Chapter Fifteen: Andy

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I can't take it no more between the constant fights of Carter and Lissa, then Carter flirting with me-and I being with C.C. thought my short blond boy was gonna murder him- so I was worried, and Luca acting jealous I decided to try living with Rikki, if this goes Good...or not.... maybe.
"Do whatever I don't care" Rikki said, I smiled and threw my bag into my room laying on the bed, and closing my eyes.
Only to be woke up at Eight o'clock to screams and moans from his room. My eyes flicked open and I beat on the wall "Can you two stop fucking for once?! I'm trying to sleep!" It just got louder, I groaned "This is so not going to work."
I went to the hallway phone and dialed the only person left, C.C. I was so not living with Bret or Bobby.
"Hello?" His tired voice rang, I sighed "C.C."
He perked up "Andy! What wrong you okay?" He asked, I sighed "Can I please spend the night with you?" I asked, he said "Sure. Where ya at?"
I left a note to Rikki, tapeing it on his door holding he will see, I grabbed my bags and went downstairs I shot out the door and to his driveway as a red mustang pulled up, the window rolled down to reveal my blonde boy "Hey baby, need a lift?"
"I swear if you say put a Jack under your ass we are threw" I warned throwing my stuff in the back, I got up front and he grinned "Wouldn't think of it" he said and drove with one hand on the steering wheel, his arm across the back of the seat "Why did you decide to live with Rikki?"
"I was afraid you were about to kill Lissa's brother" I admired, and laughed "I was about to go crazy ass bitch quarterback on his ass" he laughed, and trailed his hand down my hair landing on my shoulder "Why call me?"
"Liss and Rikki were getting it on... I couldn't go back to sleep."
He laughed and pulled up at his white house, I got out and he grabbed my bags as we went inside and up his stairs he set them in a room, he grabbed my hands "Stay as long as you like" he said, and kissed my cheek, he went out leaving me privacy, and I changed into a Eeyore shirt it said Eeyore University and 62 on the sleeve -Sue me I love Winnie the Pooh- and some shorts.
I couldn't sleep I tossed and turned, then stared up at the ceiling, I went in search of C.C.'s room. I walked into the master bedroom, and saw the walls was pink, a four poster bed in the middle of the room with lime green comforter set, a black dresser, and open closet with clothes thrown everywhere.
I made way to the bed and tapped his shoulder, he woke up "Whats wrong?" His voice was hoarse. I smiled "Can I sleep in here with you? Im kinda scared of sleeping alone..." I trailed off, and he patted the bed next to him, I got under the covers and rested my head on a pillow as his arms wrapped around me.
"Good night Andy" he whispered, I yawned "Night C.C."


I woke up with Andy on my arm and smiked moving hair from her face, she rolled into my chest, and i grinned snuggling my head into her hair, it was short now and i liked it that way.
Beautiful inside and out, my angel.
All thoughts got ruined as my front door got busted down, my only thought was oh shit as i heard Liss' voice.

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