chapter 5

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White flashes again and has me traveling to a later time after the mental hospital

I'm in high school now, yet I don't feel aware of it. All I see are strangers talking in groups, others walking to their classes and that one kid who always seems like a ninja rushing with his heavy backpack on. High school is way different than middle school and this is also where everything got worse for me. Anxiety, broken heart, depression, being suicidal for the first time, setting a bad example for my close friend rick, skipping class, and not giving a hoot about school. Why am I here, is death so messed up that it wants to have me go through this pain again. I hated my life, hated it with a passion. Everything seemed as though it would be fine without my existence but my friend lily thought otherwise. She was also my closest friend. "Good morning" she said cheerfully with a grin on her face, "fix your glasses, they're about to fall off" i replied. She was a cute shy girl with brown caramel short hair, she looked perfect from my perspective but she considers herself below average than most girls. "Can you fix them for me?"she asks with a shy voice. After taking a second to adjust them she starts to blush. "Thank you" she says while giving me a warm, big hug. Everything was the same, except i always had to deal with being around lily throughout school. As the hugging ends I stare at her beautiful captivating blue eyes and think to myself "how can I have a shitty life when I have her in it"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2015 ⏰

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