Chapter Twenty Nine: Andy

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I make a break for the touch down when I hear "Go Andy Pooh!" Only one person has ever called me that, I turn and my eyes got big as I take a blow to the side sending me sideways on my arm, I gasp as pain comes.
I hold in a scream as coach Bayard comes my way "Andy! Are you okay?!" He yelled and I nodded "First down, we are going for it!" I yelled. He sighed and ran back to the side, I got in position as Zack bent down in front of me, when he threw me the ball I passed to Jericho -Daryl Jericho a big black guy- and he ran it, touchdown I yelled and clapped his back when he came back.
We went to the fifty yard line, and same position, Zack threw me the ball and I threw it to Jake -number 57- and ran down the side, I went to catch it when Sylvania's quarterback grabbed my face mask and pulled me down I heard yells from our side, and C.C. yell "Oh you fucker!" And I saw him trying to climb the fence, Bret, Rikki, and Bobby got him off of it.
The referee "Clean tackle!" He yelled, I saw coach Bayard's face get red as he yelled at him and I went over "I saw a clean tackle!" He yelled back and ran off. I narrowed my eyes "Sexist bastard" I mumbled, and coach gave us a plan.
I was thrown the ball and I ran down the side, jumping over Sylvania number 70 and was tackled mid air and brought down my helmet hard to the grass, I got up and pushed their player to ground "Unsportman-like conduct number 40!" Was yelled, I threw my hands in the air and went to coach, Lissa waved I waved a little back and a idea came I smiled "I got a plan" I said.
We went on the field and Zack shook his head yelling "Hut!" I acted like I was gonna throw to 57 but hit the referee in the balls, I heard shouts from the crowd and saw Bret, Rikki, C.C. and Bobby yelling, Lissa's mouth was open so was Luca's.
As hard as I threw it, he wasn't going to be so romantic this weekend.
Zack laughed as we all stood around coach and said "He was like "Oh My Balls!"' We laughed as he held his privates, and I laughed with Coach "Okay, now we know who has balls out there!" He laughed, I grinned at my Burt Reynolds look a like of a coach and he patted my back as we huddled up.
"Hey" I said, they all looked at me "Remember that lay on Valley head? Our P.E B.S play?" Jericho laughed "Yeah Andy, why?" I grinned at him, number 92, I nodded "Lets pull some Phys Ed Bullshit" I said, we nodded at the other "And.. break!" We clapped I put my mouth piece in and my helmet on.
I blew out a breath and got into position as Zack threw me the ball, I ran with it and passed it to Jericho, who passed it to Zack, who passed it to Jake, who passed it to Martin, and i stood at the first yard line, he threw it i caught it as I jumped in the air, and Sylvania's running back hit me in the side sending me flying....
Right into the touchdown zone.
Final score 40-46 I laid on my arm and couldn't move it, fuck me.
I got up and coach came over "Need a sling?" He asked, I nodded after he put me in a sling I stood up and my boys and Liss came onto the field, I hugged them all and searched for C.C. he held his arms open and I ran to him, right into his arms with my face buried in his chest.
His arms wrapped around me, and I kissed him, my team mates whistled and I flipped them off "Damn. Your hot in uniform." I laughed at him and he said "I can't believe you have no head damage after your helmet came off" he said, I nodded remembering the beginning of the game.
"I love you" he said, kissing my forehead I smiled and said "Ditto" making him laugh as someone cleared their throat.
"Andy Pooh!" He yelled, all color drained from my face as I stared at my father, Drake Cortez, a retired lawyer and his stepwife Martha Cortez in her thirty's and married to a fifty year old.
I turned red and started towards my dad.

"How long do we hold her back?!" Bobby yelled, and Lissa huffed "Until she quits trying to kill her father!" She snapped, and C.C. grabbed a hold of my shoulders "Baby calm down!" He yelled as coach came over I yelled "I am calm! Now let me beat this son of a bitch who claims to be my father!"
Coach Bayard moved C.C. and stared me in the eyes "Andy. Its okay" he said, and rubbed my shoulders "He's changed!"
"No one like him changes Kyle!" I yelled as Zack, Jericho, Martin, and Jake came over calming me down. I miss my players.
C.C. came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders "Baby... just listen to him" he whispered, and I looked up at Drake as he sat down beside me on the bleachers "Andrea-"
He sighed "Andy. I'm sorry. I wasn't there then, but I am now I shouldn't of treated you like that" he said, I shook my head "Your always gonna be a ass!" I snapped and got up "Drinks at Ol' Tymers are on me!" I yelled, yanking C.C. with me for the after party.
Lord knows I gonna need the drinks.

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