Chapter 7- The Party

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When I got home, I threw myself onto my bed and stared blankly up at the ceiling. Dress shopping really takes it out of you.

I'd invited Jack to the party. I was going to the party with him. My head was spinning. How the hell did that even happen?

I had an hour to get ready before Jack would come by to pick me up.

I put on my new light blue, denim dress, braided my hair, and carefully applied my makeup. Then, after about 40 minutes of getting ready, I looked in the mirror at myself.

"Wonder what Jack'll think... Stop it Elsa! It doesn't matter... You're just going with him, to help him out. As a friend... Right?"


I almost jumped out of my skin; I turned around to find Anna giggling in the doorway. Somehow in the process, I'd managed to knock over my makeup bag, so I crouched down to scoop up the pieces.

"Anna! You almost scared me to death! And- hey what do you mean 'wrong'?!"

"I mean you're wrong. You're not the dressing up kind of girl yet you're wearing a beautiful dress, with makeup on, and jewelry! Even I don't wear jewelry. Trust me, you want to be more than friends." Anna giggled before skipping off down the hallway.

'Maybe she's right' I thought to myself. But it didn't matter what I wanted; I couldn't be selfish. Jack needed help from a friend, not a girlfriend.

About five minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I was about to head downstairs to go and get it but Anna was obviously going to get there first.

"I'll get it!" She called.

Uh oh.

"Hi, is Elsa here?" Jack nervously asked.

"Yup she's just upstairs. Wow you really are gorgeous-"

"Anna? Is it for me?" I yelled downstairs, desperate to shut my sister up.

"Yeah!" She called back up to me.

I quickly ran downstairs and headed to the door, before relieving Anna from her post.

Jack smirked at me. "So you think I'm gorgeous?"

"Well... technically I said cute." I said grabbing my coat off the hook.

"You uh... You look amazing, by the way." He looked down at his shoes as I stepped out the door.

"Oh- thanks." I smiled, blushing.

It was only a five minute drive to Flynn's house. When we finally arrived, we found the place was overflowing with sound. Music blasting from every corner; the lively chatter of (slightly drunk) teenagers; and people cheering as (even more) teenagers got tossed into the huge pool.

"Woah." I looked over at Jack and he seemed a little restless. This must have been the first party he'd been to in years, of course he'd be nervous. Duh, Elsa!

"Are you uh... are you gonna be okay?" I asked quietly.

Suddenly he caught his breath again, realizing he'd stopped breathing. "Yeah... yeah I'll be fine. But don't leave me by myself!"

His eyes were pleading. Whether he was aware of that I wasn't sure. Why are boys so unreadable?

"I won't... I promise." I smiled at him and he relaxed a little.

As soon as we walked into the party, people from different angles turned to look at us. And it really pissed me off.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer!" I yelled. That shut them up. I guess people here appreciate confidence.

"Thanks." Jack muttered with a smile.

"It's okay." Gently, I took his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Jack looked from our intertwined hands up to my eyes. I could tell he was thankful I was by his side.

Suddenly Merida popped up with her boyfriend Hiccup.

"Elsa there you are! Hey Jack?" She smiled at him amazed that he actually came.

"Hey, Merida." Jack replied, sounding a little guilty. They both seemed to pick up on this.

"Jack... You don't have to be sorry about the past few years. We understand you've had a lot to deal with." Hiccup said.

"I know but it wasn't any excuse to shut you all out of my life, when all you were trying to do was be there for me... I'm sure you've all had your own stuff to deal with too." He replied rather awkwardly.

"Well sure we have, but nothing anywhere near as hard as what you've had to go through. Grief is a powerful thing." Merida chimed in.

"So, you... you forgive me?" He shifted nervously on his feet.

"Of course!" They said in unison.

Jack smiled at them both. "Thanks, guys. It... it means a lot." Then he looked at me and smiled even bigger. I could feel myself blushing.

Then Hiccup cleared his throat, after looking at our linked hands. "Hey, Merida, maybe we should go for a walk... or something."

Merida looked from Hiccup down to our hands, and seemed to understand some unspoken signal. She agreed with Hiccup, and with that they left.

Jack looked down at our hands, apparently oblivious to the fact that they'd been linked the whole time. Suddenly he pulled away, uncomfortable with what was happening, all so quickly.

"I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have, I mean, this can't-"

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Someone yelled.

I looked back to where the voice had come from, and saw something that made my heart jolt in my chest. It had started to snow, inside. And I sure as heck wasn't the one doing it. It was Jack.

"Okay Jack, you have to-" I turned back to find nobody there.

He ran away.


A/N: Hey!

Oooooh, where'd he said go? :O

Sorry for the SLOW (and kinda short) update I'd sort of forgotten all about this fanfiction... Oops!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2015 ⏰

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