Prolouge: Liss

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"Stupid brother, stupid dad. Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I mutter looking down at the letter from my dad.

Carter had just made a draft into the NFL, Giants wanted him. For good reason, he's a great quarterback. My dad is in his glory! His prize boy is making him proud.

To hell with it all.

I'm Alyssa-call me that and I'll rip your throat out-Swagger. What can I tell you about myself? I'm not Carter! Carter was the marking where everything else is held to, I've always come up short. Being an all state rugby superstar wasn't good enough, being a straight A student wasn't good enough. I was never Carter.

"That accent of yours gets a whole lot thicker when you're mad." My roommate, Luca says.

I say roommate because that's all he is. Everyone thinks we're together, we aren't even close. We like the same gender. Luca is cool about it though and makes jokes about it.

The accent he was referring to was a New York accent, though I didn't live there long. After my mom died, dad wanted as far away from the state as possible. Every time we could've moved we did, we lived in Germany for a little while as well. My New Yorker stuck where ever we went, like a crappy old tattoo. I love it, don't get me wrong but they look at you kinda funny while living in Germany with that accent.

"I'm not mad, I'm pissed." I admit and he laughs.

"I don't understand how you can't like your brother. He's cute!" Luca drags out the cute. "And he's got those pretty green eyes of yours."

I do have green eyes, I'm not sure how pretty they are though. I have long black hair along red ends. My hair usually hides under my mom's old, beaten up Yankees cap, the last thing I have of her. There's a small rip on the edge of the beak and the blue is faded, I wouldn't have it any other way though.

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