Chapter 4: well then

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Imagine being alone your whole life, by choice, and then waking up next to two men that looked like they came down from heaven. Yeah, I now know what that feels like.

When I woke up the next morning I was surrounded by heat. I moaned at how good it all felt. I wrapped the blanket tighter around me and suggled in to someone. Wait what. I open my eyes and find myself face to face with john's chest. I look behind me and found Lucas laying in what looks to be the most uncomfortable position I've ever seen. 

Well then. 

I try to get up by both of them reach a hand out and pull me back down. I giggle, but inwardly gasp at the light sparks both of there touches ignite on my skin. And judging by how johns eyes flew open instantly, I knew he felt it. I heard an autablie gasp from Lucas behind me. 


I though the Sparks are only supposed to happen with your mate... I put on a smile and shrug it off. I'll ponder on this later.

"Come on guys, I really, really, really need to pee!" I whine and hold back a snicker as I'm shoved out of the bed and towards the bathroom. "That's what I thought." I say triumphantly as I march into the bathroom. 

One look at myself in the mirror and I burst out laughing. My hair was a mess and I was wearing my clothes from yesterday. I was still half asleep and I looked like a frocking zombie.

After finding a cheap plastic comb, I manage to tame my hair before I wash my face. I come out of the bathroom ready to go on a great adventure in search for coffee, when I trip over a familiar fuzzy dog. 

Lucky lifts his head lazily before setting it back down. I managed to twist my ankle because of the little bastard and he doesn't even have the decency to keep his head up for four seconds. I rub behind his ears before standing up and limping to the kitchen. "Good morning to you too." I grumble as I manage to reach the cabinets, still alittle pissed about my ankle.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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