Chapter Thirteen: Andy

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Me and Luca sat on the couch watching Tom and Jerry when Rikki comes in and gives Liss a kiss I pretend to puke and Lucca wolf whistles, they glare.
Rikki puts a big box in my lap and sits in a chair bringing Lissa down on his lap, I look at him "What is this?" He laughs.
"Open and see."
I opened it and saw the Teddy bear that I saw in the mall, he smiled "You admired it, so I wanted you to have it."
I smiled "How much did this cost?" I asked.
"Don't worry, Andy hun" he said, I smiled and went over I kissed his cheek as Lissa laughed her ass off his face turned red "Uh, welcome shortie."
I smiled as a knock sounded on the door I went over and opened it to C.C. standing there "I couldn't help it I felt so shitty" he ehispered, his hair wss worse then ever.
Lissa stood up and brought out a switch blade, C.C crouched down "Please! I didn't know she was under age I feel shitty!"
Lissa looked like she was proud she made him scared, I went over and helped him up, then smacked him "Thats for being a dickhead!" I yelled and Lissa and Rikki died laughing.
Then I helped him back up and hugged him his arms coming around me, then Luca hugged him, then liss hugged me and then Rikki wrapped his arms around us.
When they quit hugging C.C smirked "You are not the only one scared of your girlfriend!" He Said, we laughed.
Soon, Lissa and Rikki we're in a heated make out session and I thought I was gonna puke, so I went to Liss' room and changed into some Daisy dukes and a Cheap Trick shirt I heard "Fuck!" And someone ran into something, I turned and saw C.C. running into her door that was now closed, I laughed.
His face was red "I'm so sorry, and uh I kinda like you a lot" he said quickly and walked back into the door as he went to open it I said "Hey! Wait you fucker!" He looked back at me and I smiled "I kinda like you" I said, ad hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me.
I heard laughing and saw Liss at the door, Rikki stood behind her laughing "What in the Fuck are you doing?" She asked, C.C. shuffled around a little "Hey, uh I like Andy..." he trailed off, Miss crossed her arms and leaned in the door frame as if challenging him, C.C. sighed "I like her, a lot. I n-never meant to hurt her Lissa, seriously. She beautiful" he trailed his hand down my face and smiled.
Lissa looked skeptical but nodded with a smile "Hurt her, I'm chopping your balls off" she warned, C.C. jerked and I laughed as we went out of the room.
As Liss goes out the door to practice for Rugby she yelled "See ya on the flip side ladies!" Rikki, C.C. and Luca flipped her off I was too into Scooby Doo to move.
"Her birthday is days away" Luca said, I snapped my head up "When?"
"The second of April" he said, I grinned "This is how I can repay her for everything. Im gonna throw her a surprise party!" I yelled, the guys cocked their heads at me, I sighed "I feel like I need to... she has done so much" I said.
Rikki smiled "Use my place. We will help you decorate" he said, C.C. winced "Don't invite Bobby...she'd kill him cause he did worse than me" his gaze locked on mine I blushed and looked away as Luca laughed.
"Football star meets Rock star. Damn that's hot."
We all looked at Luca who grinned "What?" I sighed "Luca, you need a date."
He frowned "Anyone but Bret, he doesn't look that big" at that point I was drinking some wine, and I spirit all over Rikki and C.C.

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