Chapter Thirty One: Andy

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I stared at the little box as I stood in the bathroom, fuck, fuck fuck fuck, fuck I thought and bit my lip as C.C. knocked on the hotel bathroom door "Andy? Are you okay?" He asked, I quickly threw the box in the trash and covered it up, I grabbed the test and stuck it in my boot, I went out and smiled "Everything is good" I said, and walked out.
My stomach made me feel like I am going to puke, and we are going to my daddy's house today, C.C. said I needed to try and the others will be there to help me through it, I just hope I don't start a war.
I didn't even know C.C. had came up behind me and put his arms around me, kissing my neck "Andy, are you okay?" He asked, I nodded and smiled "Yeah, I need to get ready" I said, he smiled "How do I need to dress?"
I laughed "Like you usually do... you will see why when we get there" my dad might be a lawyer, but if he still acts like he used to...

"Fire!" Boom! I jumped as we came up in the front yard, and C.C. jumped a little "What the hell was that?" He asked, I snorted "My dads 12. Gage" I said, and walked up and knocked on the door to the small house.
My childhood home, big backyard, a fourwheeler and my dirt bike, dads motorcycle, a big pool in the backyard, I sighed as Martha answered she wore jeans and a low cut shirt "Andrea! Come on in, you guys, Andy, Drake is in the backyard." And from the sound of it so is my cousins.
As I walked into the living room I held my head as a memory came back.
"Mommy!" A five year old me yelled and jumped into my moms arms, my dad had been chasing me around and my mom held me shaking her head at Drake "Do you have to scare our daughter?"
My dad laughed and grabbed me, he set me on his shoulders and ran through the house.
I shook my head and smiled as we went into the backyard, we spooked like a sight, me dressed in Daisy Duke's a The Who shirt and combat boot, C.C. in ripped blue jeans, a black shirt, and tennis shoes with a hat on, oh yes stunning couple here.
Rikki and Lissa followed as did the others and we stood on the tall back porch, I looked off and saw my cousins, coach Bayard, and my dad shooting at a fake deer. I sighed "Things never change" I said, and my dad shot a 22 making Bret his behind Bobby I laughed and my dad turns towards us.
He had a beard now and mustache, his hair hung to his neck, it was salt and pepper colored, he was dressed in camouflage, and grinned at us "Decided to come?" He shouted, I nodded.
"One chance."
He nodded "Well, I was thinking" he said "Me, Bayard, Rory, Kayden, and Bo take them four hunting, and the rest of you stay here and get the sides for dinner ready?" He said, I leaned on the side of the tall back porch and yelled "I think they can handle it!" Bret, Rikki, C.C., and Bobby looked at me as if I had seven heads.
"Well, let's get them in camouflage then."


I wore camouflage boots, jeans, shirt, jacket and hat,I was given a 7m mag "Alright boy" Kyle Bayard said, I looked and saw Andy watching me from the porch "Look into the scope...see the middle?" I nodded "Aim behind the deer's shoulder...take off the safety...and shoot" he said, I did as I was told...
And shot the deer right behind the shoulder, Andy, Lissa, and the guys cheered, Drake chuckled "Not bad for a first timer" he said and spit on the ground, after the other guys had their turn we started into the woods behind their house, I blew a kiss to Andy and followed her cousins, coach, and dad to my doom...with three idiots following me.
We walked the trail and after Bret and Bobby tripped a few times we four and Drake we're put side by side. Drake looked at me as he gave me some shells "Do you love me daughter?" He whispered, as we got situated, I nodded "I do."
"Would you put her life before yours?"
"Yes sir."
He nodded "Prove you can hunt, and I know you will be perfect for my Pooh Bear" he said. I sighed no pressure at all rights there, I thought sarcastically.
What seems like a hour later, I heard something gobble, and saw something move at the bottom of the hill. I raised my scope up and looked down and saw a feathery...thing...a Turkey?
I put the dot on it and clicked off the safety...I took the shot.


He helped Martha cut up tomatoes, and lettuce for salads, and Luca turned on some music John Denver played, and Lissa laughed as he started to dance, she was fixing baked beans, and after we put that in the oven and the salad fixing in the refrigerator Martha got out the stuff for a cake.
"Chocolate, or chocolate" she laughed and I got the mixer out along with a bowl, she smiled "Andy I am truly sorry for-" I held my hand up.
"Your not the one who needs to apologize" I said, she nodded and the back door opened "Marty!" Drake called for Martha "Look at what this city slicker killed!" We ran out the back and i thought he was talking about Rikki or Bobby...
But, there stood my short blond boy holding a turkey with blood onhis face and clothes, he grinned "Got the bastard early for Thanksgiving!" He said, I laughed and said "Come up here" he handed the Turkey to Rory, and I kissed him "You are something" I whispered and he smiled.
"Now boy" dad said "You gotta pluck him."
C.C. looked horrified as he went down and under the porch where my dad skins his deer and plucks his Turkey.
"That was... cool and awful" C.C. said, I sat on the bathroom basin in the hall as he cleaned himself up, he was putting his regular clothes on and I smiled "Im proud of you" I said, and sighed "Now we eat your Turkey."
"Hey! I named his Sherman!" He said, I laughed and he came in between my legs and kissed me "We gotta go eat" I said, and he held my hips to where I couldn't get down "They can wait a few minutes!" He said.
As he lifted my short up kissing me and he reached for jeans he leaned me back on the sink, and he grinned.
After a short and sexy ahem, sexsion, we came out and saw Rory, Bo, and Kayde laughing "Getting loud Andy" Bo said and I stomped my foot at the seventeen hear old, then Rory -nineteen- and Kayden the twenty three year old they ran off, they were brothers and a pain in my ass.
C.C. wrapped his arms around me as we went into the dining room and the food was laid out me and C.C. sat beside Rikki and Liss and my dad cleared his throat "Since C.C. shot our dinner, he should say the prayer."
After we grabbed each others hands and C.C. said the prayer we ate, and dad tried grabbing the cake, Martha smacked his hand away.
When we were all done me and dad sat on the back porch watching everyone else pay horseshoes in the backyard, he sighed "Andy I'm sorry" he said "I shouldn't of done that to you" he said, I sighed.
"I forgive you. But, I won't forget."
He nodded then "Andy...I'm dying" I dropped my glass and it scattered as everyone looked at me.

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