I launch myself at him, pounding my fists on his chest. He stands there, unfazed by my actions. 

I don't realize angry tears are falling down my face until Carson grabs my wrists, forcing me to stop. He pulls me into his chest, holding me tightly. I cry into his chest.

"I hate what you're doing to me! I absolutely hate it!" I scream in frustration. Carson doesn't say anything; instead, he keeps me in his arms. 

"I hate how I'm still in love with you," I finish. Carson pulls away, looking me straight in the eyes.

"Cami, are you being serious right now?" He asks gently. I nod as he runs a hand along the side of my face, wiping away stray tears. 

He lifts my chin, pulling me in for a sensual kiss. Our lips move erotically in our own little dance. 

When we finally pull away, our eyes are still closed, taking in the moment. We open them slowly, staring into each other's eyes.

"I'm glad that you still love me," he whispers. 

"Because I'm still in love with you."


Cami {Camm_Wow}! You seem awfully familiar friend....

I hope you liked your imagine! Hopefully I did all the changes and stuff that you wanted, and sorry that it sucks.

Anyways, thanks so much for reading! :^)

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