Chapter 13 & 14: At Shay'Lenes' House & What About The Kids?

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Charlez* crawling towards shay'lene's doorstep and punched the door*

Shay:*opens the door*

Char:Your deed is done master *rolls over dead*

Shay:I knew you'd come crawling back to me. Well atleast you followed my directions to kill Bryanna, Jada's most prized possesion.. For that i shall spare your miserable, sad, and dull life. *drags him into the house*

Chapter 14

(Back over to the hospital)

Jada: Wait! I just remebered! what are we gonna do with Charlez kids??


Ram: Yep.. by his ex girlfriend

Brit: Who is her?

Ram:No Bae BRIT! i dont want to talk about it.

Jada: well damn..

Brit: Did you just call me bae?

Ram:*face lit up like a christmas tree then walks out the room*

Jada*whispers* I thought he liked me..

Brit:So did i...

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