Jin - In the Rain

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Requested by: @RAYEXO :D Thank you for requesting! I hope you like it~ Sorry for making you wait so long...

You are Avy in this one!

Jin - In the Rain

The sky was dark with clouds and you could hear the pattering of rain from outside. You straightened out your papers and slid them neatly in your folder before grabbing your bag. The day was finally over and you could go home, relax, and just do nothing. You had finished all your grading already so you had a nice weekend ahead of you.

As you walked out of your class and locked the door, a light caught your eye. Down the hall, to the right, was another classroom. Its lights were on. You furrowed your eyebrows and started walking down the hall. You were sure that you were the only one left in the building, aside from the night guards and the janitors who'd already come to this area to clean up.

As you neared the class, you could hear hushed whispers and excited giggles. The gears in your mind turned and you tightened your grip on your bag. 'Why I swear, if those darned kids are messing around I'm going to--"

You slammed the door open, ready to scold the hormonal couple, but stopped when you saw a group of students gathered in a circle on the floor. There was a candle in the middle and you pursed your lips.

"What do you think you're doing?" You narrowed your eyes, trying your hardest to seem like an intimidating adult when really, you weren't that much older than the students. You were, however, much smarter than them.

"Oh, Miss Avy!" A boy chirped. You recognized him from your homeroom and frowned.

"Seokjin. Care to explain why you and your friends are on school property long after hours?" You crossed your arms sternly over your chest and raised your eyebrow, your bag still held tightly in your hand.

"We were trying to talk to the spirit of a girl who supposedly killed herself here," he replied. You took a moment to process his words before shivering slightly.

"Well looks your conversation has been cut short. All of you, go home now." When the students looked like they were going to protest, you glared at them. "Now."

They scrambled to grab their belongings and hurried out of the room, laughing as they all headed home. Seokjin was left in the class and he was just blowing out the candle. You tapped your foot impatiently on the floor.

Seokjin grabbed his own school bag and turned to you with an impish smile on his face. "Shall we get going now, noona?"

You sighed and let him exit the room first before locking it as well. "You were supposed to go home first, you know. Your brother is probably worried by now." Right as you mentioned him, your phone began to ring. You fished your phone from your bag and pressed ACCEPT CALL.

"Yeoboseyo?" You massaged the bridge of your nose. You heard your fiancé's worried tone and sighed again. "He's right here with me. He decided to hang out at the school with me. Everything's okay, I'll bring him home." You listened to him thank you multiple times before ending the call.

Seokjin had his head down, and his fists were clenched tightly. You patted his shoulder and began to walk. It was only when you got to the end of the hall and turned when you realized that he hadn't been walking beside you. He stood still, feet rooted to the spot where he was before.

"Seokjin-ah? Come on! We have to go!" You received no response. You groaned in exasperation and went back to where he was. His entire body was tense and he continued to stare at the ground. "Jin?"

He shook his head and looked at you. His eyes were burning with emotion and you almost shivered at the intensity of his gaze.

"Noona...do you have to marry my hyung?" He whispered almost silently. You pursed your lips and titled your head.

"What is this all about? I do want to marry him, I love him, Seokjin," you said, hoping that would ease the tension. But it only seemed to make it worse.

"Why?" His tone was that of complete anguish and desperation. He took a step towards you and you stepped back. "Why him? Why not me?"

At that moment, everything made sense. Why Seokjin always followed you around like a puppy, why he seemed so much happier with you, why he was always so eager to make you smile. And why he seemed so sad when it was announced that you were engaged to his brother.

You gasped and reached for him, but he shied away from your touch. "Oh, Jin. I'm so sorry, I didn't kn--"

"Of course you didn't know. But if you did, would it have made made a difference? Would you have chosen me over hyung?" You bit your lip. You didn't answer because you knew that you loved both of them and that would only complicate things further. Unfortunately, Seokjin didn't.

"I knew it, I never had a chance. Hyung was always the lucky one." He laughed bitterly and turned to run. Before you knew it, he was dashing down the hall and you were running after him. Thunder crashed outside and you inwardly groaned. You didn't have an umbrella and you were sure Seokjin didn't either.

You cursed as you started to fall behind and kicked off your heels. You gained speed and chased him. He ran through the main doors and out into the pouring rain.

You followed him out and squinted. You could barely make out his figure ahead of you and began to go after him again. "Seokjin!" You called out. You could see that he turned at the sound of your voice, but then he began to run again.

You cursed colorfully and ran after him. Your clothes were soaked and your hair was dripping, plus you were freezing cold and barefooted. Yet, you still ran after Seokjin. There was something you needed to tell him, something he needed to understand.

You felt a dip and then rough ground met your feet. You froze and turned your head to see a bright light speeding towards you. You turned your head again to see Seokjin on the other side of the road just as a tremendous force hit your body.


He ran over to your lifeless body in the middle of the road. The car stopped and its worried drivers stepped out. Seokjin fell to his knees and gathered you in his arms.

"N-no...no, no! Please!!! Someone call an ambulance, hurry!" He begged. You shifted slightly in his arms and he held you tighter. "Avy? Hey, it's okay. You're gonna be okay. Please, just stay awake, alright? Focus on my voice." He moved the hair away from your face and took a shuddering breath.

Even though the rain was washing away the blood, he could still see the bleeding gash on the side of your head. You winced and swallowed the blood pooling in your mouth.

"S-Seokjin...I'm sorry," your voice cracked and a single tear slipped out of your eye, blending in with the rain.

"Avy, you have nothing to be sorry for. Don't say that. Keep your eyes open. Please...stay awake," Seokjin sobbed out. You shook your head and took a breath. You swallowed again and took a moment to gather your thoughts.

"I love you, Jin." You looked at him tearfully. He moved your hair aside again and cupped your face. His cold lips pressed against your forehead in a lingering kiss and you smiled gently. Then you closed your eyes forever.

Heavy sobs racked through Seokjin as he cradled your body. In the distance, he could hear the siren of an ambulance. He looked at you, the peaceful expression and the hint of a smile on your face, and bent down to kiss you again. This time, it was a soft kiss on your lips.

Seokjin looked up at the sky that was covered with dark clouds. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled, rain poured down all around him. He let the rain wash away his tears, but it couldn't wash away his guilt.

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Avy. This was my fault," he whispered and looked down at your pale face again. "I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..." he repeated over and over, even as the ambulance took you away.

He sat still and looked up at the dark sky once again. "I love you, Avy."


Ahaha...I don't think that was angsty but... *shrug* I've been having pretty terrible writer's block and this is what I came up with. Hope ya liked it ^^ Feel free to correct, comment, vote, and share!


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