Baby Blues ~ Cam Newton for Niesha {NieeNiee}

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Soon you'll grow 

So take a chance 

With a couple of kooks

Hung up on romancing

~ David Bowie


I nervously bounce my leg up and down as I wait outside the doctor's office. The nurse finally calls my name, and I give her a small smile before following her inside. 

"Dr. Haecker will be with you momentarily," the lanky nurse says. I nod my head, mumbling a thank you. 

I look around the room at the numerous posters explaining anatomy and what not. To pass the time, I pick up a magazine, shaking my head at the cover.

The cover displays a happy husband caressing his wife's pregnant belly. I laugh at my irony. I slap the magazine back down on the table as Dr. Haecker comes in. She has a manila folder with her, and a wide smile frames her features. She practically runs over to me, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Niesha. congratulations! You're pregnant!"

My eyes go wide as I stare her down. My mouth becomes ajar as I take in what she just said. 

Dr. Haecker waves a hand in front of my face. "Niesha, are you okay? You seem a little pale."

I nod my head quickly, faking a smile. "How many months am I along?"

"Two months, dear. I'll need for you to book an appointment with me next month to check on the baby." 

I hop out of the chair, smiling at Dr. Haecker. "Thank you so much." 

She waves a hand. "It's no big deal. I hope you and Cam will have a wonderful 7 months together while you two wait for your child to be here! I so happy for you two! Ta ta!" Dr. Haecker waves as she walks out of the room. I sink to the floor, placing my head in my hands. 

What the hell is Cam going to think?


I'm sitting on the couch, waiting for Cam to pick up his phone. I breathe a sigh of relief when he finally answers, but my face falls a little bit when I realize that Devin Funchess has picked up.

"Hey Niesha! Cam's in the showers right now, and I saw your caller ID, so I hope you don't mind that I picked up," Devin greets. I give him a small smile. 

"Hi Devin. Can you tell Cam to call me back when he gets out of the shower? I really need to tell him something really important," I reply, hoping he'll hang up the phone. 

But Devin being Devin, he decided to wedge himself in.

"What do you have to tell him? I could just pass on the message for you," he replies, looking at me quizzically. I shake my head no, looking down.

"Uhh, Dev, it's quite personal."

"Oh, okay. I'll just tell-"

"I'm pregnant!" I blurt out. Devin's eyes go wide as I cover my mouth, mimicking his actions. We sit in silence for a while, and the tension's so thick you could cut it with a knife. Finally, Devin speaks up. 

"I just can't believe that soon we'll have a mini Cam or mini you running around here! When did you find out?" He whisper shouts. 

"This morning. I just got home from the doctor's when I decided that I should call Cam."

"Well, congratulations! I'm so-"

The phone is snatched from his hands, and I meet the angry face of Cam Newton afterwards. He shakes his head at me, glaring a hole through my phone screen.

"Why the hell would you tell Devin that you're pregnant with my baby before me?!" He inquires. I flinch a little at his tone. 

"Cam, babe, you didn't-"

"Don't babe me!" He yells. "Have you been hoeing around with him behind my back? Maybe it's his instead of mine! Is that what you were trying to tell me?!"

I shake my head vigorously. "Cam, it's yours! I promise! I was going to tell you but-"

"But what?" He interrupts. 

"You-you were in the shower!" I stutter. He shakes his head, faking a smile and rolling his eyes. 

"I've been out of the shower for 15 damn minutes! I can't believe you, Niesha! Out of all the girls I've dated, you're the absolute worse!" He screams. I open my mouth to reply, but he hangs up, signaling my chance to talk to him has diminished. I throw my phone across the room in frustration, angry tears spilling out. 

I sprawl out on the couch, crying silently. 

Before I know it, darkness consumes me, and I fall into a deep slumber.



I'm jerked awake by the shrill voice of Cam. He's standing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. He makes his way over to me as I rub my eyes sleepily. 

"Yes baby?" I ask carefully, hoping to calm his nerves.

He sits next to me, sighing deeply. He rubs his face with one hand before facing me. I look at him expectantly, waiting for him to yell at me again. 

This time, however, he pulls me into a hug. 

"Baby girl, I'm sorry for yelling at you," he mumbles, kissing my collarbone. I don't reply; instead, I focus on the warmth of his body on mine. 

"Niesha, I'm sorry baby," he continues, pecking my cheek. I pull away from the hug, looking down.

"Why didn't you give me a chance to explain myself?" I whisper. He looks down, regretful of his earlier actions.

"To be honest, I was jealous that you told Dev before you told me. I can't stand the thought of any one seeing your beautiful body other than me," he replies, running a hand down my side. His hand hovers over my stomach, and he looks at me, brown eyes shining as the sun's scintillating rays shine in from the window. 

"I didn't mean anything that I said. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, babe. I'm so happy that you're with me," he says. He leans down, kissing my stomach. "And I'm happy that you're carrying the most important thing in my life, after you of course," he finishes with a wink. I roll my eyes, slapping him in the chest. 

He grabs my hands, kissing each knuckle softly. "Do you forgive me?"

I nod, smiling. His face breaks into a wide smile, and he pulls me in for a passionate kiss. His hands start to roam my body when I pull away.

"No funny business, baby. We need to prepare for one before we start on another."

Cam pouts as I stand up, swaying my hips as I walk into the kitchen. I laugh as I hear him shout from the living room.

"Why do you have to turn me on like this?"


Hello Niesha {NieeNiee}! I hope you liked your imagine! I'm sorry that it's up so late, but I have tons of requests that I have to get to! 

Thanks so much for reading! :0)

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